Anti Somali xenophobia is very normalized

It’s madows who have always othered Somalis and have never ever seen us as Black. Long before tiktok or any other social media app. They are the first to highlight our ethnicity when one of us does something wrong and distance themselves.

Cadaan racists diss everyone online. Why is this Nigerian xoolo spreading this qashin on his massive platform and laughing along?

Imagine Chunkz reacting to one of the many anti Nigerian videos online?

In an ideal world, I agree that using the madow card offers protection. However, this was never available to us even if we all wanted it. The sooner madow identifying Somalis realise this, the better.

Not to drag on but let me give you an example. There were huge anti government protests in Kenya by Gen Zs. Their motto was…tribeless and they claimed to be for all Kenyans.

Some Somali Gen Zs joined in and naively believed the tribeless nonsense. They started insulting Somali leaders from NFD including the most prominent, Minister of Defence Duale. They joined in with Kenyans who would often use coded language to attack Duale and other Somali politicians. Ruto replaced his cabinet and moved Duale to a far less important ministry. Ruto then brought in leaders from the other Kenyan tribes and nominated them for important ministries. Immediately, most of the protests died down.

The so called tribeless Gen Z left the streets as soon as their uncles were rewarded while the doqon Somali Gen Z were left with nothing.

Somalis need to realise that these people will always see us as outsiders.
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Internet Nomad

if you play the victim card it’s not going to do much unfortunately
The thing is we live in a victim oriented society so we gotta play that card. This helps a lot as it can give minorities a lot of social capital. Imagine a society where we weren’t in a victim oriented society we would have to beg for respect from cadaans. We just gotta make sure we don’t get a victim mindset. Basically use the tools at hand but don’t adopt the mindset.


It’s only black people.

That’s what my experience has been in real life. Not all black people, but somali hate is very rare except from them.
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I'm laughing at how envious this specific commenter is... like I have 3c hair myself but most my extended fam got timo hindi, it isn't rare at all.

Tell a madow or cadaan that most Somalis don’t look they way they stereotype us to look and watch them chimp out and seethe .

They already do this anytime a good looking somali comes on their fyp. They Harass them to the point an average person whose never met a Somali might believe them

It all comes down to wanting to dehumanise us


It reminds me of those psychological experiments from the 20th century like the Stanford Prison and Pavlov experiments.

They want to condition people including us into thinking that we look a certain, unattractive way and anyone who deviates from that, must be mixed. They want us to disbelieve our own eyes.

I sometimes feel like I am witnessing a live experiment on human behaviour when I see those comments.

It reminds me of those psychological experiments from the 20th century like the Stanford Prison and Pavlov experiments.

They want to condition people including us into thinking that we look a certain, unattractive way and anyone who deviates from that, must be mixed. They want us to disbelieve our own eyes.

I sometimes feel like I am witnessing a live experiment on human behaviour when I see those comments.
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It reminds me of those psychological experiments from the 20th century like the Stanford Prison and Pavlov experiments.

They want to condition people including us into thinking that we look a certain, unattractive way and anyone who deviates from that, must be mixed. They want us to disbelieve our own eyes.

I sometimes feel like I am witnessing a live experiment on human behaviour when I see those comments.
It’s funny because it not a one of occasion . This has happened multiple times to the point one might ask than why are there so many of them claiming Somali if that’s not what a Somali looks like .

I don’t want to offend anyone but anybody that says it’s online is being dismissive . This an issue we need to fix right here cause if we don’t wallahi it’s gonna get worse and some random faraax down the line might be affected.
I'm in the mood to pocket watch.
@haye haye @_Yusuf_

How much do y'all think yusuf7n is earning?? Before he started cooning I think he was having some success on twitch. He use to post funny clips from his streams on tiktok. If he's earning way less than he did back in the day than this is a massive L for him.

He's been sitting at 1.6k subs for months. Twitch takes half that revenue, he makes 3.8k on subs. Then you have ad revenue which idk how much that is, but as a twitch affliate he has to run a 3 min ad every hour. No clue how much it is for a guy with 277k followers and 1-3k people watching him at a time.

Whatever the profit, it's not worth it. You can tell no one respects him, esp his viewers.
It’s funny because it not a one of occasion . This has happened multiple times to the point one might ask than why are there so many of them claiming Somali if that’s not what a Somali looks like .

I don’t want to offend anyone but anybody that says it’s online is being dismissive . This an issue we need to fix right here cause if we don’t wallahi it’s gonna get worse and some random faraax down the line might be affected.

Humans are like sheep and they love to jump on bandwagons. If we don’t push back, these xoolo will think it’s acceptable and it will spill into real life. Most of us are very confident people but our upcoming generation might not see through these mind games.

I am truly shocked at seeing people that we as Somalis don’t find attractive speaking on our looks. It’s surreal.

We shouldn’t argue back with them about our beautiful looks as we have nothing to prove to those goblins but we should ensure that there are consequences for those spreading hate speech.
Meh. For every insult Somalis get madows get 100x that by others. Almost every single racist meme or video I've seen target madows calling them apes, ugly, stupid whatever. Even Indians get far more hatred than Somalis do. We don't have a large enough presence online and in real life to warrant a pariah status.
Meh. For every insult Somalis get madows get 100x that by others. Almost every single racist meme or video I've seen target madows calling them apes, ugly, stupid whatever. Even Indians get far more hatred than Somalis do. We don't have a large enough presence online and in real life to warrant a pariah status.
There’s a billion Indians and a billion madows. For a relatively small group like us to get a video that has 8 million views talking shit is crazy

Internet Nomad

Meh. For every insult Somalis get madows get 100x that by others. Almost every single racist meme or video I've seen target madows calling them apes, ugly, stupid whatever. Even Indians get far more hatred than Somalis do. We don't have a large enough presence online and in real life to warrant a pariah status.
Your making a classic mistake by looking at total insults per race and not if some races get disproportional hatred for their size.

If you are look at total insults per race then yeah somalis dont have a major problem but if you look how many somalis there are and yet how frequently we get mentioned compared to other races who have similar populations size and they don’t get mentioned as often. You can see that there is a problem.

Internet Nomad

There’s a billion Indians and a billion madows. For a relatively small group like us to get a video that has 8 million views talking shit is crazy
The phrase on tiktok #somalitiktok 196 billion views why does somalis who around 30 million garner engagement that lapses the world population 25 times.
Islamophobia is the strategy with madows. A lot of them hate muslims (especially Christian nigerians) which is crazy considering how much history they have within the Black community.
The problem with this is that the Muslim vs Christian thing in Nigeria is mainly seen as an inter Nigerian issue.

I absolutely agree that a lot of them hate Muslims but outside of Nigeria, most of them focus their anti Muslim hatred onto us and North Africans. They leave the Senegalese, Gambians etc alone in terms of specific hatred towards them.

They might have disagreements on deen but when it comes to racial issues, they will always side together against us even if Somalis are welcoming to Muslim Africans.

This again comes down to us as being viewed different due to our phenotype which they will never admit to. Whenever we mention Islamophobia, they list the other Muslim Africans whom them are cordial with and dismiss it as a reason.

Also, it doesn’t help that when kaffir madows attack us, other Muslim Africans either join in or they stay silent. Compare this to Somalis siding with Muslims against any gaalo groups no matter how close they are to us racially.

Many people are still unaware of the Islamophobia amongst gaalo madows. They’re just as bad as the Hindu extremists but not as known. Maybe once this changes.