Are non practicing/atheists Somalis more nationalistic?

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Citizen of Southwest State
I guarantee you, once we transcend our political differences between tribes and court martial the war criminals, who are living their sedentary lifestyles. Tribalism will be a thing of the past. I hope more free critical thinking will be encouraged. Religiosity begets irrationality, I have a firm stance on this.
Religiosity hinders reason but tribalism encourages it... Yeah, I think I got it now. It finally clicked. Religion is our sole problem, not tribalism or fighting over sand dunes. am I just realizing this? Stay woke.:hemad:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
This whole "Somalinimo" thing is all fine and dandy until you're killed for being from another Somali clan. Yeah...other than that...this "Somalinimo" is pretty cool.:ayaanswag:

Temporary lapse my friend, remember these are the same people who, despite numbering no more than 7 million, made East Africa tremble.



A radical Muslim wants to kill you. A moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to kill you. Alas. this rings true for Somali Atheists. So ''shitting on your own people'' is still relevant and necessary, if a large portion of the Muslims preferably want apostates to be either censored, or even worse killed.. Wallahi some of these Somali atheists are naive. There is nothing wrong with criticizing dogmatic aspects of religion. In fact it should be encouraged, just as the Gaalos did when they broke the chains of Christianity in the 60's.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I been to Brighton and they were not very friendly to dark skinned folk.

You're only safe in London my brother. Don't leave that city if you know what's good for you
Brighton? Figures lol it has a large gay community there so I'm not the least surprised you visited. Quite on the contrary, the people are very friendly, nice beach town, so you failed dismally there, try again.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
A radical Muslim wants to kill you. A moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to kill you. Alas. this rings true for Somali Atheists. So ''shitting on your own people'' is still relevant and necessary, if a large portion of the Muslims preferably want apostates to be either censored, or even worse killed.. Wallahi some of these Somali atheists are naive. There is nothing wrong with criticizing dogmatic aspects of religion. In fact it should be encouraged, just as the Gaalos did when they broke the chains of Christianity in the 60's.
Do you know that Muslims on the most part love Islam more than their mothers, fathers, family?

Good luck criticising this dogmatic faith as you so passionately put it & see how long it takes for Somalis to shun you effectively granting you persona non grata.


Do you know that Muslims on the most part love Islam more than their mothers, fathers, family?

Good luck criticising this dogmatic faith as you so passionately put it & see how long it takes for Somalis to shun you effectively granting you persona non grata.
Who cares about being a persona non grata in Somalia. Do you think I want to set foot on that shithole? :damedamn:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Once Somalia get better best believe it will be a secular liberal country because we the educated diaspora will make sure of it. It's not like men like @Cognitivedissonance will have any influence on a person that's not already on the FBIs watch list.
Hell will freeze over before that happens you fickle minded material girl.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Tell me did you like it when Somalia was controlled by Al Shabab?
No, I prefer it when they're are laying peacefully in their caskets, at their wake as I peek in look in their casket feeling sarcastic, look at them their still sleeping.


Habar Magaadle
Depends on what you 'define' as nationalistic, someone who skips prayer is looked down upon here in the motherland, do you think a murtad will be championed as a nationalist hero? Hiding behind cultural cliche's while secretly wanting the Somali people to become secularized, is something all of these SJW's, ex-Muslims and secular Somalis do, I've always said this and I will say it again, they only make a presence online, they can't even register a blip in the motherland.
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