Are non practicing/atheists Somalis more nationalistic?

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
A radical Muslim wants to kill you. A moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to kill you.

Bro did you get that from white anti Muslim sites or Twitter?

That basically says all Muslims are dangerous then. Including your ayeeyo and my ayeeyo.


Habar Magaadle
I guarantee you, once we transcend our political differences between tribes and court martial the war criminals, who are living their sedentary lifestyles. Tribalism will be a thing of the past. I hope more free critical thinking will be encouraged. Religiosity begets irrationality, I have a firm stance on this.

Being religious begets irrationality? Let me be the first to tell you, your better off panting at your western masters than hoping that you'd live to see a westernized Somalia, the delusion is real on this one.

@Barni, liking this comment that @supz made is akin to saying " Practicing begets irrationality" , when the very core book of your faith (Qur'an) commands you to do so, you are a walking contradiction love, make your mind up and quit the mental gymnastics.
The most nationalistics Pan-Somalis historically have always been Muslim. More precisely Sufis/Shaficis. From the Daraawish to the Somali Youth League. One thing remained their Nationalism was highly driven by their Muslim Faith and they were highly religious people.

BTW You people should read my post about the role of religion in Somalia.

Somali and religion


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I've got no problem with Sufis. Sufis are by and large decent people. Salafists are intolerant and dangerous.
I've got no problem with Sufis. Sufis are by and large decent people. Salafists are intolerant and dangerous.

In Somalia Salafis are a minority no more than 8% but they are powerful and heavily financed.

Salafis are very recent and new. This trend is mostly popular in the west. They view themselves as reformers of Islam. They reject all of the early most knowledgeable scholars and they reject the 4 schools of sunni Islam (madhabs).

The only evil people in these movement are the leaders of them. The average follower is completly oblivious to what the true motives of their sect leaders really are. The ordinary Salafi is really seeking guidance and trying to become a better muslim but being heavily mislead by their Sheikhs etc...

Believe it or back in the day scholars in Somalia used to write books denouncing Salafi/Wahabism.

"Sheikh Al-Qutbi is best known for his Al-Majmu'at al-mubaraka ("The Blessed Collection"), a five-part compilation of polemics that was published in Cairo ca. 1919-1920 (1338). In this work, he launches a literary attack on the Wahhabis, and Ibn Taymiyyah,"
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I regard Salafi/Wahhabis and SJW/Pro-black/Western Somalis to be two opposite sides of the same coin.

They are a minority but they are often the loudest and the most financed people. One getting support from Western institutions and the other getting support from Saudi Arab institutions.

They are both intolerant extremists with the same functions and value formations. They both work to propagate division amongst Somalis.
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Bro did you get that from white anti Muslim sites or Twitter?

That basically says all Muslims are dangerous then. Including your ayeeyo and my ayeeyo.
That catchphrase is probably concocted by a white bigot. I've seen it a few times under various videos about Muslims. Obviously it's generalizing and provocative, otherwise it wouldn't be a popular catchphrase. But I must admit, there is an inkling of truth to it. There are still too many moderate Muslims who wouldn't mind an apostate to be killed.
Being religious begets irrationality? Let me be the first to tell you, your better off panting at your western masters than hoping that you'd live to see a westernized Somalia, the delusion is real on this one.

@Barni, liking this comment that @supz made is akin to saying " Practicing begets irrationality" , when the very core book of your faith (Qur'an) commands you to do so, you are a walking contradiction love, make your mind up and quit the mental gymnastics.
Democracy, free speech and religious freedom are all highly revered in the west... I'm assuming that you are a muslim living in the west? If I was to identify as an atheist in Somalia, I would be killed. Is it not irrational to die because of your beliefs? Please give your objective answer.


Suicidal men adore me.
I doubt that we would be able to dent their social norms and beliefs. Their belief in islam is too strong.

Via education and work we could. People back home have nothing to do than listen to clan elders and sheiks. It's a cycle that needs to be broken.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
look at this @Bielsa is atheist I'm moderate non practicing Muslim and both of us are against interracial marriage. I personally believe in sticking with your own. It seems like religious Somalis are so clouded with the umma and are so determined to hold on to their unrealistic illogical religious beliefs they are okay with intermixing. Isn't that the cause? Let's discuss this.

Though I do agree with you that it's more true that us more secular somalis tend to be more nationlist because we don't subscribe to the fairytale of one ummah or the we are descended from arabs. I'm not in any way shape or form against someone dating/marrying another ethnicity, that I think is up to to the individual because usually it's usually from misogynists who consider somali women to be their property.
Though that is nothing uniquely somali, just to go to every other ethnic forum and you'll see the same shit, ex. white forums, the coli, asian forums and so and so forth crying. "They took our womanz"

Via education and work we could. People back home have nothing to do than listen to clan elders and sheiks. It's a cycle that needs to be broken.

It will be difficult when you're competing with the religious industrial complex and the fatwa valley in the KSA, when they both have the money and headstart decades back.
I'll effort post or make anothert thread about the issue with creating a secular somalia other time.
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Suicidal men adore me.
Though I do agree with you that it's more true that us more secular somalis tend to be more nationlist because we don't subscribe to the fairytale of one ummah or the we are descended from arabs. I'm not in any way shape or form against someone dating/marrying another ethnicity, that I think is up to to the individual because usually it's usually from misogynists who consider somali women to be their property.
Though that is nothing uniquely somali, just to go to every other ethnic forum and you'll see the same shit, ex. white forums, the coli, asian forums and so and so forth crying. "They took our womanz"

It will be difficult when you're competing with the religious industrial complex and the fatwa valley in the KSA, when they both have the money and headstart decades back.
I'll effort post or make anothert thread about the issue with creating a secular somalia other time.

Please do make a thread. I don't see Somalia become secular or even a functioning democratic country in the next 20 years.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Please do make a thread. I don't see Somalia become secular or even a functioning democratic country in the next 20 years.

I will some other time because I still need to some research in regards to it that and I have heavy workload these coming weeks but I'd like to split the subject into three seperate ones, "Somali Democracy","Clan, Nation and State" and "Secular or Wahabism".

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Completed utter BS. Actually the non Muslim Somalis are the reason why we are in this calamity. Alshabab demonize our religion, atheists/ FGM activits show negativity of Somalia, we have people in power who practice non Islamic practices (interest, sale of resources), elders/qabiils who are in constant battle and khat consumers/dealers. All these people are the problem.

That's one heck of a lie, Al Shabab wasn't created as a response to atheism in Somalia. Somali athiest, secular muslims and FGM activist have never been relevant(and unfortunely I might add) in Somalia, they are product of your salafi takfirist which have brought death and destructions wherever they are in power. In the places where they are not in power they separate young and vulnerable from their parents and community sending them off to die with a bombvest on in pointless conflicts.
I will some other time because I still need to some research in regards to it that and I have heavy workload these coming weeks but I'd like to split the subject into three seperate ones, "Somali Democracy","Clan, Nation and State" and "Secular or Wahabism".
All Somalis in back home want roof on their heads and school for their kids and decent hospital. When the country turns to middle class country those types of questions will surface. Right now people claim to convert to Christianity /gay to get to Europe

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
All Somalis in back home want roof on their heads and school for their kids and decent hospital. When the country turns to middle class country those types of questions will surface. Right now people claim to convert to Christianity /gay to get to Europe

You're very much right people act for their interest wether short term or long term within given conditions but these question are vital to the very core of a nation, a functional democracy in which the people interest are in the forefront not the corrupt and powerful, a unified nation* built upon a national identity rather than obscure clan Identity* and secular society in which the beliefs of others are respected*. These are important things not only for the country's rebirth but also for it's future survival.

* A nation is different from the state, a state can have several nations within it and a nation can traverse several states just look at the last World Wars in which there were attempts at unifing the german nations under one singular state.

* A national identity whose job it is to replace old clan identity and it's myths with it's own because each and everyone of these clans will function as if they are their own nations and that creates disunity. The reason being that if a state has many nations it will create antagonism from which conflicts will be born as they don't consider themselves sharing the same interest and to change that we have to create a greater unifying identity in which our interests remain the same, and by interests I obviously mean political ones for our pedantic friends.

* I'm to lazy at the moment because this is a heavy subject but in short by people identifying through their national identity rather ethnic and/or religious identity, the personal beliefs of the average somali won't matter to the somali public.
That's one heck of a lie, Al Shabab wasn't created as a response to atheism in Somalia. Somali athiest, secular muslims and FGM activist have never been relevant(and unfortunely I might add) in Somalia, they are product of your salafi takfirist which have brought death and destructions wherever they are in power. In the places where they are not in power they separate young and vulnerable from their parents and community sending them off to die with a bombvest on in pointless conflicts.

What are you talking about?
look at this @Bielsa is atheist I'm moderate non practicing Muslim and both of us are against interracial marriage. I personally believe in sticking with your own. It seems like religious Somalis are so clouded with the umma and are so determined to hold on to their unrealistic illogical religious beliefs they are okay with intermixing. Isn't that the cause? Let's discuss this.
You just that your a muslim. Then called our religious beliefs illogical? What's up with that?
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