Are Somalis Ethno religous?

So, who are the ancestors to the Somalis? Because using that logic, what you are saying Is our ancestors were not Somali but their descendants are Somali. What kind of logic is that? you the one with 68iq
Asking this question clearly shows your ignorance regarding our people. We don't share common traditions, customs and religion as our ancestors. The meaning of ethnicity is the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition. Using basic logic we can come to the conclusion that we aren't the same ethnicity. Just like the Copts of today aren't the same ethnicity as the ancient Egyptians despite having a genetic link to them.

They didn't call themselves Somalis. We do. That's basic logic. We do originate from them but we're not the same ethnicity, if we go by the definition of the word "ethnicity" which is:

the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.
Would you consider an Somali Atheist to be Somali? Because I wouldnt. I belive Somalis are Ethno religous like the Amish, and Greeks etc. If you leave the deen your not Somali. Our idenity is just that deeply intertwined with our relgion.
They are Amhara to me 💯 language, culture, customs and religion all together is what define us as somalis. And in leaving religion you forsake a big part of what makes us Somalis. 1. you cant be trusted because you left the religion your forefathers fought and died for you to keep against mighty foes. 2. You accepted the religion of the ones the has fought against us for centuries. colonized us for.
3. Join their ranks and leave us the f**k alone, marry Olafemi and let your lineage die in peace.


This is the type of ignorance i was talking about. Go and learn our history properly before daring to reduce our great ancestors (leagues above the rag wearing ******* refugees of today) to nothing more than tree huggers
u mean the history thats about the adals cuz everything before the middelages is tree hugging

Hassan mahat

I karbash wahabist salafis daily.
That’s silly
What if I’m happy hurting people
What if I’m happy stealing
What if am happy being a coke addict
What if am happy being a serial killer
You know exactly what I meant. I meant living a happy life free from hurting others and breaking laws.
Your somalinimo depends on your genetical make up. A white man who is Muslim and follows Somali tradition is not Somali.
Nope, it depends on lineage and religion. A white Muslim is not Somali for the same reason a Desi Muslim isn't Somali. It's because of lineage.

Sadly, you thought that was a good argument, but it is clear that you are suffering from something called stupidity.
Your somalinimo depends on your genetical make up. A white man who is Muslim and follows Somali tradition is not Somali.
That same logic can be applied in saying that one can be half heterosexual, which is wrong your either 💯 heterosexual or not! A somali is one that is a muslim and adheres to the faith and culture or he/she is just an Amhara😅


Who makes the laws
Which country shall we follow
What ideology
Marxism communism democracy dictatorship
Do your morals change depending on the law
this one and its rules
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Hassan mahat

I karbash wahabist salafis daily.
Who makes the laws
Which country shall we follow
What ideology
Marxism communism democracy dictatorship
Do your morals change depending on the law
Secularism, but you don’t even have to be secularist. If you are a good person, who helped others you lived a happy life.


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