At this point why even wear a shirt?

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But on a serious note. In my opinion, hypersexualisation is just as bad as the ultra puritan modesty culture we have. Both are detrimental to women in the long run
But on a serious note. In my opinion, hypersexualisation is just as bad as the ultra puritan modesty culture we have. Both are detrimental for women in the long run
Don't cover up and don't show anything. That's your stance. Talk about having a split personality. What do you prefer?


Gaalkacyo Gangster
She's right :ufdup: Both are tools of the patriarchy
But if a woman is choosing what she wears, than what does patriarchy have to do with it? That only works if society is pushing them in one direction or the other. If anything this recent trend of extreme exposure was pushed more by the feminist crowd. The "my body my choice" and FEMEN types. Now ya'll wanna say that it was the patriarchy all along. I understand and agree with the concept but you guys are turning it into a bogeyman. If something goes bad for women, blame the patriarchy! :draketf:


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Sister,I completely agree with you on how society hypersexualizes women to a point where women are reduced to nothing but walking sex objects thinking that it is actually their choice. Some wome falsely believe that in order to be a women one has to bear their breast or their bodies. The people in here who are arguing and saying don't judge are the same people who would not associate with women who dress like or want their sisters, mothers, or friends to dress like that.
Exactly! They make them believe that dressing half naked is their choice when in reality they want to look sexy or "bad" which is something modern social media/some of society idolises. As a women I actually find it very offensive that women are reduced to this and I honestly feel bad for the ones who think it's their choice, when in fact they're being degraded. Their dignity is being stripped away and they don't even know it.You don't see women of higher class family dressing like this (by higher class I don't mean amount of wealth). Imagine the Duchess of Cambridge dressing like this. What happened to the days when feminism was about womens' right to education, work and being independent and to the days when they wanted to be treated like the intelligent creatures they are. Now they think flashing their private parts and being called a "bad bxtch" is liberating smh.
I just want to wear regular trousers and a t shirt in the summer without having hooyos give me filthy looks and old uncles perv on me :mjcry:
You can wear booty shorts for all I care. You're pleasing the men that will be looking :lol:. The pious sisters may Allah protect them, please Allah and not "the hooyos and old pervs" as you put it. That's the difference, but hey, whatever works for you.
But if a woman is choosing what she wears, than what does patriarchy have to do with it? That only works if society is pushing them in one direction or the other. If anything this recent trend of extreme exposure was pushed more by the feminist crowd. The "my body my choice" and FEMEN types. Now ya'll wanna say that it was the patriarchy all along. I understand and agree with the concept but you guys are turning it into a bogeyman. If something goes bad for women, blame the patriarchy! :draketf:

I'm just saying that both caters to men :kanyeshrug: Patriarchy is like institutionalize racism we all have a hand in it, women participate regularly in their own oppression.

FEMEN is all about choice feminism which caters to the my body my choice crowd, I am not about that life


Suicidal men adore me.
I'm just saying that both caters to men :kanyeshrug: Patriarchy is like institutionalize racism we all have a hand in it, women participate regularly in their own oppression.

FEMEN is all about choice feminism which caters to the my body my choice crowd, I am not about that life

OMG are you my radical feminist sister? :friendhug:

Yep some women are loyalist dogs to patriarchy.
You can wear booty shorts for all I care. You're pleasing the men that will be looking :lol:. The pious sisters may Allah protect them, please Allah and not "the hooyos and old pervs" as you put it. That's the difference, but hey, whatever works for you.

Look I said trousers and your mind immediately jumped to booty shorts. :draketf: This is why I said modesty culture is detrimental :bell:

As if covering up doesn't carter to men lol We have to cover up so you lot don't act like animals
Look I said trousers and your mind immediately jumped to booty shorts. :draketf: This is why I said modesty culture is detrimental :bell:

As if covering up doesn't carter to men lol We have to cover up so you lot don't act like animals
Wear trousers. Wear whatever the f*ck you want. :lol: I couldn't really careless.
OMG are you my radical feminist sister? :friendhug:

Yep some women are loyalist dogs to patriarchy.



I use to be all about choice feminism but then I realized that it was useless :fittytousand:


Gaalkacyo Gangster
I'm just saying that both caters to men :kanyeshrug: Patriarchy is like institutionalize racism we all have a hand in it, women participate regularly in their own oppression.

FEMEN is all about choice feminism which caters to the my body my choice crowd, I am not about that life
OMG are you my radical feminist sister? :friendhug:

Yep some women are loyalist dogs to patriarchy.


I use to be all about choice feminism but then I realized that it was useless :fittytousand:
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