At this point why even wear a shirt?

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You know what they say, "The uglier they are, the more feminist they tend to be." I have yet to come across a beautiful feminist, let alone a non-white feminist. lol


The trouble is, you think you have time
Exactly! They make them believe that dressing half naked is their choice when in reality they want to look sexy or "bad" which is something modern social media/some of society idolises. As a women I actually find it very offensive that women are reduced to this and I honestly feel bad for the ones who think it's their choice, when in fact they're being degraded. Their dignity is being stripped away and they don't even know it.You don't see women of higher class family dressing like this (by higher class I don't mean amount of wealth). Imagine the Duchess of Cambridge dressing like this. What happened to the days when feminism was about womens' right to education, work and being independent and to the days when they wanted to be treated like the intelligent creatures they are. Now they think flashing their private parts and being called a "bad bxtch" is liberating smh.

I know . The sad part is that some think that we are against women right and siding with male counterparts SMH:snoop:.
Women are more than just their body parts they have a mind, thoughts, and feelings. I hope the younger female generation do not fall for this false idea of what a female is supposed to be. These are confusing times where people who speak the truth are seen as liars and foolish while those who speak nonsense are seen as intelligent and truthful.
Yes, I have a bidaar. Oh no, I have a bidaar. Maybe I should join the feminazi crew and become a feminist. lol

You should.
We wouldn't make fun of your struggle hairline
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