Atheists have no place in Somalia

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The prophet once traded two black slaves for an Arab. Your worth meeshas ka fiirso

Jabir (Allah be pleased with him) reported: There came a slave and pledged allegiance to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) on migration; he (the Holy Prophet) did not know that he was a slave. Then there came his master and demanded him back, whereupon Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: Sell him to me. And he bought him for two black slaves, and he did not afterwards take allegiance from anyone until he had asked him whether he was a slave (or a free man)

You idiot, it wasn't due to the ethnicity of the slaves. One slave wanted to become Muslim and he pledged alleigence so the prophet (SAW) traded him for two non-Muslim slaves.

Your failing.
depends if hes got a uk or canadian passport he should be good. I been to uae and they only treat based on your passport u carrying.

OK a white Western man and a Somali Western man with the same qualifications are valued the same in the job competition and are offered the same salary and benefits package. Good to know.
Muslims owned Persian and Greek slaves as well, so why are you equating slavery to being black?

Again, you're just proving to me that your talk is a subtle jab at Islam more than anything. And you Atheists whine about tolerance and being accepted for your beliefs yet you won't extend the same courtesy to Muslims.

Slavery was common among all the people, but you can see their worth was higher depending on the race they were. The prophet who you say preaches equality clearly placed more value on the life of that Arab compared to the black ones

You idiot, it wasn't due to the ethnicity of the slaves. One slave wanted to become Muslim and he pledged alleigence so the prophet (SAW) traded him for two non-Muslim slaves.

Your failing.

Where in the hadith does it mention they were non muslims? It does put an emphasis on that they were black however

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
OK a white Western man and a Somali Western man with the same qualifications are valued the same in the job competition and are offered the same salary and benefits package. Good to know.
Yeah but the khaleej arabs get payed even more compared to someone with better or same qualifications. Its really bad in uae those khaleej arabs are very racists..
Yeah but the khaleej arabs get payed even more compared to someone with better or same qualifications. Its really bad in uae those khaleej arabs are very racists..

But the excerpt I posted from an article states that white Western people make 12.6% more than even the locals for a similar position.


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Slavery was common among all the people, but you can see their worth was higher depending on the race they were. The prophet who you say preaches equality clearly placed more value on the life of that Arab compared to the black ones

Where in the hadith does it mention they were non muslims? It does put an emphasis on that they were black however
Its common knowledge that the prophet (SAW) and the Sahaba (RA) such as Hudaifa, ibn Umar and other than them freed their slaves when they've accepted Islam. Just take the L nayaa
OK a white Western man and a Somali Western man with the same qualifications are valued the same in the job competition and are offered the same salary and benefits package. Good to know.

So in the west there is no discrimination at all??? Its all just an egalitarian kumbaya where race and color do not matter??? Shall I cite the many studies that show in the US which is the most racially progressive country in the west that a white high school dropout has a better chance of securing stable employment and higher average salaries then black college graduates??? I doubt things are anywhere near that bad in those gulf countries even if they are not ideal.

Its painfully obvious you went from worshiping the Arabs to now worshiping the white man. Too bad for you the white man sees you as nothing but an expendable coon and will do everything he can to lock you out of the higher echelons of his society no matter how hard you work. That is the sad reality you are going to have to come to terms with.


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Lol @ these atheists trying to say Islam is racist to blacks.

Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA) who is the second caliph, an Arab, Qurayshi said 'Abu Bakr is our master and he freed our master (meaning he freed Bilal the Abysinnian)'.

The story of how Abu Bakr (RA) freed Bilal (RA).

Abu Bakr As-Siddiq went to them while they were torturing him and shouted at them, ‘Are you killing a man because he says, ‘Allah is my Lord?” Then he shouted at Umayah lbn Khalaf, ‘Take more than his price and set him free.’ It was as if Umayah were drowning and had caught a lifeboat. It was to his liking and he was very much pleased when he heard Abu Bakr offering the price of his freedom, since they had despaired of subjugating Bilal. And as they were merchants, they realized that selling him was more profitable to them than his death.

They sold him to Abu Bakr, and then he emancipated him immediately, and Bilal took his place among free men. When As-Siddiq put his arm round Bilal, rushing with him to freedom, Umayah said to him, ‘Take him, for by Al-Laat and Al-‘ Uzza if you had refused to buy him except for one ounce of gold, I would have sold him to you.’ Abu Bakr realized the bitterness of despair and disappointment hidden in these words. It was appropriate not to answer, but because they violated the dignity of this man who had become his brother and his equal, he answered Umayah saying, ‘By Allah, if you had refused to sell him except for a hundred ounces, I would have paid it.’ He departed with his companion to the Messenger of Allah, giving him news of his liberation, and there was a great celebration.

Abu Dharr the leader of the tribe of Ghifar and one who accepted Islam in its early days narrates:

‘Once I was conversing with Bilal. Our conversation gave way to a dispute. Angry with him the following insult burst from my mouth ‘You cannot comprehend this, O son of a black woman!’ As Islam expressly forbade all kinds of racial tribal and colour discrimination Bilal was both upset and greatly angered. A while later a man came and told me that the Messenger of Allah (Peace Be Upon Him) summoned me I went to him immediately He said to me ‘I have been informed that you addressed Bilal as the son of a black woman.’ I was deeply ashamed and could say nothing. Allah’s Messenger continued his reprimand ‘This means you still retain the standards and judgements of the pre-Islamic days of ignorance.

Another story:

As is mentioned in ‘Sahīh Muslim,’ [13]:

Bilāl, ‘Ammār, and Suhayb came across Abū Sufyān on the day Makkah was conquered, and they said some insulting words to him. They said: “By Allāh, the swords of Allāh did not reach the enemies of Allāh as they should have.”

So, Abū Sufyān – the commander of jāhiliyyah who took over after the killing of Abū Jahl, the one who took over the leadership of Makkah until it was conquered, the one who took it upon himself to try to negotiate with the Messenger of Allāh (peace be upon him) on the day Makkah was conquered, the one who took over the leadership on the day of Uhud, when he stood atop Mt. Uhud yelling: “May Hubal be exalted! This day is for Badr!” – they said to him: “By Allāh, the swords of Allāh did not reach the enemies of Allāh as they should have.”

Abū Sufyān became angry and went to complain to Abū Bakr. So, Abū Bakr came to
reprimand them harshly, saying: “Do you say this to the leader of Quraysh?”

Abū Bakr then went off to inform the Messenger of Allāh (peace be upon him) of what Bilāl, ‘Ammār, and Suhayb had done. Abū Bakr strained to hear just one word from the mouth of theMessenger of Allāh (peace be upon him) – one word of rebuke for them out of the desire to win the heart of Abū Sufyān, or to at least catch a glimpse of anger on the Prophet’s face for the anger of the leader of Quraysh, whose house was a place of safety for those who entered it on that day. Instead, the Messenger of Allāh (peace be upon him) applied the scales and said: “It might be that you made them angry, and made your Lord angry as a result.”

O Allāh! What exaltation?! What sky?! What greatness?! What a blessing that has raised this slave from the level of being like an animal in the scales of jāhiliyyah to the level of having the Lord of Glory become angry for his sake?! “Indeed, Allāh has men whose wishes He carries out, and it might be that a dirty, disheveled man would have his oath fulfilled by Allāh.” [14]

I say that when Abū Bakr heard these words from the Messenger of Allāh (peace be upon him), he was shaken: he might have angered Allāh by angering Bilāl! So, he went back to Bilāl and ‘Ammār to reconcile with them, saying: “My brothers! It might be that I angered you.” They said: “May Allāh excuse you,” causing his emotional stress to be relieved and his heart to be relaxed.

Luqman (AS) who a chapter of the Qur'an was named after, was also of Nubian descent.

These atheists are a joke.


Fake hadith and you're all supporting that nasty idea. Why didn't the Prophet pbuh invite them to the diin instead of trading them to gaalo like xoolo.
TBH we should all respect peoples opinion and i have some family members who are atheists and i respect there choice.

You have these Atheist xoolo making up lies and outright misrepresenting our Deen and now you want to come along and "respect their opinion"??

It's this weak mentality that made Somalis soft on these godless people. My intolerance for these people comes from their own actions.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
You have these Atheist xoolo making up lies and outright misrepresenting our Deen and now you want to come along and "respect their opinion"??

It's this weak mentality that made Somalis soft on these godless people. My intolerance for these people comes from their own actions.
I understand where your coming from but instead of getting angry at them why not understand why they became athiest in the first place. Have some proper communications ya kno?


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Fake hadith and you're all supporting that nasty idea. Why didn't the Prophet pbuh invite them to the diin instead of trading them to gaalo like xoolo.
Wallahi iyo Billahi you severely hurt me with this comment. How can you speak while having no knowledge about what happened? Of course the prophet (SAW) gave them da3wa even the Angels accepted the religion of Islam and the prophet (SAW) as the last prophet. The prophet (SAW)'s da3wa even reached ya'juuj and ma'juuj. The prophet (SAW) was keen on inviting everyone to Islam regardless of their race. I proved that in my last post on this thread. Wallahi you went too far. You went too far...
I understand where your coming from but instead of getting angry at them why not understand why they became athiest in the first place. Have some proper communications ya kno?

Why on Earth should I have proper communication with people like them? Do you see their very nature and their outright hatred for the Deen and for Muslims?

Allah has sealed their hearts and it's obvious when you hear them speak. Dawah is only for those who wish to seek it. And these xoolo deserve no tolerance.


Wallahi iyo Billahi you severely hurt me with this comment. How can you speak while having no knowledge about what happened? Of course the prophet (SAW) gave them da3wa even the Angels accepted the religion of Islam and the prophet (SAW) as the last prophet. The prophet (SAW)'s da3wa even reached ya'juuj and ma'juuj. The prophet (SAW) was keen on inviting everyone to Islam regardless of their race. I proved that in my last post on this thread. Wallahi you went too far. You went too far...

War caadi iska dhig. You just proved my point. If they were indeed in the prophet's presence they would've converted or been given chances. How is the Prophet trading them like cows in the market in exchange for horses. Abu Jahal was a gaal til the end why wasn't he traded ever?


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You have these Atheist xoolo making up lies and outright misrepresenting our Deen and now you want to come along and "respect their opinion"??

It's this weak mentality that made Somalis soft on these godless people. My intolerance for these people comes from their own actions.
My intolerance for them increases everyday. I wouldn't of been bothered if they kept their disbelief to themselves instead of insulting our deen. These people don't deserve tolerance.
My intolerance for them increases everyday. I wouldn't of been bothered if they kept their disbelief to themselves instead of insulting our deen. These people don't deserve tolerance.

They don't deserve an ounce of tolerance and these wretched Atheists have no place in Somali society.
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