Attack on the holy city

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not so sad after all

It's not a he it's a she who was accompanying her parents and she didn't pay jack her parents did so
and the Joke is on who again ???
still on her. The jokes are always the hypocrites in life. Not with the muslims, not with the kafirs dhaxdee meel xun ka bexeen


Citizen of Southwest State
Lot of y'all are weirdos wallahi. Taking pleasure in death and destruction.:ohlord:

May Allah guide us all, that's all I can say really.


Suicidal men adore me.
Naya do you know how many people died of explosions in Mogadishu this month? I'll wait....

They don't care.

Everyone is sad because Muslims are being killed in Saudi Arabia, mean while Saudi Arabia is behind the Ethiopian invasion, is currently bombing Yemen both nations are Muslim, are building and funding madrasas everywhere in the world where terror doctrine is being preached.

Lets make a thread on Shabelle river drying up, drought in the north, bomb explosion in Xamar and you'll have to drag these people in to those threads.

But let's be super sad right now.

Like someone else said chicken coming home to roost. 3 attacks, maybe this will get the oil rich elite to stop funding terrorism in our countries?


Are you atheist?
My opinion is based on what they done not religion if you don't know these saudi arabia people when the civil war in somalia started a large boat full of somalis fleeing the civil war tried to seek refugee in there country did you know what they did to those people they sinked them in the sea:mjlol:
Also let's not forget they finance the group who commit suicide bombing in somalia for a long time:mjlol:
Looking at these retards get emotional for these scums is funny:mjlol:
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