Beautuful Somali bantu & Lamagoodle couple Allahumabarik

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Were isaaq part of that tribe back then?
I’ve explained to you so many times that the first people Burton met were the Isaaqs and they introduced themselves as Somali… this is well before colonization

Also how are Dir and Isaaq that different when they’re both mostly Haplogroup T?

Both history and genetics are on my side. Stop trying to make Isaaqs separate from Samaale as if Isaaqs aren’t whilst Reer Issa are. In fact Isaaqs are more Samaale since half are Eb1

Samaalee are people of Haplogroup T and eb1b1

We’ve been intermarry for generations upon generations hence we’ve become one


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Were isaaq part of that tribe back then?
No. As for the Somali tribes with the largest proportion of T. They are Samaroon and Cissa. :chrisfreshhah:The only tribe you know is Issaq. How can you expect me to name one Benadari clan or breakdown when you know nothing about Dir? Just give it a rest.
No shit. What else would they be? Oromo?
This guy will forever change the goal post and doesn’t provide any evidence but will deny actual proven historical documents.

One minute he was saying that Burton calling Somalis Somalis before colonization can’t be used as proof since he didn’t meet the D&M tribe but now he’s denying that Isaaqs are part of the Somali ethnic group despite Burton mostly dealing with the Isaaqs and calling them Somali since that it what they called themselves!
No. As for the Somali tribes with the largest proportion of T. They are Samaroon and Cissa. :chrisfreshhah:The only tribe you know is Issaq. How can you expect me to name one Benadari clan when you know nothing about Dir?
Hey sis aren’t half of Isaaq T and nearly all of Dir T?

It doesn’t make sense that he sees Dir as being Samaale but not Isaaq? I don’t get the logic. He’s literally waffling and doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Also why would you even know Banadiri tribes when even the Hawiyes that live near them don’t even bother to tell them apart and learn their tribes as they’re that small in numbers. It’s a joke at this point. A southern Hawiye probably knows more about different Northern tribes and their sub-tribes than he does Banadiri tribes.
Gabooye is apparently an umbrella term for outcast ethnic Somali clans like Madhibaan, Yibir and Tumaal.

Man, I've been here far too long


No, you guys don't have paternal AEA markers; and Sophisticate has a point that Somalis are not a recent mix between Nilo-Saharans and North African Eurasians. You also have Eurasian maternal ancestors.

Nilo-Saharans just happen to have 80% of the AEA component.
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It is comparable, as I've explained bajunis are from bajuni coast and archipelago meanwhile banadiris are from banaadir coast. They don't view themselves as an ethnic group obviously, there's Arab Bajuni tribes, Persian Bajuni tribes, Cushitic Bajuni tribes and Bantu Bajuni tribes.

Language isn't relevant, I'm talking about the identity

You're waffling on the spot, majority identify by banaadiri like wise majority bajunis identify by bajuni . That's not relevant, barawa is just one town not a whole coast

It's not comparable. As I said, while Bajunis do have different origins, they unite behind the Bajuuni label. While 'Banaadiris' also have foreign background, but instead unite behind the area they live in. Such as Barawaani or reer Xamar. But according to you, because it had a historical name to the area, that's per automatic their identity, kkk. You try as hard as you want, but Banaadiri and Bajuuni will not be viewed as the same.

All the real inhabitants from prior to colonization are referred to as banadiri from xamar to barawa including the towns in-between, I didn't say it's an ethnic group and it is a regional identity as I've already explained

It's not a confederacy, confederacy are like the confederacies of xamar like bandhawow, moorsho or confederacies of barawa like biida which have had different people included over the centuries which is natural . There's been families that moved from interior and joined confederacies as late as less than one hundred years ago.

That's what I implied. Joining your confederacy, as in one of the different existing confederacies, that then formed the identities of the people.

Since ethnic Somali were majority in Kismaayo, how come there weren't called Banaadiri?

The reer samaale's on the coast are all banadiri from the ones in xamarweyne and shingaani, saraha ,jilib marka, barawa

It's always had the same meaning, Italians changing it or the government after independence is irrelevant.

Say either ethnic Somalis or the specific clans you're talking about. The Banaadiri region is inhabited by all types of ethnic Somalis.

I'm talking about national identity

It was irrelevant to the context. As @Angelina said, the only reason you're talking about national identity is to change the goalpost, after disputing the Somali ethnicity and no one having brought it up.

The reer samaale's in Kenya are Kenyan nationals they're equally as Kenyan as Arab tribes in Kenya, likewise Reer samaale's in Ethiopia are equally as Ethiopian as any other. Are the native Madows along shabelle in DDS now "ethnic somali" with that flawed logic?

Please act a little bit more daft. Because you have a hard time comprehending what I wrote.

Is Ethiopia named after an ethnic group? Is Kenya named after an ethnic group? It's not the same as in Somalia, as you can be a Somali ethnic and/or national. Meanwhile, you can be Ethiopian/Kenyan + your ethnic identity.

This is what I said. Let me interpret it for your slow brain. If ethnic Somalis were not *majority* in Somalia, it wouldn't be named after ethnic Somalis. Are Madows majority in DDS or is it ethnic Somalis?

When did I talk about a national identity? Somali ethnicity =/= Somali nationality.

An ethnicity can exist without its national identity (such as Somalis in Kenya and Ethiopia), meanwhile the Somali national identity can't exist without its ethnic majority group (such as ethnic Somalis in Somalia).
Nope not the majority, it's something colonizers decided , maybe because it was mostly reer samaale's on their side 🤔.

At this point, it's not even worth replying to your delusions. Who are you fooling by saying that ethnic Somalis are not majority. Kulaha 'it was mostly reer samaale's on their side' kkk.

D*qon, it's because ethnic Somalis were majority, and will always remain that way. Likewise, French Somaliland, ethnic Somali majority with shisheeye minorities, hence its name. Keep seething tho :russ:

Southerners aren't minority, Digil and mirifle, all the jàreer tribes in the interior, banadiris and bajunis weren't identifying by "Somali" even garre, cawrmale and other samaale's amongst digil and mirifle

Did I mention it southerners anywhere? Anytime I talk about Somalia, it's always same 'the south', in an attempt to make yourself relevant. Even then, your people are non-existent there. I'm sure there are more Oromos presence there than your kin. A hard pill to swallow, right? :francis:

Back to my point, we were talking about Somalia. Or let's say Italian Somalia for your sake, ethnic Somalis are still majority. Address this fact without resorting to 'southerners'.
Mashallah beautiful couple, god bless them.

@Banadiri Warrior
If you want to talk about equality and treating minorities better I'm with you. But to deny the existence of Somali people is outright lunacy.

Your people are not oppressed, you live freely in xamar. Actual ethnic Somalis like Madhiban are treated way worse than you.
So do Bantus own the lands in Jubbaland? Especially in and around Jilib where they are mostly concentrated. They've lived in Somalia for at least a century so I believe they are entitled to whatever land they're currently settled on. But where does their claim end?
All their lands and farms were confiscated and looted by moriyans after the collapse of the military regime. Prior to the Civil War and the collapse of the central government, Somali bantu owned vast lands and farms on the shebelle and jubba rivers. After all, Somali bantu are indigenous to the Shebelle and Jubba rivers. Somali Bantu are a remote descendant of early indigenous farming communities predating the pastoralist's migration into South-Central Somalia.
No, they don’t own any farms in Somalia. They are only labourers.
All their lands and farms were confiscated by moriyans after the collapse of the military regime. Somali Bantu are a remote descendant of early indigenous farming communities predating the pastoralist's migration into South-Central Somalia. Most Somalis are nomads and don't know how to farm. Somali bantu owned vast farms and lands on the Shebelle and Jubba rivers before the collapse of the government. Inshallah, their farms and lands will be rightfully returned to them.
It's not my own words, I can show historians claiming the same, it's the known fact nobody else claims otherwise unless they're jaahil, digil and mirifles and samaales from south will say the exact same .

I say we send all the ungrateful lamagoodles back to their noble oromo cousins
Somali Bantu are a remote descendant of early indigenous farming communities predating the pastoralist's migration into South-Central Somalia. This false narrative that Somali Bantu are all ex-slaves that were recently brought to Somalia during the 19th century is not only intellectually dishonest but also a blatant disregard for historical accuracy.

I laugh when I hear certain Somalis say bantu need to be repatriated back to their lands. How could you repatriate indigenous people from their own land? Somali bantu are peaceful, hardworking and law-abiding people. Somalis need to take lessons and learn from the indigenous Somali bantu community.
Don’t lie. You know and blatantly see the difference. Also, they don’t call Somali Bantus Gibil madow, they call them Madowweyn

We’re still waiting on the evidence that was asked of you about some Madowweyn being native to Somalia.
You are not well-versed in the history of the Somali bantu community. It's quite puzzling to see the amount of intellectually dishonest statements you are peddling. Somali Bantu are a remote descendant of early indigenous farming communities predating the pastoralist's migration into South-Central Somalia.

Somali nomads are constantly on the move in search of water and pasture. They keep moving because most of their land is uninhabitable due to the harsh and unbearable climate as well as scarce resources. The nomadic Somali tribes have invaded and forcefully occupied most of the Shebelle and Jubba rivers. You really need to educate yourself and stop using emotional subjective reasoning to push this false narrative that the bantus are recent settlers.
Banadiris aren’t a big group most did before the war indeed come from comfortable families due to centuries of being in the trading industry. Your paternal ancestors came as traders and the slave trade was the most profitable. Also, Arabs, Persians had no qualms with taking Bantu women as wives or concubines whilst for Somalis that was considered taboo. Call them ignorant if you want, but you can see it in the DNA profiles since ethnic Somalis never or hardly have Somali Bantu blood and the ones that do tend to be mixed with Banadiris.
You are full of ignorance.
Banadiris aren’t a big group most did before the war indeed come from comfortable families due to centuries of being in the trading industry. Your paternal ancestors came as traders and the slave trade was the most profitable. Also, Arabs, Persians had no qualms with taking Bantu women as wives or concubines whilst for Somalis that was considered taboo. Call them ignorant if you want, but you can see it in the DNA profiles since ethnic Somalis never or hardly have Somali Bantu blood and the ones that do tend to be mixed with Banadiris.
Arabs are indigenous to the Benadir coast. Why are you moving like they are recent settlers. Arabs inhabited the Benadir coast even before the birth of prophet Isa's mother Maryam. This is a historical fact you cant deny. His paternal ancestors didn't come as traders. Arabs inhabited the Benadir coast way before the cushitic migration to the coastal towns of the Indian Ocean. Read Sharif Aidarus book.
Somali Bantu are a remote descendant of early indigenous farming communities predating the pastoralist's migration into South-Central Somalia. This false narrative that Somali Bantu are all ex-slaves that were recently brought to Somalia during the 19th century is not only intellectually dishonest but also a blatant disregard for historical accuracy.

I laugh when I hear certain Somalis say bantu need to be repatriated back to their lands. How could you repatriate indigenous people from their own land? Somali bantu are peaceful, hardworking and law-abiding people. Somalis need to take lessons and learn from the indigenous Somali bantu community.
It is utterly reprehensible and shameful that some people would advocate for the entire removal of a certain Somali population. It constitutes an ethnic cleansing. They will cry about Israel doing this to Palestinians but want to do the same to their own Somali Muslim people because they look a bit different.

Northern Swordsman

Tawxiid Alle lahaw, Talo na Alle saaro.
No shade or so but its impressive how the kids look somali through and through. Probably the father is mixed aswell
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