Beautuful Somali bantu & Lamagoodle couple Allahumabarik

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Brother I'm not advocating for every somali to suddenly let his daughter marry a bantu. I'm advocating that we treat the with respect so that the Christian bantus don't have an easy way to manipulate them. It's better to keep them close than to allow outside forces facilitate conflict. At least they're not land snatching thieves like the oromo.
why are you bringing oromo into this further more which land
Somalis could assimilate a big chunk of Africa is general through the clan system. The oromo were smart with it
somali did manage to assimilate a lot of clans, and usb clans such as jarso akisho gerri, garre, wardiq, gurre odali, and many more this afar and oromo clans even think themselves they are Somali, and have no clue of there oromo afar origin. just look at the Garre there language is 100 percent oromo not one Somali word and they claim to be fully Somali. if afars are 5 million 200k is assimilated if oromo is 50 million 5 million Is assimilated and if Somali is 25 million 5 million arnt original.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
wouldn't be surprised if in 300 years 70 percent of southern Somalia becomes Madow weyne
I don't see any issue with that. But you do have a valid point. While ethnic Somalis were busy in civil war Jar.eerweynes were increasing their numbers.
I don't see any issue with that. But you do have a valid point. While ethnic Somalis were busy in civil war Jar.eerweynes were increasing their numbers.
yes however if we add up all the minorities in southern Somalia, and nfd they might outnumber the Somali there already just look at the rahweyn Maay who outnumber the somali in Afgoye the reer Hamar who are not many in number but still hold a large presence in Mogadishu, the Garre also live in the Kenyan border, and the Barawe who outnumber the somali in Barawa. Other groups such as Bajuni, and Madow weyne outnumber somalis in other cities, and towns. if we add all these people population together they number around 5-6 million which is more then 35 percent of the somali population. day by day the marry the somali women, and increase there numbers whilst the somali are decreasing there number by killing each other. we should be warned for a uprising. I personally think that all Barawe bajuni jar.eer shanshi reer hamar madhiban and yibir be kicked out and only the rahweyn, and oromo stay since they do have some lands in Somalia.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
yes however if we add up all the minorities in southern Somalia, and nfd they might outnumber the Somali there already just look at the rahweyn Maay who outnumber the somali in Afgoye the reer Hamar who are not many in number but still hold a large presence in Mogadishu, the Garre also live in the Kenyan border, and the Barawe who outnumber the somali in Barawa. Other groups such as Bajuni, and Madow weyne outnumber somalis in other cities, and towns. if we add all these people population together they number around 5-6 million which is more then 35 percent of the somali population. day by day the marry the somali women, and increase there numbers whilst the somali are decreasing there number by killing each other. we should be warned for a uprising. I personally think that all Barawe bajuni jar.eer shanshi reer hamar madhiban and yibir be kicked out and only the rahweyn, and oromo stay since they do have some lands in Somalia.
Why would you kick them out? They are Somali nationals and have rightful claim to the cities / deegaans they live in?.
Why would you kick them out? They are Somali nationals and have rightful claim to the cities / deegaans they live in?.
key word live in not indigenous to unless they have a job kick them out why should they be on the street begging. slowly slowly push them onto the Kenyan border
Why would you kick them out? They are Somali nationals and have rightful claim to the cities / deegaans they live in?.
The somali once did this to the oromo who were living In their own land With the help of the Xabash Melez. But when it is ja.reer in their own land its all g.

Internet Nomad

wouldn't be surprised if in 300 years 70 percent of southern Somalia becomes Madow weyne
God forbid.

We would have to go full israeli and take land no matter what expelling anyone who is ajanabi.

If thats somalias future i would rather have an ethnostate.

Internet Nomad

Why would you kick them out? They are Somali nationals and have rightful claim to the cities / deegaans they live in?.
If they pose a threat to ethnic somalis then we should preserve our race. Majority of Africa is bantu. There is only 2 official countries which is run by somalis.
Southerners started using the "Somali" national identity after colonization, yet you claim that it was a minority. Digil and Mirifle, Jàreer tribes, Banadiris , Bajunis ,Boons and even reer samaale's amongst digil and mirifle were all new to this identity, Oromos are native to southern interior such as the ones amongst digil and mirifle clans, there's also oromos amongst daroods so obviously oromo presence would be more.

Huddle together with the other samaale supremacists and come up with a common definition to prove "ethnic Somalis" being majority.

I'm starting to question your intelligence level. I clarify myself in each and every single post. I'm ONLY talking about ethnic Somalis, why the constant need to insert the Somali national identity? And then use it to twist my words?

If you want to speak on Somali nationals for yourself, then do so. But stop making things about me. All I said was ethnic Somalis were majority. But since you're not interested about ethnicity of Somalia, then there's no point for my to continue.

I've never called/identified myself as 'Samaale supremacist'. But I'm glad that it got you triggered to the point of viewing me as a supremacist.
God forbid.

We would have to go full israeli and take land no matter what expelling anyone who is ajanabi.

If thats somalias future i would rather have an ethnostate.
I personally think that somalia should give cities like Qoryole to Liben back to the Oromos since Boron, have a right to claim this land. however take back Djibouti, and up to Degehbur back from the Habash, and afar, and cut some land of from Garre in Kenya. if the minorities really want to be successful they should create a country In the area between west of mOGADISHU barawe and Afgooye.
if we add up the Oromo Bajuni shanshi digiiiil mirfle and madow populations they could probably add up to 5 million at least and 10 at max
somali did manage to assimilate a lot of clans, and usb clans such as jarso akisho gerri, garre, wardiq, gurre odali, and many more this afar and oromo clans even think themselves they are Somali, and have no clue of there oromo afar origin. just look at the Garre there language is 100 percent oromo not one Somali word and they claim to be fully Somali. if afars are 5 million 200k is assimilated if oromo is 50 million 5 million Is assimilated and if Somali is 25 million 5 million arnt original.

Somalis are not the same as Oromos, lol. Obviously, there're some assimilated people in all ethnic groups, but 'Oromo' itself denotes a confederation of all types of people who have gotten assimilated. Somalis is much more homogenous, where assimilated people constitute a small size.

Just look at the difference in how we deal with foreigners. There's a reason why you can't go to a Somali clan and ask to be part of their clan, meanwhile Oromos accept any and everyone between the earth and sky to increase the numbers of their 'Oromummaa', lol.

Isn't this your people? Try this with Somalis :russ:


Internet Nomad

I personally think that somalia should give cities like Qoryole to Liben back to the Oromos since Boron, have a right to claim this land. however take back Djibouti, and up to Degehbur back from the Habash, and afar, and cut some land of from Garre in Kenya. if the minorities really want to be successful they should create a country In the area between west of mOGADISHU barawe and Afgooye.
I personally think that every oromo within Somalia’s borders should be placed in cannons and shot at the direction of ethiopia.

Khulaha give “cities back”
Honestly the balls some of these ajanabis have to say Somalia lands to be further given away to ajanabi.
key word live in not indigenous to unless they have a job kick them out why should they be on the street begging. slowly slowly push them onto the Kenyan border

Is this how far your hatred for some Somalis has reached? kkkk You and the 'Banadiri' guy are outdoing each other. Kulaha kick them out kkkkk.
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