Beautuful Somali bantu & Lamagoodle couple Allahumabarik

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A man without a ๐Ÿซ won't be praised in afterlife
What line did I cross.

1. He's mixed-ethnic
2. He's Somali due to nationality, not ethnicity.

On top of that, he clearly dislikes Somalis and lies about our ethnic heritage and history. I refuse to coddle this person's feelings.
not likely his kind have been around for long so he most likely has a higher admixture of somali genes and i can understand his hate for the somalis cause yk what happened to them during the civil war so its justified about the heritage/history im a new user so idk about that and you dont need to coddle just tone it down a little alright? his people went through alot just like the somalis and the bantus so you should understand why some groups are bitter


A man without a ๐Ÿซ won't be praised in afterlife

I see Banadiris, Barawanis as the same people that live from South Somalia to Tanzania, Zanzibar and beyond. The Barawanis even speak a Swahili language called Chimini. If it wasn't for borders, what would separate these mixed-race interlopers? Nothing.
They are mixed-ethnic Asian people, who exploited Bantus and are now trying to play victim and hide the real history. In Zanzibar, there was an uprising where they were kicked out. Maybe it's high-time that the Bantus in Somalia, know who is responsible for their plight.

I also suspect now, that the Bantu DNA they have, was gained the same way that other Arabs got Bantu DNA; the sexual subjugation of Bantu women.

Keep up the lies Banadiris/CadCads or whatever you call yourselves, and we will make sure all of Africa knows about your people. The descendants of slavers, unethical monsters.

you are aware that you guys were also in on the act too right:ftw9nwa: sure I understand you see them as foreigners, but you guys have no right to call their ancestors disgusting slavers when yours was probably profiting off the industry/owned one themselves :ftw9nwa:
You are not well-versed in the history of the Somali bantu community. It's quite puzzling to see the amount of intellectually dishonest statements you are peddling. Somali Bantu are a remote descendant of early indigenous farming communities predating the pastoralist's migration into South-Central Somalia.

Somali nomads are constantly on the move in search of water and pasture. They keep moving because most of their land is uninhabitable due to the harsh and unbearable climate as well as scarce resources. The nomadic Somali tribes have invaded and forcefully occupied most of the Shebelle and Jubba rivers. You really need to educate yourself and stop using emotional subjective reasoning to push this false narrative that the bantus are recent settlers.
It is well known that the Rahanweyn clan arenโ€™t Nomadic people and some other Somalis werenโ€™t Nomadic

Somali Bantus arenโ€™t native to Somalia show me proof


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Hey sis arenโ€™t half of Isaaq T and nearly all of Dir T?

It doesnโ€™t make sense that he sees Dir as being Samaale but not Isaaq? I donโ€™t get the logic. Heโ€™s literally waffling and doesnโ€™t know what heโ€™s talking about.

Also why would you even know Banadiri tribes when even the Hawiyes that live near them donโ€™t even bother to tell them apart and learn their tribes as theyโ€™re that small in numbers. Itโ€™s a joke at this point. A southern Hawiye probably knows more about different Northern tribes and their sub-tribes than he does Banadiri tribes.
It's goal post-shifting at this point. Next he'll claim Dir is dheegacase. Lol.

I know his clans surprisingly. Though I get the impression he's a shegaato.:hillarybiz:
Iโ€™ve explained to you so many times that the first people Burton met were the Isaaqs and they introduced themselves as Somaliโ€ฆ this is well before colonization

Where's the evidence that they introduced themselves as such?
Also how are Dir and Isaaq that different when theyโ€™re both mostly Haplogroup T?

Both history and genetics are on my side. Stop trying to make Isaaqs separate from Samaale as if Isaaqs arenโ€™t whilst Reer Issa are. In fact Isaaqs are more Samaale since half are Eb1

Samaalee are people of Haplogroup T and eb1b1

Weโ€™ve been intermarry for generations upon generations hence weโ€™ve become one
You're contradicting yourself alot, you're claiming dir and isaaq aren't different since they're mostly T-L208 then claiming that isaaqs are more samaale since apparently "half" are ev32 then you say samaale are the people of T-l208 and ev32.

By saying they're more samaale you're insisting that being samaale is tied to ev32 haplogroup and since when could a lineage have 2 different haplogroups stick to one it's not food where you pick both when you can't make your mind up.

You've basically debunked yourself for me with genetics and history.

Thanks to y-dna it has debunked some ambiguity about the reer samaale's particularly irir samaale's,with more samples from Dir like the Biimaal and the Madaxweyn there would be more clarity
No. As for the Somali tribes with the largest proportion of T. They are Samaroon and Cissa. :chrisfreshhah:The only tribe you know is Issaq. How can you expect me to name one Benadari clan or breakdown when you know nothing about Dir? Just give it a rest.
There hasn't been enough testing on all dir to come to that conclusion that out of Reer samaale it's Samaroon and ciisa.

Digil and mirifle clans will also have a large proportion of T-L208 with more samples coming from various
clans in the future bi'ithnillah


Did isaaq even exist then? The same sources you lot are using state sheikh isaaq existed much later than that
You don't seem to understand the nature of clans. In a region like the Somali peninsula. Clans are a political thing. To help secure recourses and provide protection. Despite this. A common ethnic identity existed. The whole story linking all clans together is enough proof of this common identity. If we didn't see each other as close we wouldn't have a origin story. Isaaq, Diir, Hawiye, Darood, RX. Are all but political affiliations. They have some ground in that they are given legitimacy though recorded lineages.

Emir of Zayla

๐•น๐–†๐–™๐–Ž๐–”๐–“ ๐–”๐–‹ ๐•ป๐–”๐–Š๐–™๐–˜
We are different ethnic groups. But we are the same race which is black.
โ€œSame raceโ€
It's not comparable. As I said, while Bajunis do have different origins, they unite behind the Bajuuni label. While 'Banaadiris' also have foreign background, but instead unite behind the area they live in. Such as Barawaani or reer Xamar. But according to you, because it had a historical name to the area, that's per automatic their identity, kkk. You try as hard as you want, but Banaadiri and Bajuuni will not be viewed as the same.

You're still confused, both bajunis and banaadiris unite behind the bajuni and banaadiri label respectively. Same way people of Xamar unite behind reer xamar label, likewise Marka and Barawa etc is the same way bajunis unite behind their areas such as the islands wether it's Koyama or Chovai etc or towns like kismayu.

I didn't say it's the exact same, there's more similarity between banadiri and swahili identity, as both revolve around a coastal strip
Since ethnic Somali were majority in Kismaayo, how come there weren't called Banaadiri?
Reer samaale were never majority in kismayo. Just like how Muqdisho was only Xamarweyne and Shingaani prior to colonization, same way Kismayo was only Majengo, Sokoni, Garedhani and Hafa Badawi in early 20th century. With Majengo and Sokoni being where Bajunis, Banadiris and recent Yemenis resided, Garedhani was inhabited by the Wali, Askaris and Recent Yemeni traders , Hafa Badawi was inhabited by the recent Daroods. Either way it wasn't a banadiri town so there's no reason for them to be called banadiri even tho there were established banadiri communities in the town at the time
Say either ethnic Somalis or the specific clans you're talking about. The Banaadiri region is inhabited by all types of ethnic Somalis.
No, I will say reer samaale, are you not a proud reer samaale anymore? What happened to be a samaale supremacist? If you'd like to know which samaale's then they're hawiye's, garre's , xawaadles , dir ,cawrmales and garjante, the majority of them are recent comers ie came in the past 400 years
It was irrelevant to the context. As @Angelina said, the only reason you're talking about national identity is to change the goalpost, after disputing the Somali ethnicity and no one having brought it up.

Is Ethiopia named after an ethnic group? Is Kenya named after an ethnic group? It's not the same as in Somalia, as you can be a Somali ethnic and/or national. Meanwhile, you can be Ethiopian/Kenyan + your ethnic identity.

This is what I said. Let me interpret it for your slow brain. If ethnic Somalis were not *majority* in Somalia, it wouldn't be named after ethnic Somalis. Are Madows majority in DDS or is it ethnic Somalis?
It's not irrelevant as it's the only real "Somali" identity, as I've mentioned before I've yet to see a definition for the so called "Somali" ethnicity that is agreed upon , each one of you waffles on the spot and comes up with their own interpretation .

Kenyan , Ethiopian and Somali are all equally national identities. "Somali" being an ethnic group is a social construct. The naming isn't dependent on who's majority, it's the colonizers who chose the name.

Jร reers being majority or not is irrelevant, I asked if they're "ethnic somali" with that flawed logic.

Emir of Zayla

๐•น๐–†๐–™๐–Ž๐–”๐–“ ๐–”๐–‹ ๐•ป๐–”๐–Š๐–™๐–˜
โ€œSomali" being an ethnic group is a social construct. The naming isn't dependent on who's majority, it's the colonizers who chose the name.
Would you like to take an iq test?
At this point, it's not even worth replying to your delusions. Who are you fooling by saying that ethnic Somalis are not majority. Kulaha 'it was mostly reer samaale's on their side' kkk.

D*qon, it's because ethnic Somalis were majority, and will always remain that way. Likewise, French Somaliland, ethnic Somali majority with shisheeye minorities, hence its name. Keep seething tho :russ:

Did I mention it southerners anywhere? Anytime I talk about Somalia, it's always same 'the south', in an attempt to make yourself relevant. Even then, your people are non-existent there. I'm sure there are more Oromos presence there than your kin. A hard pill to swallow, right? :francis:

Back to my point, we were talking about Somalia. Or let's say Italian Somalia for your sake, ethnic Somalis are still majority. Address this fact without resorting to 'southerners'.
Southerners started using the "Somali" national identity after colonization, yet you claim that it was a minority. Digil and Mirifle, Jร reer tribes, Banadiris , Bajunis ,Boons and even reer samaale's amongst digil and mirifle were all new to this identity, Oromos are native to southern interior such as the ones amongst digil and mirifle clans, there's also oromos amongst daroods so obviously oromo presence would be more.

Huddle together with the other samaale supremacists and come up with a common definition to prove "ethnic Somalis" being majority.
You don't seem to understand the nature of clans. In a region like the Somali peninsula. Clans are a political thing. To help secure recourses and provide protection. Despite this. A common ethnic identity existed. The whole story linking all clans together is enough proof of this common identity. If we didn't see each other as close we wouldn't have a origin story. Isaaq, Diir, Hawiye, Darood, RX. Are all but political affiliations. They have some ground in that they are given legitimacy though recorded lineages.
That's irrelevant to my point, did isaaq even exist in 1300s? According to Richard Burtons informants Sheikh Isxaaq wasn't even alive at the time


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
There hasn't been enough testing on all dir to come to that conclusion that out of Reer samaale it's Samaroon and ciisa.

Digil and mirifle clans will also have a large proportion of T-L208 with more samples coming from various
clans in the future bi'ithnillah
I'm Samaroon and all samples tested are T1a. They are not known to assimilate. Cissa are largely T as well. As are Sure. I can't speak for Issaq as they are split. Also D&M is a confederation with various haplogroups and origins. They are not equivalent. It is actually laughable you would use them as an example or dare to make the claim they have more T samples. They get various haplogroups. Please just stop discussing matters you know little about.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Don't forget guys a couple years ago a Somali Bantu man was burnt alive simply because his nephew married a woman who was jileec from the hawiye murusade clan. He was denied her hand in marriage and eloped with her and for that his uncle was burnt alive in broad daylight subxaanallah.

That is unislamic and despicable. I support intermarriage as we are all brothers. Intermarriage promotes brotherhood and gets rid of qabyaalad and racism
Thatโ€™s not true. It was two bantu clans.
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