What a time to be alive. I’m being called a male incel. I’m literally one of the most hated female poster on this forum as I put these Faraxs in there place and have a no nonsense attitude. I’m honest. I come for Faraxs and I also come for people like you.I don't think you are even a xalimo. It seems like you are farax masquerading as a xalimo. Your talking points almost sound identical to the farax Incel community.
That’s my issue with you. You don’t showcase any intellectual argument. Hardly any of your arguments were historically factual as you didn’t provide any evidence and none of your points were sited. You used a banadir text that is well known to be in inaccurate due to its fantastical nature filled with myths and an article from a Slovakian woman who isn’t even a historian. Are you being for real?The way you counter historical and intellectual arguments is similar in tone to the Somali Incel community.
The fact that I’m well known on this forum for coming for Somali men whilst you’re saying I ‘seldom’ criticize them is a stark example of your dishonest nature. Everyone on this forum knows I criticize aspects of Somali culture that I feel is misogynistic and I come for sexist Somali men all the time on this forum. To deny this shows how much of a liar you are and it’s funny. It really is.I constantly see you overly praising Somali men and acting like there's nothing wrong with them. You only very seldom criticize Somali men and then you immediately follow up your criticism by overly complimenting them.
Everyone knows the Ajuran are Somali. Why you’d lie is clearly due to your hatred for Somalis. You’re not a woman or Somali for that matter and you’d even lie and say I never criticize Somali men when I’m constantly accused of doing so. That alone should illustrate that you can’t be believed. lol I’m Angelina, the woman who puts these Faraxs in their place. THE Angelina.I even exposed your ridiculous lies about the Ajuran Sultante. I swear your refutation is literally the same as Somali Incels. You are a strange guy. Once again discrediting people's roots and labeling them as an Ethiopian larper. Wallahi you can't be a women.