Cushites make up 0.88% of the world population, and Somalis even less than that. How does that make you feel?

The Han Chinese, Indians, Arabs, and even Nigerians outnumber us. The fact that our people and our distant cousins are an endangered minority makes me sad.:meleshame:


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Also even though we make up less then 0.88 of the worlds population, Somalis are well known, successful and have strong bases all around the world.
We are the definition of quality over quantity. I still want us to have a big population, which is why im very against people who want to stop somalis from having kids Usually xmuslims and ajnabis.
Imagine what we could be if Somalia was stable, thats why we keep getting kicked down and meddled in for all modern history.
Nigerian identity is a colonial creation like Ethiopia a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic nation not an ethnicity. Landhere Arabs and han Chinese have mass assimilated countless other groups unlike muh clan langaab Somalis. Just go to r/morroco and you'll see an Amazigh admit he's Amazigh yet proudly proclaim he's Arab all in one paragraph/sentence. We should have waged wars on neighboring cushites and forced our culture and language on them. Alas it's too late now
People in Somalia should know these facts; maybe then they wouldn't be killing each other like monkeys, yelling 'langaab' at each other 24/7.

Internet Nomad

If we want clan wars to stop, simple things must be instated.

1. All grazing land should be nationalised/federalised- treated like national parks
2. Nomads must be disarmed.

In return, nomads must get access to grazing land and clean drinking water, which is rotated to prevent deforestation. In addition, grazing areas need 24/7 security.

If we had normal people in charge, implementing laws that make sense, we wouldn't be global laangaabs.


If we want clan wars to stop, simple things must be instated.

1. All grazing land should be nationalised/federalised- treated like national parks
2. Nomads must be disarmed.

In return, nomads must get access to grazing land and clean drinking water, which is rotated to prevent deforestation. In addition, grazing areas need 24/7 security.

Most of these clan wars, are caused by poor management, and low trust.

If we had normal people in charge, we wouldn't be global laangaabs.
Exactly!!!!!This is the reason why they fight because they have no means to survive and they will do whatever it takes considering they don’t really trust eachother!!Another W from Punite queen :gaasdrink:
Cushitenimo is not a real thing. Oromo and Afar literally are part of our top 5 biggest opps.

If Somalis were landheere as we say, we should have conquered these territories a while back.
If we want clan wars to stop, simple things must be instated.

1. All grazing land should be nationalised/federalised- treated like national parks
2. Nomads must be disarmed.

In return, nomads must get access to grazing land and clean drinking water, which is rotated to prevent deforestation. In addition, grazing areas need 24/7 security.

If we had normal people in charge, implementing laws that make sense, we wouldn't be global laangaabs.
Facts, one thing I noticed that why Somalis have an obsession with having many kids is because they know a portion will die. Some will die from a clan war, some from hunger and some from other illnesses.

I wish Somalis were smart and instead of killing each other though about building and constructing their country.


Yet we occupy such vast land, so it shows numbers aren't everything.

Somaliweyn is enough to be the 26th largest country in the world.

Don't forget our coastline. Many people live in landlocked lands and wish they had that.

I don't care much for the Cushite label. I am pro Somali not pro Cushite.
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Internet Nomad

If we want clan wars to stop, simple things must be instated.

1. All grazing land should be nationalised/federalised- treated like national parks
2. Nomads must be disarmed.

In return, nomads must get access to grazing land and clean drinking water, which is rotated to prevent deforestation. In addition, grazing areas need 24/7 security.

If we had normal people in charge, implementing laws that make sense, we wouldn't be global laangaabs.
I think this should be the future for most livestock owners they buy a large amount of government land and rotate the cattle.

It allows the soil to replenish and isn’t habitat destroying.

Ik you dont like Edna but this video is very informative

