Deadly fighting between Puntland and Galmudug troops - Galkacyo- Shit's getting real

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What are you saying warya? Is Yemen not North of somalia? Or is the J haplogroup in another galaxy?
How is haplogroup necessary in this discussion? o_O. I thought you meant Yemen is north Puntland, I was actually offended by that.


Sacad are known for their fighting skills. I'd suggest my Darood brothers in Puntland to rethink their tactics,
You as a Majeerteen will never beat a man of Habir gidir decent in terms of warefare. Its been proven in 1991, when they raped ya'll.
Just think logically: what other outcome was expected? In their entire history, MJs have never been specialists in war. When you think of the typical MJ, do you imagine a fierce warrior? MJs are smart, conniving, incredibly manipulative, along with many other good qualities, but they just aren't built for direct war. They historically have always had others to fight their battles and wars for them. Now, unfortunately for them, they have managed to turn everyone against them over the years and will have no one to help them in their upcoming battles and are surrounded on all fronts by bitter enemies. I like to think Puntland is still projected to be a bantu nation by 2040, but now it might end up in Mooryan hands before then. It's a tug-of-war going on between the burgeoning bantus and the savage Mooryans for Puntland.

Inb4 Idol and her Puntland should secede rant. If you can't even effectively deal with a sub-sub of the Mooryans, the Amxar would absolutely slaughter you entirely and officially annex that land. It seems you guys actually need a more than it needs you. You aren't ready for secession like the grownups Somaliland and Jubbaland, who could handle themselves accordingly against an Amxhar invasion. The L taken in this battle is a case in point.
Welcome Adali... enjoy your stay.


I thought you were a darodist?

There will be no fighting.

i didn't say there was war, i suggested to avoid one. Simply because we know Majeertens as the, "suuro suuro" boys./
Niggas ain't build for war, and the sub clans sacad and ceyr of the habar gidir have been repeatedly fucking them for years.
Best thing to do is hand over Galkacyo without a shot, haddikale Garoowe might fall to the sacad. I;mm a Darood yes, but thats the truth.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
i didn't say there was war, i suggested to avoid one. Simply because we know Majeertens as the, "suuro suuro" boys./
Niggas ain't build for war, and the sub clans sacad and ceyr of the habar gidir have been repeatedly fucking them for years.
Best thing to do is hand over Galkacyo without a shot, haddikale Garoowe might fall to the sacad. I;mm a Darood yes, but thats the truth.

First off, they CAN live together as they have done for generations. They aren't some different species, they are neighbours. How will hg gain from this? Only death and destruction on both sides.

Second off ceyr isn't involved and has never been.

Why are people so intent on having MJs destroyed?


Sacad are known for their fighting skills. I'd suggest my Darood brothers in Puntland to rethink their tactics,
You as a Majeerteen will never beat a man of Habir gidir decent in terms of warefare. Its been proven in 1991, when they raped ya'll.
what does dacas balls smell like? how does it taste? this is an L on habar cambulo.

nacas. theyve committed attocity after attrocity for years, destroyed the hutuwiye name forever, and yet they still dont have galkacyo. talk about warfare skills :chrisfreshhah:


what does dacas balls smell like? how does it taste? this is an L on habar cambulo.

nacas. theyve committed attocity after attrocity for years, destroyed the hutuwiye name forever, and yet they still dont have galkacyo. talk about warfare skills :chrisfreshhah:
showing your true mj colors:mjpls:what he saying is true thoe last time hg came knocking it was his people and other darods who kicked out hg:mjohreally:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Sacad are known for their fighting skills. I'd suggest my Darood brothers in Puntland to rethink their tactics,
You as a Majeerteen will never beat a man of Habir gidir decent in terms of warefare. Its been proven in 1991, when they raped ya'll.
You are one dedicated cheer leader, Sade boy cuqdaada iska dhaaf maxa ka sii ah? Where is all this enmity coming from? Are you one of those barre hiraale supports who are logging in xamar? Puntland has been the only pillar standing for Somalia yet you're eager to see it in turmoil like gedo. As a Muslim one should love for others what You love for yourself.


what does dacas balls smell like? how does it taste? this is an L on habar cambulo.

nacas. theyve committed attocity after attrocity for years, destroyed the hutuwiye name forever, and yet they still dont have galkacyo. talk about warfare skills :chrisfreshhah:

Aren't you a female ICU? Dont let the male mentality of qabil consume you. You as a women do not have a qabil.
You are what your man is alongside your children. As for sacad. I'm a Darood, so the hutu dissing wont have an effect on me.
I made a legitimate statement when i addressed the topic. If Majeerteen were to go one on one with Habir Gidir, Puntland would be called Hutuvilla. You understand me? Habar gidir is known for their fighting. We call them the Mareehans of the hawiye. You dont f*ck with them.
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