Do you find sexy a six pack on a woman?

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I'm past my teens fam. You can increase bone density but you can't significantly increase size. Afaik it's entirely genetic with a some diet component to it. Bone tissue replenishes at a much slower rate than muscle tissue so the increase is borderline irrelevant. I have almost come to terms with it, smaller wrists = better looking proportions, e.g. Flex Wheeler. Although he is kinda short tbh.

Biggest misconception girls tend to have is weightlifting = instantly hench. There's tons of girls around 160 lbs that look proper toned and firm. In fact I'd go as far as to say the ideal bodies a lot of women are after is impossible to acquire without weight training.

How Bones Change
Throughout life, your bones are constantly changing. The body naturally removes old bone and replaces it with new bone. When you are young, bone is replaced much more quickly than it is lost. This is when you are building stronger and denser bones. Around age 30, most people reach their peak bone mass.

After reaching peak bone mass, your body replaces about as much as it loses for a while. But around age 40, less bone is replaced. And this causes the bones to become thinner and weaker, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is marked by progressive bone loss. Osteoporotic bones are structurally different than healthy bone. For women, the most rapid bone loss occurs in the years after menopause.

Until you hit 40 your good and with hard training right diet and time it does change but I wouldn't say the change would be a big change but nonetheless a slight change my opinion is any sort of change is good in my book :manny:

xalimos need to start getting some meat tbh they are all looking caato caato,i aint gonna holla unless i see some hilib,orod cunathaa iss ku dhal dhal:francis::francis::francis:
Where do you live ? Most xalimos my way are either medium build or slightly overweight(those that have kids ).some xalimos are looking perfect these days .
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