
Coping through the 1st world
biggest cope I've heard, ofc coming from someone who hasnt gone back home and openly exclaimed hes a kaafir. ur apostasy is probably hidden from your family too isnt it?

Nope I’ve announced to my family and relatives that I ain’t muslim. (I’m from the UK btw the biggest salafi Somalis you can find) and they were respectful about it.

@Shimbiris will also tell you how non Muslim Somalis are treated and he’ve been to Somalia countless times.

This whole thing I been hearing is just internet bubble crap.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Anyways, It will be difficult to cure somali people, this cancer is here to stay indefinitely, I gave up 10 years ago
Cancer aa? The Quran already told you about ur types
“…But when alone, they bite their fingertips in rage. Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “˹May you˺ die of your rage!” Surely Allah knows best what is ˹hidden˺ in the heart.” Imran 119.
You think they are for doing so however I do not adeer.
Yeah this is the reason why somalia will remain a part of the third world for the foreseeable future. Even KSA has woken up from the slumber, and somalis pay millions every year to their government for pilgrimage 🤣
@Khanderson I don't think this is a general thing most people are not happy about openly saying you left. The reactions are a lot more negative than you make it out to be. Of course there are some that have more neutral reactions but they are a minority.
Nope I’ve announced to my family and relatives that I ain’t muslim. (I’m from the UK btw the biggest salafi Somalis you can find) and they were respectful about it.

@Shimbiris will also tell you how non Muslim Somalis are treated and he’ve been to Somalia countless times.

This whole thing I been hearing is just internet bubble crap.
dont believe you at all, either way even if you were telling the truth you'd be the 0.00001% percent.

is your family practicing? outside of just the obligations, do they busy their day with islam?
Killing apostates is extreme though, he's right on that one.
nah, apostates are killed when their apostasy is open and thus a danger to society. in many cases they even get a 3 day repentance period. if after that theyre still stubborn then their necks are striked. not extreme at all


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Killing apostates is extreme though, he's right on that one.
Sis theres a whole jurisdiction regarding that im not educated on that. I am just trying to tell them what our ancestors to their types. They didnt consider their lot somali. I am just following our ancestors tradition. 🤷‍♀️
Sis theres a whole jurisdiction regarding that im not educated on that. I am just trying to tell them what our ancestors to their types. They didnt consider their lot somali. I am just following our ancestors tradition. 🤷‍♀️
You're a bit nuts, has anyone ever told you that 🤨, you're not that far off from those killer incels, I'm not even being pejorative


Coping through the 1st world
Killing apostates is extreme though, he's right on that one.

Apostasy laws are only practiced in an Islamic state (a country that practises sharia). They’ll only kill you if you denounced your faith and bring negative influence to the state.

But they won’t kill you if you leave the faith In the West. Because they West don’t practice sharia. I would’ve been dead if the West became sharia. ☠️


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
You're a bit nuts, has anyone ever told you that 🤨, you're not that far off from those killer incels, I'm not even being pejorative
I am an incel for stating facts? Yeah right. Let me tell you a storytime, i have one of these distant granduncle he was one of those russian students yk. He came back telling he comes from danyeers. Man was chased out and he lost his eye in a shootout fleeing. Barely survived he made it out tho. Became one of those islamophobic jews at the end.
Ma ka qaadanin, orod and join those ISIS brides, they need your kind 👀
Bro just called mainstream muslims Isis.
Ala qolomaha shamima begum ba ka aarsani doona, adi iyo passportka lagaa qaaday o aan weliga xajinaynin 😳. They are gonna be rubbing their hands in customs kkkk

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