nah, apostates are killed when their apostasy is open and thus a danger to society. in many cases they even get a 3 day repentance period. if after that theyre still stubborn then their necks are striked. not extreme at all
I already know about the three-day repentance rule, and I accept that an Islamic society, like any other, would need to enforce strict boundaries to maintain the status quo. But killing any random gaal after 3 days when they haven't been convinced out of their doubts is concerning, might take longer than that to convince them, so about half of them in Muslim countries would be lying so they don't get jumped...

Doubts aren't always something that can be switched on-and-off like a light switch so what if they still feel niggling doubts after the three days are up? We should just off them?
the dictator kill GIF


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
i just know ur not dutch lol. this guy is the biggest retard clown of the country
I sensed their disingenuousness from the start wallahi. Theres tons of murtads some I even am on friendly terms with such as @Ajansjana But i could sense the hidden hate and contempt they have for us these two men. Man said he sympathises with the biggest dutch islamophobe.
Thats your true face. And thats why we have Al qisas for murtads
Kale wax iga qad marka youre not somali
I don't know if you are aware, but you're not particularly sane. Digressing from whether or not I can be considered somali or not, your thought processes regarding murder when it comes to ideological discrepancies is concerning. Any sane person reading your comments would be thinking and weighing on the religion you are supposedly representing. Have some discretion when you write, it could cause people to wander in their thoughts, "is this religion for me? 👀".
Habeen wanaagsan


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I don't know if you are aware, but you're not particularly sane. Digressing from whether or not I can be considered sonali or not, your thought processes regarding murder when it comes to ideological discrepancies is concerning. Any sane person reading your comments would be thinking and weighing on the religion you are supposedly representing. Have some discretion when you write, it could cause people to wander in their thoughts, "is this religion for me? 👀".
Habeen wanaagsan
Aww you got offended. Sorry I called a spade a spade. I wont sugar coat islam and our ancestors for you. Islamic sharia that Allah sent down is concerning? Also youre not slick I saw you putting a laughing emoji about sympathising with the dutch islamophobe. Besides your whole pointing fingers is so funny because our whole argument was about you not being somali not about death penalty idk how you derailed that. Thanks for showing us where you stand.
I already know about the three-day repentance rule, and I accept that an Islamic society, like any other, would need to enforce strict boundaries to maintain the status quo. But killing any random gaal after 3 days when they haven't been convinced out of their doubts is concerning, might take longer than that to convince them, so about half of them in Muslim countries would be lying so they don't get jumped...

Doubts aren't always something that can be switched on-and-off like a light switch so what if they still feel niggling doubts after the three days are up? We should just off them?
the dictator kill GIF
doubts can definitely be dispelled in three days. Remember, its the state that executes you, not some random vigilante. the state would defnitely have access to a top shaykh who could easily (with the help of Allah) help you get rid of any doubts.

If you think executing for apostasy is extreme, take an example out of the apostates in this thread. Your thread wasn't even about islam yet they didnt waste a moment to attack it. Or look at the videos/posts of the kuffar supporting that which the state of the jews are doing against the muslims, among the most fanatical of them are the apostates who only do so out of hate for islam.
I sensed their disingenuousness from the start wallahi. Theres tons of murtads some I even am on friendly terms with such as @Ajansjana But i could sense the hidden hate and contempt they have for us these two men. Man said he sympathises with the biggest dutch islamophobe.
you mean tii that said practicing muslims should be put down like dogs? kkkkkk none of them are sane theyre all mentally ill. dont take them as friends

Omar del Sur

nah, apostates are killed when their apostasy is open and thus a danger to society. in many cases they even get a 3 day repentance period. if after that theyre still stubborn then their necks are striked. not extreme at all

As we all know, it is carried out by the Muslim ruler and there is nothing extreme about it. In fact, it's very merciful- they get three days like you mentioned. All they have to do is recant. They could not even believe in Islam but just say they do and walk out and leave. There is nothing extreme or barbaric about it.

"The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “It is not permissible to spill the blood of a Muslim except in three [instances]: the married person who commits adultery, a life for a life, and the one who forsakes his religion and separates from the community.” [Al-Bukhari] [Muslim]"

as Imam Malik famously said, pointing to the grave of Rasul Allah ﷺ: "One may choose to accept or reject from anyone, except from the dweller of this grave."
Aww you got offended. Sorry I called a spade a spade. I wont sugar coat islam and our ancestors for you. Islamic sharia that Allah sent down is concerning? Also youre not slick I saw you putting a laughing emoji about sympathising with the dutch islamophobe. Besides your whole pointing fingers is so funny because our whole argument was about you not being somali not about death penalty idk how you derailed that. Thanks for showing us where you stand.
I bet that if I could go back in time and altered certain sounds when the quran was being disseminated to the listeners through some manipulation, and changed ayahs to kill your parents when they turn sick, you'd gladly abide. Also, I'm not the one being emotional, I am genuinely concerned by what kind of thinking is being proliferated in the community. No critical thinking, just action. Action.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Thought you'd be upset at this thread evolving into an irreligious-religious mud fight.
One teenage girl vs 2 grown islamophobic men. Yeah I clutched that fight and won. Why am I being villianised and called an extremist isis shabab shamima begum for stating the quran and sharia?
Thought you'd be upset at this thread evolving into an irreligious-religious mud fight.
The old me would have been, but I've accepted that SSpot users are a mentally ill bunch itching to fight each other, no matter what the original thread topic was about.


Coping through the 1st world
Thats your true face. And thats why we have Al qisas for murtads
Kale wax iga qad marka youre not somali
Disgusting joke. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Great wilder knows that Islam isn’t compatible with the west. Islam views are both political and religious.

You have @Mudug_gyal over here who wouldn’t mind if I was placed under a firing squad for leaving the Islam.
This may sound controversial to you (since you appear moderate) but it’s the truth.
The West isn’t meant to mix with Islam and vice versa.

I never seen any religions practices these things but Islam. Spear me with this okay.
I bet that if I could go back in time and altered certain sounds when the quran was being disseminated to the listeners through some manipulation, and changed ayahs to kill your parents when they turn sick, you'd gladly abide. Also, I'm not the one being emotional, I am genuinely concerned by what kind of thinking is being proliferated in the community. No critical thinking, just action. Action.
its not "critical thinking" to you unless someone doubts it and goes against islam lol we know ur ploys


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
This is the definition of crazy 🤔
Being a muslim to you is crazy.
I bet that if I could go back in time and altered certain sounds when the quran was being disseminated to the listeners through some manipulation, and changed ayahs to kill your parents when they turn sick, you'd gladly abide. Also, I'm not the one being emotional, I am genuinely concerned by what kind of thinking is being proliferated in the community. No critical thinking, just action. Action.
Time travel is not possible though. And also why would the creator allow you to alter his word?
One teenage girl vs 2 grown islamophobic men. Yeah I clutched that fight and won. Why am I being villianised and called an extremist isis shabab shamima begum for stating the quran and sharia?
It's your tone and erratic writing style, abaayo.

You genuinely sound excited by the prospect of killing an irreligious man/woman, rather than a Muslim who believes in the apostate rule as a matter-of-fact dry matter that needs to be handled and moved on from.