Great wilder knows that Islam isn’t compatible with the west. Islam views are both political and religious.

You have @Mudug_gyal over here who wouldn’t mind if I was placed under a firing squad for leaving the Islam.
This may sound controversial to you (since you appear moderate) but it’s the truth.
The West isn’t meant to mix with Islam and vice versa.

I never seen any religions practices these things but Islam. Spear me with this okay.
death penalty for apostasy is a thing in all "abrahamic" religions lol....... this is how ik ur disingenuous.

but I'd assume christianity, in which the death penalty is found, a religion which the west has a long history with where they burnt heretics at the stake, is compatible with the west? or is only your neo liberalism extreme reddit atheism compatible with the west?


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Great wilder knows that Islam isn’t compatible with the west. Islam views are both political and religious.

You have @Mudug_gyal over here who wouldn’t mind if I was placed under a firing squad for leaving the Islam.
This may sound controversial to you (since you appear moderate) but it’s the truth.
The West isn’t meant to mix with Islam and vice versa.

I never seen any religions practices these things but Islam. Spear me with this okay.
I never said that. I earlier stated that I dont know enough about the death penalty for murtads. Are you a enemy of an islamic state? Otherwise why would you be killed? Also youre a horrible human for supporting that dutch indo mogrel. The so called west that you follow were inspired by islam when they were writting their constitution. On whT basis are you saying islam aint compatible with west? Tell me if you want to know more about that.
You should doubt everything. Everything. That is the fundamental tenet of critical thinking.
you should begin by doubting ur own intellectuality.

I have an experiment for you. next time you do a number two at the toilet, take some of it and eat it. You can't let yourself be fooled by the smell right? "doubt everything" so who said it doesn't taste nice?


Coping through the 1st world
death penalty for apostasy is a thing in all "abrahamic" religions lol....... this is how ik ur disingenuous.

but I'd assume christianity, in which the death penalty is found, a religion which the west has a long history with where they burnt heretics at the stake, is compatible with the west? or is only your neo liberalism extreme reddit atheism compatible with the west?

Show me a video where a Christian kills a Christian for leaving Christianity.
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لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
It's your tone and erratic writing style, abaayo.

You genuinely sound excited by the prospect of killing an irreligious man/woman, rather than a Muslim who believes in the apostate rule as a matter-of-fact dry matter that needs to be handled and moved on from.
Sis please read my replies. I was not excited about it I was just saying how it was during those times and what the islamic sharia ruled. The only thing I was excited about was revoking his somali card.
you should begin by doubting ur own intellectuality.

I have an experiment for you. next time you do a number two at the toilet, take some of it and eat it. You can't let yourself be fooled by the smell right? "doubt everything" so who said it doesn't taste nice?
I said it was the fundamental principle. Doubt is followed by peer review, then outcome, then repeat. Ergo, "we know that jumping out of an airplane is fatal" . Several people have intentionally/ unintentionally fallen out of a plane to their death, and so we should not jump out... This thinking was not derived on its own, we roughly knew that falling to the ground from 20 meters up was fatal, but 10 wasn't. Extrapolating that, flying 40,000 feet, would 99% cause death
Can I just say, I am absolutely appalled by what the community has become, just braindead fools. There is schooling but nothing worthwhile out of it


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
This has been a great week for me. Two Number 1 Trending threads right after each other.
Wallahi sis wa yaab, the policy they want is waan ku tabaana laakiin ha ii taban. They call islam and quran all sorts of insults but I state the actual rules of islam and I get called all sorts of derivatives of terrorist LOL. Wheres the free speech in that?I been watching them long time taking sneak disses on islam I had enough. Never came for kisame or ajansjana its these hostile ones I hate. It only took the “you’re not somali card” plus the good ole islamic sharia for closeted islamphobes @Khanderson to support geert wilders and for @Ozymandias to liken islamic sharia with isis


Plotting world domination
These guys are experts at making xalimos leave the deen, man's getting dambi 😳
Just stumbled upon this thread.

Why the hell did y'all spend 6 pages talking about this issue and dissing gaals:draketf: @DojaKhat @Mudug_gyal

Both of y'all know about the existence of annoying religious incels that haram police women.

Y'all should have focused on doja's biggest hater.

You do know that there are gaalo somali women out there right, there are more of them than men, we are just more present on the internet 🤣🤣. My ex was a gaal somali

Her reply made me laugh. Legit all you gotta do is shoot your shot at all the non hijabis you see and your bound to land a gaal xalimo :dead1:. Some of these chicks legit think we're lonely.
Just stumbled upon this thread.

Why the hell did y'all spend 6 pages talking about this issue and dissing gaals:draketf: @DojaKhat @Mudug_gyal

Both of y'all know about the existence of annoying religious incels that haram police women.

Her reply made me laugh. Legit all you gotta do is shoot your shot at all the non hijabis you see and your bound to land a gaal xalimo :dead1:. Some of these chicks legit think we're lonely.
Wallahi these girls and somali incels are made for each other 🤣
There is no benefit only people who are lying about deen and others who can't defend it just ignorance and confusion
Alternatively, it should be emphasised that SomaliSpot is not a place to learn Islam and theology/philosophy in general, since foolish personalities, arguments and opinions are rife in real life and other forums.


Press rewind ⏪
One teenage girl vs 2 grown islamophobic men. Yeah I clutched that fight and won. Why am I being villianised and called an extremist isis shabab shamima begum for stating the quran and sharia?
I don't disagree. Keep going tho. The night is still young, and I can't sleep. But who needs sleep anyway? :kendrickcry:
Glad we agree close the thread then
HUH? I didn't agree with you at all. Are your reading comprehension skills okay?

My point was it's always going to exist so people should be taught to not take these threads as a serious source of information instead of censoring everything.
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