
لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I don't disagree. Keep going tho. The night is still young, and I can't sleep. But who needs sleep anyway? :kendrickcry:
@DojaKhat sorry for pointing out the elephant in the room. Wallahi they hate Islam i just had to show u their faces. Also sorry im being confrontational I was pmsing 🙏


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I'm a working uni student. I'm taking a break off shifts to focus on assignments, which I'm on my way to do now.

Thanks for your concern, lil bro.
Do you think there can be a middle ground abayo? Why are they offended that I follow the sharia and quran? Why does that bug them?


Coping through the 1st world
I never said that. I earlier stated that I dont know enough about the death penalty for murtads. Are you a enemy of an islamic state? Otherwise why would you be killed? Also youre a horrible human for supporting that dutch indo mogrel. The so called west that you follow were inspired by islam when they were writting their constitution. On whT basis are you saying islam aint compatible with west? Tell me if you want to know more about that.

Okay, here me out: it sounds like you’re getting emotional right now.
I don’t support “Great Wilder” if I did I’d be deported too because my mother, brothers, sisters are all Muslims.
I only seen his points because he knew how Islam isn’t compatible with the modern day West.
You shouldn’t even disagree with this you know what the West preaches does goes against Islamic teachings.

It seems I’ve already upset you. I’m not here to make you upset. You are only practicing your deen and I respect that really. but killing an apostate ideas is triggering to me and very concerning that we’re discussing this in the 21st century.
Okay, here me out: it sounds like you’re getting emotional right now.
I don’t support “Great Wilder” if I did I’d be deported too because my mother, brothers, sisters are all Muslims.
I only seen his points because he knew how Islam isn’t compatible with the modern day West.
You shouldn’t even disagree with this you know what the West preaches does goes against Islamic teachings.

It seems I’ve already upset you. I’m not here to make you upset. You are only practicing your deen and I respect that really. but killing an apostate ideas is triggering to me and very concerning that we’re discussing this in the 21st century.
I similarly don't hate muslims as 99% of my family are, I also do not wish for Muslims to find it difficult to practice their deen. I'm just appalled by the intellectual dishonesty of conflating the murder of a gaal as a moral triviality. Murder based on theological difference is religious extremism. That's all I wanted people to take from this.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Okay, here me out: it sounds like you’re getting emotional right now.
I don’t support “Great Wilder” if I did I’d be deported too because my mother, brothers, sisters are all Muslims.
I only seen his points because he knew how Islam isn’t compatible with the modern day West.
You shouldn’t even disagree with this you know what the West preaches does goes against Islamic teachings.

It seems I’ve already upset you. I’m not here to make you upset. You are only practicing your deen and I respect that really. but killing an apostate ideas is triggering to me and very concerning that we’re discussing this in the 21st century.
Nigga youre the one who got offended as you state here that sharia “triggered” you. Youre the one whos upset first. Thats why you made the joke Sympathising with a islamophobe, even if it was a joke it doesnt make you quirky it makes you a horrible being. You hate islam otherwise you wouldnt be bugged about muslims following sharia. Particularly the hijab. Come correct. I cant believe I have to say quran and sharia are not religious extremism
Show me a video where a Christian kills a Christian for leaving a Christianity.
lol how disingenuous to ask for specifically videos as if thats the only proof. funny thing is, theres probably many vids of it online but i wont waste my time spending time searching gore for you.

you cant deny theres many historical evidences for this though, like burning heretics at the stake for example
I said it was the fundamental principle. Doubt is followed by peer review, then outcome, then repeat. Ergo, "we know that jumping out of an airplane is fatal" . Several people have intentionally/ unintentionally fallen out of a plane to their death, and so we should not jump out... This thinking was not derived on its own, we roughly knew that falling to the ground from 20 meters up was fatal, but 10 wasn't. Extrapolating that, flying 40,000 feet, would 99% cause death
how do you know they truly jumped though? can you really trust them? what if the outcome were different if you did it? why dont you doubt their so called findings? cant really know unless you try for yourself no? otherwise youre not doubting everything nor is it your fundamental principle. you just doubt what your evil desires tell you to doubt and act like this is intellectuality
@Ozymandias get a better lawyer wallahi maybe @DojaKhat its sad atp
HOLD ON, I didn't catch this reply notification. Why were you expecting me to act as Ozzy's lawyer? Got something you'd like to tell me? Perhaps sneaking suspicions of me secretly being gaal?

Say your shit with your chest, naaya.
Happy Penn Badgley GIF by Lifetime
also dont believe their tactics at trying to seem accepting lol, "doesnt hate muslims" but kicked off this thread by trying to get ppl(women specifically) to apostatize,


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
HOLD ON, I didn't catch this reply notification. Why were you expecting me to act as Ozzy's lawyer? Got something you'd like to tell me? Perhaps sneaking suspicions of me secretly being gaal?

Say your shit with your chest, naaya.
Happy Penn Badgley GIF by Lifetime
Maya Abayo its because you like to play devils advocate. You provide good points on either side. You can argue both ways and devour your opponents. I shudder at the thought of debating with you. I am just wonder when did quran and sharia become extremism?


Coping through the 1st world
lol how disingenuous to ask for specifically videos as if thats the only proof. funny thing is, theres probably many vids of it online but i wont waste my time spending time searching gore for you.

you cant deny theres many historical evidences for this though, like burning heretics at the stake for example

“Historical evidence.”.
First off: is because you don’t have any current documents of this. And even if you did it’s definitely not supported by mainstream Christianity.
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how do you know they truly jumped though? can you really trust them? what if the outcome were different if you did it? why dont you doubt their so called findings? cant really know unless you try for yourself no? otherwise youre not doubting everything nor is it your fundamental principle. you just doubt what your evil desires tell you to doubt and act like this is intellectuality
Because we can observe tacitly their disheveled and splattered corpses on the ground miles up from where they supposedly jumped? And similar events were observed? What kind of counter argument is this? 💀. Physical evidence of death is knowable there is a whole section of medical field concerning autopsy. Please do better sxb. Science is about repeatable tests, then creating a hypothesis, knowledge is all about stringing.
Because we can observe tacitly their disheveled and splattered corpses on the ground miles up from where they supposedly jumped? And similar events were observed? What kind of counter argument is this? 💀. Physical evidence of death is knowable there is a whole section of medical field concerning autopsy. Please do better sxb. Science is about repeatable tests, then creating a hypothesis, knowledge is all about stringing.
you have to be retarded if you think im actually arguing with you on this. im literally making fun of you kkkkkkkkkk.

according to you "doubting everything" is the fundamental principle. im telling you to eat your own feces and jump out of a plane as an experiment because why not doubt those before you and try it out yourself?