Please tell me what was foolish, I promise to rectify my actions and even apologise to you.
Okay let me ask you this, what thinking differentiates between you and Isis? Is there anything in particular you don't agree with, when it comes to their creed? By this I mean is there one point they believe in, that you are fundamentally opposed to?


Coping through the 1st world
Nigga youre the one who got offended as you state here that sharia “triggered” you. Youre the one whos upset first. Thats why you made the joke Sympathising with a islamophobe, even if it was a joke it doesnt make you quirky it makes you a horrible being. You hate islam otherwise you wouldnt be bugged about muslims following sharia. Particularly the hijab. Come correct. I cant believe I have to say quran and sharia are not religious extremism

Okay I apologise. (Only because I get along with you as a user) I’m sorry for offending you.
We need to be honest with the discussion here on this one.

In an Islamic sharia country: it’s stated by many mainstream Muslims if you leave the faith in an Islamic country you’re dead.

is that correct do agree with that?

I just want to hear from your input first.
you have to be retarded if you think im actually arguing with you on this. im literally making fun of you kkkkkkkkkk.

according to you "doubting everything" is the fundamental principle. im telling you to eat your own feces and jump out of a plane as an experiment because why not doubt those before you and try it out yourself?
I said doubt was the fundamental principle when it comes to critical thinking not that it was the penultimate, war ya dadkan maskaxda u kordhiya ffs. Doubt - test - outcome- repeat - test - outcome - hypothesis. But testing is perpetual. An hypothesis is always open to scrutiny.
Now, I don't consider myself particularly a genius, but what has become of education these past couple of years, these are the basics 🤨


Coping through the 1st world
Seth Meyers Lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

it's night rn you guys are still debating lol



لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Okay let me ask you this, what thinking differentiates between you and Isis? Is there anything in particular you don't agree with, when it comes to their creed? By this I mean is there one point they believe in, that you are fundamentally opposed to?
I actually hoped that you’d answer my question but as usual you replied with a question. What makes me and Isis different is that I follow the Quran and sunnah and don’t try to twist it to suit my needs. Its actually you islamophobes and isis that have a lot in common that try to make our deen so negative and cause bloodshed. Both of you try to make muslims and Islam look bad.

1) Isis believe that every muslim on earth is kaffir besides their little sect that doesn’t exceed 10,000. They takfir over 2 billion muslims and believe our blood is halal for them. Thats why they are killing muslims Duh. They kill innocent people muslim or non muslim non combatants. They aint muslim

2) The Quran and sharia are not extremism. Self explainable tbh.

3) Isis are not muslim.

4) The I have muslim family card is laughable

5) You are an islamophobe. Please come clean.
Oh gosh, here we go again. Simply following Islamic rules, you are what your father is. If your father is Somali, then so are you. I haven’t found a Hadith that states that if someone becomes an apostate their ethnicity changes. Those that claim that need to find the evidence. If you’re going to use Islam as your argument, then where is your evidence? As Muslims we work with evidence.

As for Somali gaals, within our culture you’re excommunicated and are seen as outsiders culturally, but saying you’re not Somali when you have Somali blood, parents, siblings is stupid. Did your hooyo and abo stop being your parents? Did your mothers not birth you?

Some things are simply black and white. However, do not expect to be seen as part of the ‘community’. You’ll never be since our identity, ethics and values are based on islam and that is what brings us together.

So to simply but it, gaal Somalis are indeed Somali. All of you lot know it, hence why when describing them, you describe them as ‘gaal Somali’. Are they part of the community? NO.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Okay I apologise. (Only because I get along with you as a user) I’m sorry for offending you.
We need to be honest with the discussion here on this one.

In an Islamic sharia country: it’s stated by many mainstream Muslims if you leave the faith in an Islamic country you’re dead.

is that correct do agree with that?

I just want to hear from your input first.
Not hard feelings, you are entitled to your opinion offensive or not. Its actually concerning that you find Quran and sharia extremist. You use a lot of islamophobic talking points I had to call you out on that. If quran and sharia are extremism then where do you draw the line? Do you want us to waterdown since its 21st century? My initial argument was about revoking ozys somali card but you guys couldnt resist coming for Islams death penalty rule saying its shabab and isis. Ps I dont believe not being muslim revokes someones somaliness as you cant alter genetics I just wanted a discussion and banter. @Ozymandias
I actually hoped that you’d answer my question but as usual you replied with a question. What makes me and Isis different is that I follow the Quran and sunnah and don’t try to twist it to suit my needs. Its actually you islamophobes and isis that have a lot in common that try to make our deen so negative and cause bloodshed. Both of you try to make muslims and Islam look bad.

1) Isis believe that every muslim on earth is kaffir besides their little sect that doesn’t exceed 10,000. They takfir over 2 billion muslims and believe our blood is halal for them. Thats why they are killing muslims Duh. They kill innocent people muslim or non muslim non combatants. They aint muslim

2) The Quran and sharia are not extremism. Self explainable tbh.

3) Isis are not muslim.

4) The I have muslim family card is laughable

5) You are an islamophobe. Please come clean.
I was dissecting the quran and sunnah from a birds eye view, the third party so to speak, that's heresy to adherents I know, it is even a sin to do so intellectually as a muslim. Taas waan fahmay.

If the quran and sunnah advocates for the killing people who leave the faith for theological disagreements then it absolutely falls into religious extremism. If you were to come across news that a Hindu vista group killed past adherents, how would you react? You'd feel some type of disgust towards those actions as a human wouldn't you?
I'll stop here for today, its not gonna go anywhere. Also, I'll gladly exit the community, there is no redemption or vindication in this ethnic group
Okay let me ask you this, what thinking differentiates between you and Isis? Is there anything in particular you don't agree with, when it comes to their creed? By this I mean is there one point they believe in, that you are fundamentally opposed to?

The apostasy law is part of Islam and accepted by mainstream Muslims. ISIS are Khawarij who make takfir of Muslims, esp. Muslim leaders, they mainly target and kill Muslims. They're a fringe group who heavily misinterpret the religion. Do you consider them to be representative of Islam?


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I was dissecting the quran and sunnah from a birds eye view, the third party so to speak, that's heresy to adherents I know, it is even a sin to do so intellectually as a muslim. Taas waan fahmay.

If the quran and sunnah advocates for the killing people who leave the faith for theological disagreements then it absolutely falls into religious extremism. If you were to come across news that a Hindu vista group killed past adherents, how would you react? You'd feel some type of disgusting towards those actions as a human wouldn't you?
Not birds eye view, you are viewing it from geert wilders ayan hirsi eye view. Religious extremism according to who? Also Im not educated enough about that area of fiqh but I know that death penalty is not applied on all cases. Enemy combtants, spies, etc are the usual victims not someones whos just athiest also theres no islamic state how would sharia be applied duh


Coping through the 1st world
Oh gosh, here we go again. Simply following Islamic rules, you are what your father is. If your father is Somali, then so are you. I haven’t found a Hadith that states that if someone becomes an apostate their ethnicity changes. Those that claim that need to find the evidence.

As for Somali gaals, within our culture you’re excommunicated are seen as outsiders culturally, but saying you’re not Somali when you have Somali blood, parents, siblings is stupid. Did your hooyo and abo stop becoming your parents? Did your mothers not birth you?

Some things are simply black and white. In saying that, do not expect to be seen as part of the ‘community’. You’ll never be since our identity, ethnic and values are based on islam and that is what brings us together.

I agree and also disagree. Current day Somalia are a clan based society. Somalis are divided within clans and fought within different ideological ideas.
Isaaqs for example don’t want to claim Somali identity (rather Somaliand) because of what happened in 1991 they’ll do anything to not associate with the Somali name.

Islam is not an ethnorelgion but Islam have always been Somali identity. So that I’d agree.
It’s complicated to put this straight.
Not birds eye view, you are viewing it from geert wilders ayan hirsi eye view. Religious extremism according to who? Also Im not educated enough about that area of fiqh but I know that death penalty is applied on all cases. Enemy combtants, spies, etc are the usual victims not someones whos just athiest also theres no islamic state how would sharia be applied duh
"Not just" that was the point of contention in your original dialogue. To be put in the same bracket and cohort is the greatest injustice.
I agree and also disagree. Current day Somalia are a clan based society. Somalis are divided within clans and fought within different ideological ideas.
Isaaqs for example don’t want to claim Somali identity (rather Somaliand) because of what happened in 1991 they’ll do anything to not associate with the Somali name.

Islam is not an ethnorelgion but Islam have always been Somali identity. So that I’d agree.
It’s complicated to put this straight.
Isaaq’s don’t want to be part of Somalia, but their identity is still very much Somali and they too see themselves as strictly being Somali. You can belong to the same ethnic group but not want to be part of the same nation as the rest. They vehemently detest being part of Somalia, but not being Somali.

There is a difference between nationality and ethnicity. Somalis are found in Djibouti, Somaliland, the Ogaden region of Ethiopia and NFD and lastly Somalia. Not wanting to be part of Somalia, doesn’t mean that one doesn’t accept their Somali identity.
Somalia doesn’t have a monopoly on the Somali identity. The Somali ethnic group transcends nation states which are basically a new 20th century concept.

So you’re a tad mistaken in that department.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I agree and also disagree. Current day Somalia are a clan based society. Somalis are divided within clans and fought within different ideological ideas.
Isaaqs for example don’t want to claim Somali identity (rather Somaliand) because of what happened in 1991 they’ll do anything to not associate with the Somali name.

Islam is not an ethnorelgion but Islam have always been Somali identity. So that I’d agree.
It’s complicated to put this straight.
Take back what you said about sympathising with geert wilders and the muh papa west part walaal that was cringe.
"Not just" that was the point of contention in your original dialogue. To be put in the same bracket and cohort is the greatest injustice.
There was a typo, i meant its not applied on all cases, also whats wrong with punishing treason? Its an islamic state and hostile murtads who are combatants, spies ofc are punished. Even secular countries have death penalty for their traitors why doesnt that bother you? Ok guys im not replying anymore


Coping through the 1st world
Not hard feelings, you are entitled to your opinion offensive or not. Its actually concerning that you find Quran and sharia extremist. You use a lot of islamophobic talking points I had to call you out on that. If quran and sharia are extremism then where do you draw the line? Do you want us to waterdown since its 21st century? My initial argument was about revoking ozys somali card but you guys couldnt resist coming for Islams death penalty rule saying its shabab and isis. Ps I dont believe not being muslim revokes someones somaliness as you cant alter genetics I just wanted a discussion and banter. @Ozymandias

You haven’t answered my post sis.

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“Historical evidence.”.
First off: is because you don’t have any current documents of this. And even if you did it’s definitely not supported by mainstream Christianity.
mainstream christianity nowadays is irrecognizable to christians of the past. show any "christian" a passage of their current books and they'd be horrified at it lol. they think being a christian is going to church and singing.

the death penalty is confimred in the old testament, which they believe was revealed by God. there's also verses in the new testament confirming the old testament



especially this one is important lol. and then years later Paul, a man who has never met Jesus(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) claims to have seen him on the road to damascus and tells the gentiles they no longer need to keep the law and he even gets in trouble with the disciples for this kkkkkkkkkkkkk. medieval christianity is far removed from the islam Isa(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his followers were practicing, let alone modern day christianity lol
I said doubt was the fundamental principle when it comes to critical thinking not that it was the penultimate, war ya dadkan maskaxda u kordhiya ffs. Doubt - test - outcome- repeat - test - outcome - hypothesis. But testing is perpetual. An hypothesis is always open to scrutiny.
and im telling you why trust these outcomes and hypotheses which ppl have perceded you in? if doubt is step 1, why not doubt them? ultimately, the only way to truly know according to this order you've drawn up is to test everything for yourself. as such like I said, eat your own feces next time you relieve yourself and do it twice so you dont miss out the repeat phase kkkkkkkkkkkk
and im telling you why trust these outcomes and hypotheses which ppl have perceded you in? if doubt is step 1, why not doubt them? ultimately, the only way to truly know according to this order you've drawn up is to test everything for yourself. as such like I said, eat your own feces next time you relieve yourself and do it twice so you dont miss out the repeat phase kkkkkkkkkkkk
A hypothesis is faith based to an extent but faith based on reasoning. You come to a conclusion based on repeating outcomes. The reason I won't eat shit is because I believe it contains bilirubin, undigested fibre and bacteria and waste 🤣. Critical thinking is something akin to premonition. That's why new information is constantly retested to see if it has some merits, or if there was some fault in methodology. I will never understand Islam or any religion for that matter but its okay, I'm glad fr. It's peak out here for you lot.