Drake honours a Halimo fan

listening to music in person as opposed to your phone?
The more people you sin before the less likely it is to be forgive she's not only in the crowd but went on stage on top of that and this was placed on soical media. That's is very different to listening on your phone by yourself.

It's like committing zina. If no one sees you you can't possibly get haad but if you do zina on stage in front of 100s of people and it gets seen by 1000s more via soical media and you happen to inspire people and they act on it you get there sin aswell. It's always worse to do sins in the presence of others. Haad is only established on those that are caught meaning it has to be done in the presence of others.

The more you publicise your sin the worse it is and the less likely it is to be forgiven. Same principle applies to all other sins like listening to music.


what's with the people in this thread saying she should take off her hijab? tf? :mindblown:
It's enough sin that she's already gone to a concert, now y'all wanna add taking off the hijab? :mahubowtf:
what's with the people in this thread saying she should take off her hijab? tf? :mindblown:
It's enough sin that she's already gone to a concert, now y'all wanna add taking off the hijab? :mahubowtf:
It is better for her and the muslim girls u nacaas if i am going to sin should i wear a somali flag so they all know its a faraax
The more you publicise your sin the worse it is and the less likely it is to be forgiven. Same principle applies to all other sins like listening to music.
True - what originally surprised me about this post was the amount of people commenting she should have taken off her hijab and not bring shame to herself and her community over a concert.
True - what originally surprised me about this post was the amount of people commenting she should have taken off her hijab and not bring shame to herself and her community over a concert.
That depends on the intentions of the individual. Does she wear it for the sake of culture or is she wearing it for deen? We don't know that but people definitely need to treat hijab like it should be which isn't just about the appearance/garment. Technically she isn't wearing hijab because of what she did and by that might aswell not have been wearing it since she's violating the point of the hijab. However I wouldn't say she should have been hijabless rather she shouldn't have gone in the first place.

I know that if I was going to go out of my way to publicly sin I wouldn't wear anything that would be attributed to the deen but it's easier for me to do that as a man since our hijab isn't attached to our awrah. That's a trial unique to women and its better she covers her awrah regardless of whether she has hayyaah or not and whether she follows the etiquettes of hijab or not.

anyways as Muslims we are all representatives of the deen so the more visibly Muslim you are the more careful you should be publicly. I wouldn't wear what is precived as Islamic clothing and do unIslamic things.

There is naturally more of a burden on those who present as Muslims.
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To the traditional somali men on this forum and the ones tired of "scantily clad" xalimos. There will be less headache for you if you go back to the dalka to find yourself a wife and raise your children over there. You will only get mental health problems if minute clips like this gets you in a frenzy. I can guarantee you that some of your daughters will do worse if you have kids in the west, that's the reality of it. Stop the calaacal 🤣


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros
To the traditional somali men on this forum and the ones tired of "scantily clad" xalimos. There will be less headache for you if you go back to the dalka to find yourself a wife and raise your children over there. You will only get mental health problems if minute clips like this gets you in a frenzy. I can guarantee you that some of your daughters will do worse if you have kids in the west, that's the reality of it. Stop the calaacal 🤣
You are very naif if you think it's different, girls back home have been influenced by all the doqon from the west who come for holidays, go ahead and see it yourself

