Earliest mention of Somali

Answer this simple question. Are Hararis a single ethnic group or are they an amalgamation of many different ethnic groups?
Answer this simple question. Are Hararis a single ethnic group or are they an amalgamation of many different ethnic groups?
Hararis are a single ethnic group, here’s why.

Firstly, if Hararis were an amalgamation of different ethnic groups, then their language wouldn’t just appear after the walls of Harar were built (as your pals here baselessly claim). The Harari language was confirmed to exist in the 1500s, just search up Kitab Al Faraid. It’s a book about the essentials of Deen in the Harari language.

There are those who magically claim that Hararis are Gurage migrants. That’s literally just false with zero evidence to back it up. Firstly, the Harari language and Gurage language are quite different. Y’all are saying Hararis and Gurages have the same language, wait till you find out that Siltes can’t even understand Guraginga🤦‍♂️. Claims like those show the lack of intellect of the ones who utter such nonsense.

There are others who claim that the Somali in the Futuh are not referencing Somalis as a whole but just meant nomad. That’s also false. Firstly, there is no evidence to suggest a tie between the Harla people and the Somali people. In fact, when the British came over to Somalia and asked the Somalis about the ruins they saw, the Somalis attributed it to some other race. It’s documented of Somalis attributing the ruins of Amud to the Harla, whom they called their predecessors whom disappeared. They made no connection with those ancient race, and clearly didn’t inherit any knowledge or wisdom from them. All those ruins in northern Somalia yet no knowledge of city building and farming amongst those northern Somalis.

Speaking of Amud, which is in the vicinity of Zeila, Richard Burton mentioned that the main saint of Zeila was Sheikh Ibrahim Ibn Zarbe. Zarbe was a Harla clan mentioned in Futuh. Zarbe literally means “by the river” in the Harari language. If you look at other Harla clan names, you can see the Harari etymology. Zaman Bara means “the bull of the times”, referring to their warrior nature. Hararis today use the term Zamaja Bara to refer to someone who wins. Alaqa was another Harla clan mentioned in Futuh. That means “leader/head” in the Harari language. Arab Tkh was another Harla clan, which mean “you are Arab.” There was another clan called Sagara, which meant “restroom.” People like Garad Shama ‘Un were mentioned in futuh. Shama ‘Un is a beautiful name meaning “shining rock” in the Harari language. There was also Abu Bakr Qachin (meaning skinny as mentioned in futuh, it means skinny in the Harari language). Also Farasaham Yimaj, an iconic harari name. We have a zikri in Harar called “Yimaj Nikhashana,” which was actually a plea to Allah to save us during the Oromo siege. Yimaj means “best,” so Yimaj Nikhashana means “we want what’s best.” The elite forces of the Adal Sultanate were the Malasay, literally a Harari name. Mala means “solution” and say means “prosperity” (another side tangent, Sai party is the name of Prosperity Party in Harar).

Point is, Hararis have had their language confirmed in a manuscript since at least the 1500s while Somalis don’t even have mansiscripts in their own language that far back. Hararis have a unique home building interior architecture, which is indicative of an advanced urban society. Hararis have been doing irrigation farming for centuries, and agriculture was the pride of hararis. To be a farmer was an honor. That is in line with what the Harla were, with their villages and towns.

It’s actually funny that ur friends call us migrants when half of y’all clan names come from the Harari language😂.
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Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
The Harari language was confirmed to exist in the 1500s, just search up Kitab Al Faraid. It’s a book about the essentials of Deen in the Harari language.
Provide evidence for this.
Firstly, the Harari language and Gurage language are quite different. Y’all are saying Hararis and Gurages have the same language,
Harari and East Gurage are very closely related.

Firstly, there is no evidence to suggest a tie between the Harla people and the Somali people.
In the chapter, “The Somali Tribes reach Harar”, Hussain al-Gaturi a Somali commander of the Imam says this, “Thereupon the emir Husain bin Abu Bakr al-Gaturi arose and said to the Imam Ahmad ‘This will never happen. If they want war, then we will assemble our armies from the people of Sim and from the Somali tribes: the tribe of Girri, the tribe of Habr Maqdi, the tribe of Harla, for our armies have been dispersed. How can we do as they wish? We shall not surrender the country to them.” (Futuh - P. 104)

He literally lists the “Harlas” as part of the Somali tribes.
In fact, when the British came over to Somalia and asked the Somalis about the ruins they saw, the Somalis attributed it to some other race. It’s documented of Somalis attributing the ruins of Amud to the Harla, whom they called their predecessors whom disappeared.
The Harla have Somali genealogical decent, we have their manuscripts today. They weren’t a separate ethnicity or Harari’s ancestors.
Speaking of Amud, which is in the vicinity of Zeila, Richard Burton mentioned that the main saint of Zeila was Sheikh Ibrahim Ibn Zarbe. Zarbe was a Harla clan mentioned in Futuh. Zarbe literally means “by the river” in the Harari language. If you look at other Harla clan names, you can see the Harari etymology. Zaman Bara means “the bull of the times”, referring to their warrior nature. Hararis today use the term Zamaja Bara to refer to someone who wins. Alaqa was another Harla clan mentioned in Futuh. That means “leader/head” in the Harari language. Arab Tkh was another Harla clan, which mean “you are Arab.” There was another clan called Sagara, which meant “restroom.” People like Garad Shama ‘Un were mentioned in futuh. Shama ‘Un is a beautiful name meaning “shining rock” in the Harari language. There was also Abu Bakr Qachin (meaning skinny as mentioned in futuh, it means skinny in the Harari language). Also Farasaham Yimaj, an iconic harari name. We have a zikri in Harar called “Yimaj Nikhashana,” which was actually a plea to Allah to save us during the Oromo siege. Yimaj means “best,” so Yimaj Nikhashana means “we want what’s best.” The elite forces of the Adal Sultanate were the Malasay, literally a Harari name. Mala means “solution” and say means “prosperity” (another side tangent, Sai party is the name of Prosperity Party in Harar).
You’re using Richard Burton as a reference for medieval hisotry? He literally doesn’t know anything outside of a very superficial understanding of the clans that lived in the Somalia at the time he travelled there. I’m also not interested in your crackpot translation theories when it’s been proven before that you’ve been lying on them.
Hararis have a unique home building interior architecture, which is indicative of an advanced urban society. Hararis have been doing irrigation farming for centuries, and agriculture was the pride of hararis. To be a farmer was an honor. That is in line with what the Harla were, with their villages and towns.
There is nothing unique about Harar’s interior home building architecture that has them stand out from Somalis or the Horn.
It’s actually funny that ur friends call us migrants when half of y’all clan names come from the Harari language😂.
I do find your entire ethnicity pathetic when you cling to a town built by Somalis and was populated by us till the 19th century, but by all means cope if that’s what helps you feel better. Still waiting for you to prove that Hararis are descended from the same population that built it in the 15-16th century.
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What causes someone to lie like this?
Half is an exaggeration but a lot are actually from the Harari language.

1. Marihan - derived from the harari word “maraxa” meaning “to get booty, to capture, to captivate (figuratively).” The noun version of maraxa is maraxan.
2. Garxajis - means “new house” in the Harari language
3. Habar Gidir - Gidir is a harari word meaning “big.” Gadara is a variation that means exalted or elevated.
4. Reer Alamagan- Alamagan means “i seek protection from Allah.”
5. Reer Hodanbari - Hodanbari means “the covered wall.”
6. Koombe- koom means “very little” and -be means “with”. it means “with very little.” Example is of the ancient city Qumizar near berbera.

list goes on…
Provide evidence for this.

There are thousands of manuscripts in harar, there was another researcher who used other historical manuscripts to explain the events that took place after Imam Ahmed’s death. Many of these manuscripts are still to be fully researched.
In the chapter, “The Somali Tribes reach Harar”, Hussain al-Gaturi a Somali commander of the Imam says this, “Thereupon the emir Husain bin Abu Bakr al-Gaturi arose and said to the Imam Ahmad ‘This will never happen. If they want war, then we will assemble our armies from the people of Sim and from the Somali tribes: the tribe of Girri, the tribe of Habr Maqdi, the tribe of Harla, for our armies have been dispersed. How can we do as they wish? We shall not surrender the country to them.” (Futuh - P. 104)

He literally lists the “Harlas” as part of the Somali tribes.
😂ur literally taking a book out of context, and you know that. Why don’t you tell us the other couple of times the book says “the tribes of Harla” and then proceeds to list the tribes? I could easily reference the part where Imam Ahmed’s army broke down and then it said “the tribe of Somali blamed the tribe of Harla and vice versa.” Stop with this low iq attempt of historical revisionism and be genuine when discussing topics like this.
The Harla have Somali genealogical decent, we have their manuscripts today. They weren’t a separate ethnicity or Harari’s ancestors.
Bro have you heard of assimilation? Please show us the genealogy and I’ll care to explain.
You’re using Richard Burton as a reference for medieval hisotry? He literally doesn’t know anything outside of a very superficial understanding of the clans that lived in the Somalia at the time he travelled there. I’m also not interested in your crackpot translation theories when it’s been proven before that you’ve been lying on them.
Sounds like a bunch of copium because in fact he is one of the most accurate sources in the region. He did his job so well in fact that he made a whole Harari dictionary and a guide about its grammar and syntax, and then you have the audacity to say it’s inaccurate? I don’t have to do translation theories because he literally said Sheikh Ibrahim Abu Zarbay. Shut up with your copium bro.
There is nothing unique about Harar’s interior home building architecture that has them stand out from Somalis or the Horn.

“Nothing unique about Harar’s interior home building architecture” my ass bro, show me any Somali traditional home that had a nabada gar with its 5 different levels.
I do find your entire ethnicity pathetic when you cling to a town built by Somalis and was populated by us till the 19th century, but by all means cope if that’s what helps you feel better. Still waiting for you to prove that Hararis are descended from the same population that built it in the 15-16th century.
Either you ignored my whole post or you didn’t comprehend it. Go back and reread it cause u r missing something in your brain. Adios bro, talk to me when ur logic improves.
Half is an exaggeration but a lot are actually from the Harari language.

1. Marihan - derived from the harari word “maraxa” meaning “to get booty, to capture, to captivate (figuratively).” The noun version of maraxa is maraxan.
2. Garxajis - means “new house” in the Harari language
3. Habar Gidir - Gidir is a harari word meaning “big.” Gadara is a variation that means exalted or elevated.
4. Reer Alamagan- Alamagan means “i seek protection from Allah.”
5. Reer Hodanbari - Hodanbari means “the covered wall.”
6. Koombe- koom means “very little” and -be means “with”. it means “with very little.” Example is of the ancient city Qumizar near berbera.

list goes on…
That is not even remotely close to half. Maybe a few sure but not a significant amount
Hararis are a single ethnic group, here’s why.

Firstly, if Hararis were an amalgamation of different ethnic groups, then their language wouldn’t just appear after the walls of Harar were built (as your pals here baselessly claim). The Harari language was confirmed to exist in the 1500s, just search up Kitab Al Faraid. It’s a book about the essentials of Deen in the Harari language.

There are those who magically claim that Hararis are Gurage migrants. That’s literally just false with zero evidence to back it up. Firstly, the Harari language and Gurage language are quite different. Y’all are saying Hararis and Gurages have the same language, wait till you find out that Siltes can’t even understand Guraginga🤦‍♂️. Claims like those show the lack of intellect of the ones who utter such nonsense.

There are others who claim that the Somali in the Futuh are not referencing Somalis as a whole but just meant nomad. That’s also false. Firstly, there is no evidence to suggest a tie between the Harla people and the Somali people. In fact, when the British came over to Somalia and asked the Somalis about the ruins they saw, the Somalis attributed it to some other race. It’s documented of Somalis attributing the ruins of Amud to the Harla, whom they called their predecessors whom disappeared. They made no connection with those ancient race, and clearly didn’t inherit any knowledge or wisdom from them. All those ruins in northern Somalia yet no knowledge of city building and farming amongst those northern Somalis.

Speaking of Amud, which is in the vicinity of Zeila, Richard Burton mentioned that the main saint of Zeila was Sheikh Ibrahim Ibn Zarbe. Zarbe was a Harla clan mentioned in Futuh. Zarbe literally means “by the river” in the Harari language. If you look at other Harla clan names, you can see the Harari etymology. Zaman Bara means “the bull of the times”, referring to their warrior nature. Hararis today use the term Zamaja Bara to refer to someone who wins. Alaqa was another Harla clan mentioned in Futuh. That means “leader/head” in the Harari language. Arab Tkh was another Harla clan, which mean “you are Arab.” There was another clan called Sagara, which meant “restroom.” People like Garad Shama ‘Un were mentioned in futuh. Shama ‘Un is a beautiful name meaning “shining rock” in the Harari language. There was also Abu Bakr Qachin (meaning skinny as mentioned in futuh, it means skinny in the Harari language). Also Farasaham Yimaj, an iconic harari name. We have a zikri in Harar called “Yimaj Nikhashana,” which was actually a plea to Allah to save us during the Oromo siege. Yimaj means “best,” so Yimaj Nikhashana means “we want what’s best.” The elite forces of the Adal Sultanate were the Malasay, literally a Harari name. Mala means “solution” and say means “prosperity” (another side tangent, Sai party is the name of Prosperity Party in Harar).

Point is, Hararis have had their language confirmed in a manuscript since at least the 1500s while Somalis don’t even have mansiscripts in their own language that far back. Hararis have a unique home building interior architecture, which is indicative of an advanced urban society. Hararis have been doing irrigation farming for centuries, and agriculture was the pride of hararis. To be a farmer was an honor. That is in line with what the Harla were, with their villages and towns.

It’s actually funny that ur friends call us migrants when half of y’all clan names come from the Harari language😂.
So how come your people are nowhere to be found in east hararge outside the tiny walled city of Harar? Fadis, Haramaya, Baabili, kombolcha etc has no Harari at all. How do you explain that? 😂
So how come your people are nowhere to be found in east hararge outside the tiny walled city of Harar? Fadis, Haramaya, Baabili, kombolcha etc has no Harari at all. How do you explain that? 😂
Because the Oromo took over, why else were the walls of Harar built?🤦‍♂️ Harari manuscripts documented the hundreds of villages the Oromo destroyed. Amir Nur commanded the major cities of each province to build walls and trenches like Harar but they weren’t able to withstand the attacks. A lot of lives were lost in this catastrophic time and famine also ensued. Someone wrote how some people resorted to cannabilism, life was tough. Harar was the only town that remained💪. Yet still since Harar was the microcosm of advanced urban civilization, we were able to dominate and control those towns you mentioned with our smaller population. Oromos and Somalis of the time were subservient to Harari Amir.
Because the Oromo took over, why else were the walls of Harar built?🤦‍♂️ Harari manuscripts documented the hundreds of villages the Oromo destroyed. Amir Nur commanded the major cities of each province to build walls and trenches like Harar but they weren’t able to withstand the attacks. A lot of lives were lost in this catastrophic time and famine also ensued. Someone wrote how some people resorted to cannabilism, life was tough. Harar was the only town that remained💪. Yet still since Harar was the microcosm of advanced urban civilization, we were able to dominate and control those towns you mentioned with our smaller population. Oromos and Somalis of the time were subservient to Harari Amir.
If you was native to the region you would have had some sort of presence in the adjacent districts of east harage that surround Harar.
If you was native to the region you would have had some sort of presence in the adjacent districts of east harage that surround Harar.
Yeah we did, after the Oromos took over, we taught them how to farm and then they were under the authority of the Harari Emirate. Same with some Somalis east of Harar, they were farming and were under the rule of the Harari Amir.
Yeah we did, after the Oromos took over, we taught them how to farm and then they were under the authority of the Harari Emirate. Same with some Somalis east of Harar, they were farming and were under the rule of the Harari Amir.

Answer my question

If you was native to the region you would have had some sort of presence in the adjacent districts of east harage that surround the tiny walled city of Harar. How come your not found in Haramaya, Fadis, Baabili and Kombolcha?
Answer my question

If you was native to the region you would have had some sort of presence in the adjacent districts of east harage that surround the tiny walled city of Harar. How come your not found in Haramaya, Fadis, Baabili and Kombolcha?
Bro our presence was literally there. They used to be in the dominion of His Excellency Amir of Harar.
Bro our presence was literally there. They used to be in the dominion of His Excellency Amir of Harar.
Show it now. I want to see Harari towns and cities outside the Harari region. I can show you Somalis living in Harar region, Haramaya, Baabili, Kombulcha, Gursum etc Where are the Hararis? I want proof!!
Show it now. I want to see Harari towns and cities outside the Harari region. I can show you Somalis living in Harar region, Haramaya, Baabili, Kombulcha, Gursum etc Where are the Hararis? I want proof!!
😂I said our presence was in those towns because the Harari Amir used to have control over it. You know that too, stop crying.

As I explained earlier, the Hararis were wiped out by the Mongol-like Oromo invasions that caused the destruction of hundreds of villages and towns. The ruins of such towns and villages still exist to this day, and the fall was documented in Harari manuscripts. The Somalis you mention are the one who came to settle and farm afterwards.

If Somalis were deep-rooted in the area before Hararis, then they wouldn’t have been under the rule of an Amir whose population was smaller than them. Somalis lacked the knowledge of state-building and hence were subservient to the Harari Amir, indicating the recent transition to farming. They feared the people whom they didn’t understand. Common sense.
😂I said our presence was in those towns because the Harari Amir used to have control over it. You know that too, stop crying.

As I explained earlier, the Hararis were wiped out by the Mongol-like Oromo invasions that caused the destruction of hundreds of villages and towns. The ruins of such towns and villages still exist to this day, and the fall was documented in Harari manuscripts. The Somalis you mention are the one who came to settle and farm afterwards.

If Somalis were deep-rooted in the area before Hararis, then they wouldn’t have been under the rule of an Amir whose population was smaller than them. Somalis lacked the knowledge of state-building and hence were subservient to the Harari Amir, indicating the recent transition to farming. They feared the people whom they didn’t understand. Common sense.
Don’t waste your time brother. Everyone on this sub forum is well informed. Revisionism on a forum like this is pointless. We are all laughing at you.
You have no idea how dumb you sound when you claim Hararis are 1 ethnic group only to be found inside the tiny walled city because of Oromo aggression. Harar started off as a Somali village. You can’t convince us otherwise unless you have substantial evidence to back your claim up. The world’s academia knows Adal especially during its peak (16th century) was under Somali rule. Imam Ahmed, Amir Nur, including the last saint Mohamed Khalifa who got martyred by standing up against Menelik II and whose masjid was turned into the Medham Alam church etc were all Somali.

I made a thread detailing Harar’s origin taking into consideration several things like the Erer gate, leadership burials, market place, the oldest mosque amongst other things


Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
Half is an exaggeration but a lot are actually from the Harari language.

1. Marihan - derived from the harari word “maraxa” meaning “to get booty, to capture, to captivate (figuratively).” The noun version of maraxa is maraxan.
2. Garxajis - means “new house” in the Harari language
3. Habar Gidir - Gidir is a harari word meaning “big.” Gadara is a variation that means exalted or elevated.
4. Reer Alamagan- Alamagan means “i seek protection from Allah.”
5. Reer Hodanbari - Hodanbari means “the covered wall.”
6. Koombe- koom means “very little” and -be means “with”. it means “with very little.” Example is of the ancient city Qumizar near berbera.

list goes on…
1. Mareexaan comes from the Arabic word rayxaan or reexaan meaning Basil or Sweet smelling plant. It is even used in the Quran.
2. Garxajis is completely Somali and means to uphold justice it is a combination of the words Gar (justice) and Xaji (uphold)
3. Gidir is another Somali word which means a woman who can’t feed her children. It is worth mentioning that Gidir was just the name of their mother which is why the Somali etymology makes sense. The name of the clan progenitor is actually Madarkicis Xiraab. His name Madarkicis means “meeting disruptor”.
4. Magan is another Somali word meaning to seek refuge even the Somali translation of the Ta'awwudh uses it. It’s also a super common name among all Somalis and many Somali subclan are called reer magan, by some Hawiye subclans in the south who had no contact with Hararis. This is most likely a Somali loan word to Harari rather than the other way around.
5. Hodanbari is also so clearly Somali it’s laughable how you try to claim it as Harari. Hodan means wealthy and Bari means begging/bargaining.
6. Koombe is also a Somali word which a different pronounciate of the word Koobe which means to abbreviate or to shorten.

Stop the suugo science, this isn’t a good look on you.
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3. Gidir is another Somali word which means a woman who can’t feed her children. It is worth mentioning that Gidir was just the name of their mother which is why the Somali etymology makes sense. The name of the clan progenitor is actually Madarkicis Xiraab. His name Madarkicis means “meeting disruptor”.
Slight correction brother,

Gidir is the name of a major sub tribe of the Karanle. The wife of Madarkacis Hiiraab descents from this tribe hence the name Habar Gidir given to her children (Sacad, Ceyr, Saruur and Salebaan). Gidir live all over Ethiopia, Somalia and can also be found in Djibouti and Kenya although as minorities

The city of Harar has its foundation rooted with this tribe. The oldest section is called Gidir Magala (City of Gidir) They literally surround Harar on all sides today. I posted videos of some of them visiting the tomb of Amiir Nur as well as the inauguration of their sub sub sub in Haramaya

See this thread for more information.

Thread 'Tomb of Amir Nur & Sh Mohammed Khalif'
The Futuh made it clear Somalis were living in Hararghe and Harar before the Oromo invasions.
No. In futuh, Adal was referred to as one entity and the “Land of the Somali” as the other. An archeologist estimated that to be around central Somaliland around Berbera.


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