Egyptian military aircraft have landed in Mogadishu

Get rid of those usless Ugali munchers
Osita Iheme Reaction GIF by GrowthX


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
They came for nile.
Or our strategic position in the Red Sea, they can’t get into Eritrea, so Somalia was their best bet.

No matter how much you guys sugarcoat this, placing trust in foreigners who wouldn’t lay their lives down for Somalia is not how to win over AS. @World your saying they’re not getting paid, Egyptians are not a rich country doing this out of the goodness of their hearts if that’s what your suggesting.

nigga I see you bigging this up @EritreanPost_ , quite disappointed, would you welcome 10k troops come inside Eritrea if you guys had no feasible army in your country like 🇸🇴 and the current foreign troops there are all useless ?

Egypt, zambia, Ethiopia is staying or we have to give up part of the sea, what’s next?
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Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Actions will show their true worth, but what we just did was repeat history by inviting another nation which contributes nothing and is in our country for their own long term gain, the bar is so low that this is seen as a win


Or our strategic position in the Red Sea, they can’t get into Eritrea, so Somalia was their best bet.

No matter how much you guys sugarcoat this, placing trust in foreigners who wouldn’t lay their lives down for Somalia is not how to win over AS. @World your saying they’re not getting paid, Egyptians are not a rich country doing this out of the goodness of their hearts if that’s what your suggesting.

nigga I see you bigging this up @EritreanPost_ , quite disappointed, would you welcome 10k troops come inside Eritrea if you guys had no feasible army in your country like 🇸🇴 and the current foreign troops there are all useless ?

Egypt, zambia, Ethiopia is staying or we have to give up part of the sea, what’s next?
Well they’re not on the red sea but the indian ocean u mean?

I don’t see how 10k egyptian troops with their airforce in southern somalia is supposed to be a bad thing when fighting against al shabab? They don’t have anything to gain so if they’re gonna do nothing then why come at all? No point having 10k troops and a base in an unstable country with terrorists next door. A proxy war against ethiopia in beledweyn ? That’s ridiculous lol. That would only make sense if al shabab didn’t exist. Nations obviously act in their interest no such thing as a charity but i fail to see the upside for egyptians unless they’re getting resources.


Already noticed that Somalia is now targetting the Turkish companies running the port and airport. As soon as the Egyptians landed, the FGS is trying to balance it's two protecting powers as I seems the perception of the Turks has gone down and the Egyptians has gone up.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Well they’re not on the red sea but the indian ocean u mean?

I don’t see how 10k egyptian troops with their airforce in southern somalia is supposed to be a bad thing when fighting against al shabab? They don’t have anything to gain so if they’re gonna do nothing then why come at all? No point having 10k troops and a base in an unstable country with terrorists next door. A proxy war against ethiopia in beledweyn ? That’s ridiculous lol. That would only make sense if al shabab didn’t exist. Nations obviously act in their interest no such thing as a charity but i fail to see the upside for egyptians unless they’re getting resources.
No correction needed, the Red Sea. The trade route brings all eyes including egypts, it would make sense to want to get a piece of that free of charge by landing in Somalia.

Resources sxb, we have abundant uranium, gold, and other metals besides the oil. This a reason to come to Somalia, if it’ll add to their gdp or their domestic infrastructure capabilities.

Your case is the optimistic one in where they come to keep Somalia safe by whatever means they are comfortable with. It’s just that, what if one day Egyptians wake up and decide that they’re not leaving Somalia until we pay for their services. Who’s going to stop them, if we had a military up to world standards which makes use of the arms embargo, this wouldn’t be a concern. Not only that, but all it takes to land in Somalia with foreigners dirty boots on the ground is having some “enmity” to Ethiopia? Future countries can take advantage of Somalia’s desperation.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Masar couldnt even stop the Nile Dam being built in Itoobiya. They are powerless and a joke, this Sheikh absolutely explains how Somalia has become a cheap playground



Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
This reminds of Syria 2.0 different proxies fighting

if UAE and Ethiopia were to estabalish a base in puntland or somaliland how would FGS stop it since they have no direct control on those lands

egypt base in south and Ethiopian and uae bases in north mark my words
This reminds of Syria 2.0 different proxies fighting

if UAE and Ethiopia were to estabalish a base in puntland or somaliland how would FGS stop it since they have no direct control on those lands

egypt base in south and Ethiopian and uae bases in north mark my words
Proxy war between who? Why would Egypt and UAE jeopardize their relationship? And Ethiopia is far too gaajo and poor to afford a proxy war in Somalia when they have major troubles governing their own regions.


Ethiopia is being directed by the UAE which is directed by israel/zionists. All over the Muslim world UAE is the front for the zionists to attack and dismantle every Muslim country.

It is called the yinon plan. Even after dismantling the Khilafah and creating nation states in its place the nation states itself became a problem for them and the idea is to further divide every Muslim country into smaller weaker useless states that could never pose a threat.

Since the news of the Egyptian troops the UAE based arab zionist media accounts have been activated. Egypt is obviously acting in its own interest which aligns with ours along with Turkey.

Expect more propaganda out of the UAE (really israeli zionists) upset their plan is threatened.

Throughout all of history, it has never been the habesha that are a threat but it has always been their masters propping them up to attack Muslims.

This Amjad character is one of the most vile arab zionist accounts out of the UAE (a govt bot).




israel through its proxy uae wants control of the red sea. Egypt does not want ethiopia on the red sea as it puts them in danger, that is why they are in Somalia. Turkey also does not want uae/israel axis to gain control either. That is all this is.

Ultimately, their designs will not work which is why they are lashing out online. I hope you all start to understand who is pushing dismembering Somalia and see who it benefits and who it harms. It is a project to weaken Muslims and benefit the enemies of Islam and Muslims. Similar projects have been and are being carried out in most Muslim countries.

Anyone aligned and supporting this should know they are carrying out zionist projects to weaken and control the Muslim world which will be to your loss in this world and the next.


Do the Isaaqs that support this not realize they are being used by zionists?

Even then, the zionists that are using you still do not trust you enough to build you a navy and use you as their proxy, they want to instead use your land to arm gaalo ethiopia and have them on the red sea.

the zionists, france, and some other western zio countries goal is to use your land to build the ethiopian navy and arm them, that will lead to eventual annexation. You are helping to give total zionist control the the red sea, in a sea of Muslims.

It should tell you enough that they want to arm the ethiopians and build the naval port for them on your land and even after selling yourself to them they dont want you armed or to be on the red sea, that is how much they hate Muslims.

It is insane that any of you would be okay with selling yourselves and your religion for such a cheap price.