fathers should help their daughters to get married.

I'm not married and my father is there for me. We've resolved our past problems. I was referring to the wider community. You're once again showing your age as you can't stay on topic and are resorting to personal attacks.
Stay on topic? I wasn’t the one referring to childhood trauma I was talking about marige and where it fits in stop acting like the victim and using the “I’m an adult” card when you changed the subject smh...
I see this complaint mostly in the West because we require a tighter emotional connection to our parents, once again the culture hasn't changed with modernity, it's a constant source of destruction in the Somali community. I often talk about this central issue in this forums. Girls are not equal to the boys and children are not equal to parents.
Accommodating family members who don't even try is part of growing up and plus constantly extending that hand is sunnah even when it's rejected.
@Halimo Supremist i think you are mixing two different subjects, one is about fathers stepping up more for their daughter marriages as many girls end up in terrible relationships and the issue of father absences, if he is absent then this doesn't go for him as he is already MIA in his own child's life and wouldn't (or shouldn't) be able to advice them correctly, both of these are issues that need to be addressed, unless you're talking about the reasoning they end up in bad marriages is because of the father not present
@Halimo Supremist i think you are mixing two different subjects, one is about fathers stepping up more for their daughter marriages as many girls end up in terrible relationships and the issue of father absences, if he is absent then this doesn't go for him as he is already MIA in his own child's life and wouldn't (or shouldn't) be able to advice them correctly, both of these are issues that need to be addressed, unless you're talking about the reasoning they end up in bad marriages is because of the father not present
Agreed... nice profile picture husbando 😘


A pious muslima.
wallahi, I would like if more Somali men where emotionally present in the life of their kids and wife... wallahi people should fear Allah. Allah will ask them on judgment day.

there is no point having kids if you are neglecting their right for a carrying and loving father.

the same go for the mother.
Stay on topic? I wasn’t the one referring to childhood trauma I was talking about marige and where it fits in stop acting like the victim and using the “I’m an adult” card when you changed the subject smh...

Their is a correlation between an individuals upbringing and how their life pans out as adults in the general sense. I don't see how I am acting as a victim when I am referring to this issue in the wider sense. :westbrookwtf:
wallahi, I would like if more Somali men where emotionally present in the life of their kids and wife... wallahi people should fear Allah. Allah will ask them on judgment day.

there is no point having kids if you are neglecting their right for a carrying and loving father.

the same go for the mother.

Shhhh abaayo. You don't want to be accused of having victimhood. :ohdamn:
Their is a correlation between an individuals upbringing and how their life pans out as adults in the general sense. I don't see how I am acting as a victim when I am referring to this issue in the wider sense. :westbrookwtf:
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again not all Somali men are the same so don’t bring family business not this ok sweetie anyways I’m going to o the grocery store do you need viagra or DMT?
I see this complaint mostly in the West because we require a tighter emotional connection to our parents, once again the culture hasn't changed with modernity, it's a constant source of destruction in the Somali community. I often talk about this central issue in this forums. Girls are not equal to the boys and children are not equal to parents.
I believe the culture in the west makes things like that more susceptible, as with many other things too long to list
wallahi, I would like if more Somali men where emotionally present in the life of their kids and wife... wallahi people should fear Allah. Allah will ask them on judgment day.

there is no point having kids if you are neglecting their right for a carrying and loving father.

the same go for the mother.
Agreed my dad was only here for me when it came to Quran and dugsi that’s about it really smh but it is what it is I hope to become an even greater mother/father
What about those who dont want their fathers involvement because its ceeb or whatever. Sometimes it happens that she should do it on her own.
@Halimo Supremist i think you are mixing two different subjects, one is about fathers stepping up more for their daughter marriages as many girls end up in terrible relationships and the issue of father absences, if he is absent then this doesn't go for him as he is already MIA in his own child's life and wouldn't (or shouldn't) be able to advice them correctly, both of these are issues that need to be addressed, unless you're talking about the reasoning they end up in bad marriages is because of the father not present

They are both related. If he is not present emotionally or physical during childhood then what are the odds he will when she starts talking to guys ? The head of the snake should be cut off before it has the chance to poison the villagers. :mugshotman:
What about those who dont want their fathers involvement because its ceeb or whatever. Sometimes it happens that she should do it on her own.

Perhaps a way to get around this is for fathers to have dialogue with their daughters about these things early on and encourage them to discuss these things.
They are both related. If he is not present emotionally or physical during childhood then what are the odds he will when she starts talking to guys ? The head of the snake should be cut off before it has the chance to poison the villagers. :mugshotman:
Sis Im talking about fathers that are already there needing to stepping up.. not dead beat dads, the likelihood of them to do that is slim

Well... This thread went from “fathers should help their daughters to get married.” To “Somali Fathers suck”
Smh :kanyehmm:
Yeah i kinda noticed that too lol