Fathers worst nightmare.

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You'd be surprised how many things are predetermined by genetics. It's equal parts alarming and fascinating. In many ways, "free will" is a mere illusion.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Just waiting for @Cognitivedissonance..
Looooooool homosexuality being genetics. Come off it guys! They were probably molested or one of the twins decided to be gay and told the other one about his boyfriends and he decided to try our guys too. I'm sure if I was a lesbian and told my sister about my girlfriends and she saw me being a lesbian she would be curious too and think it's an okay behaviour and something to try out. It's the same with your friend smoking weed or doing drugs you would want to try it out too eventually.

And just because I don't like homos doesn't mean I'm not a woman. Women arent es but gay men who decide to bend down for other men are es in my eyes.
being gay isn't a hobby though....you don't just pick it up lmao. are you into women? its are you've seen good looking women before, have you wanted to sleep with them? well then your argument doesn't make much sense. you weren't molested into strighthood so why would you think molestation is the reason their gay?
being gay isn't a hobby though....you don't just pick it up lmao. are you into women? its are you've seen good looking women before, have you wanted to sleep with them? well then your argument doesn't make much sense. you weren't molested into strighthood so why would you think molestation is the reason their gay?

@Reign has reached her conclusion a long time ago. She's working her way backwards and saying whatever fits. There's no real arguments against it, other than religious morality based arguments, which just reminds people of the benefits of secularism.
@Reign has reached her conclusion a long time ago. She's working her way backwards and saying whatever fits. There's no real arguments against it, other than religious morality based arguments, which just reminds people of the benefits of secularism.
her conclusion is only fueled by religion though, logic doesn't play a part in this conversation. i don't blame her, its the same for all religious people. if you ask them what is wrong with homosexuality and how does it affect you the answer will be simple....its haram :fantasia2:.
reign sis, your my home girl but.....i can't stand by you this time. we'll be back on the same time when we drag these faraaxs later <3
her conclusion is only fueled by religion though, logic doesn't play a part in this conversation. i don't blame her, its the same for all religious people. if you ask them what is wrong with homosexuality and how does it affect you the answer will be simple....its haram :fantasia2:.

That's what I meant by she already reached her conclusion. It's weird seeing people make arguments as if they are taking anything else into account, when in reality they're not. This is true for many things. The only reason why anyone would make an argument against human evolution is because of religion because the scientific evidence is overhwelming. And yet you see religious people talking like they care about the science. It's so awkward.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
reign sis, your my home girl but.....i can't stand by you this time. we'll be back on the same time when we drag these faraaxs later <3
Looooool I'm not even really religious. I pray and stuff but I don't consider myself religious. My religious friends/family actually think I'm not religious at all from the conversations we have so trust me my dislike to homosexuals is not because of religion. I just think it's unnatural just like incest.
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Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Show me strong scientific evidence that supports homosexuality. And you can be molested to homosexuality if a man molest a little boy 9/10 that little boy will be gay and probably be a promiscuous gay, it's psychological. I just can't fathom your BS arguments for homosexuality it does not make sense. How can it be natural if nature itself decided against it. Why can't two people from the same gender create life if it's natural answer me that. I'd like to see this so called strong scientifical evidence y,all have.

Anyway I'm busy right now writing lesson plans so I'll come back to argue with y'all later and show you the error of your ways. :chrisfreshhah:


The trouble is, you think you have time
And she fucking continues... damn... How much dumb shit can you possible say about homosexuality?

Just because she does not agree with your position does not make her dumb. Why don't you attack her argument, not her character?


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Just because she does not agree with your position does not make her dumb. Why don't you attack her argument, not her character?
Abayo sheekada ma fahmin, ninku waa qanis that's why he's taking it personal.


The trouble is, you think you have time
The only point missing is 'they are just listening to shaytaan and should stop'.

Everyone has their own beliefs. It's sad how you are trying to mock Muslims in order to get under their skin or make them feel ashamed about what they believe in. I am Muslim and I am proud what I believe in. Why don't you fix whatever internal issues you are struggling because the hate that is coming out of you is strong.


The trouble is, you think you have time
Abayo sheekada ma fahmin, ninku waa qanis that's why he's taking it personal.

Yeah, that makes so much sense. Sister, keep up the good fight. :salute:These people think that they can talk to Muslims anyway they want. They are going to learn today.
Everyone has their own beliefs. It's sad how you are trying to mock Muslims in order to get under their skin or make them feel ashamed about what they believe in. I am Muslim and I am proud what I believe in. Why don't you fix whatever internal issues you are struggling because the hate that is coming out of you is strong.

What I am saying is that, that is not really a decent argument. If you believe it, say it, but it's not an argument for somebody who doesn't believe in these things. Especially as you are talking about something outside of religion, most of the worlds gays are not muslim obv. I don't hate Muslims, it's not that deep for me. It's an argument that an imaam would say to a muslim who says that have homosexual inclinations, but not a conversation outside of religion. I don't know if I am making myself clear. But you shouldn't jump to conclusions. Saying I hate Muslims is stupid as hell and not even nearly true.

Also she made this thread to mock homosexuals. So please spare me with that line.
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