Fighting has started in Bosaso

This is not what Boqor Buurmadow envisioned when he brought peace to and created Puntland state of Somalia. He must be shaking his head:francis:


Bantu Liberation Movement
I don’t think reer faanland would faan anymore this is truly humbling experience for them. Lol
This is your daily reality in the dirty south. I think we'll move on while you'll continue on the same path for another 30 years.



Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
24 pages of jobless baboons making jokes about lives being lost just because they don’t like the clan they hail from.

Yes it’s ironic considering the amount of pages @DR OSMAN dedicated to his whole “only hutus fight in cities” hypothesis but posting pictures of hooyos hiding for their lives and laughing is beyond disturbing.

@TekNiKo @Bariire @Galmudug-State Allah will deal with you animals.

@Boqorada I hope you and your family are safe.

This shit is beyond FKD this is straight barbarism. Inshallah the situation in Bosaaso calms down
It's not qabil fight so it will calm down. The people should be told to leave the city for peace. Either Deni will win for puntland state to continue or diana will win for farmajo:manny:
I am surprised SL hasn't taken advantage of the situation on their eastern front.

Farmaajo is limp wristed, if he was serious he would send 1k trained gorgor to ally PSF. Instead he will just yell from the sidelines.
It's not qabil fight so it will calm down. The people should be told to leave the city for peace. Either Deni will win for puntland state to continue or diana will win for farmajo:manny:

Horta what's JSL take on this conflict? Obviously anything that happens in PL can have negative or a positive effect on JSL as they neighbour . Who do you think will be a positive interest for JSL to win this conflict? N&N backed DIANO or Deni ?