Greater Somalia dream is OVER

Somalis on the internet tend to be more nationalistic then most people back home. Maybe they are this way due to overcompensating because they have never visited, sudden yearning for their roots, or simply just started to learn more about their history. Average person back home just wants enough money to get by and only really cares about their qabil/inner circle they are not thinking about somaliweyn.

The strongest and only chance Somalia had in getting galbeed/nfd back failed in the 60/70s and the harsh truth is that we are never getting it back.

Djibouti is a nation with a US and Chinese military base Somalia is never touching that.

Only thing possible for Somalia is when the South strengthens bringing back SL under its rule thats about it.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I, like my ancestors, don't and will never acknowledge this hadith, nice try thou ya Xabashi
We do acknowledge it, but it was broken long ago so we have every right to have our lands back and if need be, expand a bit more so the hadith isn't false it is broken.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
"Somaliweyn" has never existed, doesn't exist now and will never exist بإذن الله تعالى
Man, you're going too far I was assuming the best of you but I'm starting to believe what everyone calls you and says about you is true man.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
So what? Italians conquered and Xooged them from the 30s to end of ww2.
The Ottomans xooged them and took provences from their base in the Highlands.
The Adalites invaded and conquered most of Abyssinia for decades, sacked their Axum. And nearly wiped them out had it not been for the assassination of Ahmad Gurey in battle by Portuguese knights. Had the Imam been less egotistical and didn't fight at the front of his army and survived. Ethiopia would not exist.

Only reason Ethiopia is a state is because of its geography. A small feudal society on top of a mountain.
The natural somali ego/pridefullness sometimes becomes a problem :francis:
Of course, I love all of my people man why wouldn't I wish for us all to be united and not fractured?
Only unity through tawheed is valid , not unity through identities spread by Italians,
"somaliweyn" is an Italian fascist ideology. You shouldn't see any difference between an oromo muslim or a darood or hawiye muslim


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Only unity through tawheed is valid , not unity through identities spread by Italians,
"somaliweyn" is an Italian fascist ideology. You shouldn't see any difference between an oromo muslim or a darood or hawiye muslim
Ok i am tolerant of hararis (the muslim ones) but oromo muslims can join and the ethiopian muslims BUT they will play by our rules and speak OUR language and use OUR culture and assimilate into OUR people (and mabye some slight downgrades on their rights not too obvious but just to esnsure we have leverage)
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Ok i am tolerant of hararis (the muslim ones) but oromo muslims can join and the ethiopian muslims BUT they will play by our rules and speak OUR language and use OUR culture and assimilate into OUR people (and mabye some slight downgrades on their rights not too obvious but just to esnsure we have leverage)
Hararis shouldn't be assimilated at all. They had their numbers reduced drastically by Amhara and Oromo so we should seek to preserve what they have as much as we can. Agree with assimilating Oromo however.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Hararis shouldn't be assimilated at all. They had their numbers reduced drastically by Amhara and Oromo so we should seek to preserve what they have as much as we can. Agree with assimilating Oromo however.
Nah hararis wont be assimilated they will have their city and people preserved and the oromos and habesh expelled to other lands and ik this is racist but assimilating oromos would probably downvalue our genes so we should just deport them out and back to ethiopia and out of ethiopian occupied somali lands.
It seems that everyone has missed the Arabic, Ethiopia or Abyssinia is a mistranslation, rather the Arabic is "Habesha" which included Somalis.

The land of Habesha included the entire Horn of Africa, the bible calls the inhabitants as well as that entire region "cush" which is older name for us.

There was no such thing as "Somali" back then which came from Samaale who wasn't even born yet.

The other problem is this whole Greater Somalia fantasy, something that never existed, the disunity among Somalis is legendary, the only nation to have a 4.5 system and go to war for it.

As Muslims we will never unite under anything other than Islam, look at how Arab nationalism failed, during ICU era prior to the Shabaab Khawariij, you saw the greatest unity Somalis had post civil war, people were literally split between Believers and those that were hypocrites and disbelievers.

Don't expect Muslims to unite on anything other than Islam, they will only be humiliated like the Arabs have in the 2 wars against Israel, and Pakistan against India.

The only Muslims that have defeated Disbelievers in battle in our era are the Afghans, and there unity was based on Islam.
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Nah hararis wont be assimilated they will have their city and people preserved and the oromos and habesh expelled to other lands and ik this is racist but assimilating oromos would probably downvalue our genes so we should just deport them out and back to ethiopia and out of ethiopian occupied somali lands.
Harari are majority oromos now


Everything unuka leh
Only unity through tawheed is valid , not unity through identities spread by Italians,
"somaliweyn" is an Italian fascist ideology. You shouldn't see any difference between an oromo muslim or a darood or hawiye muslim
Allow the bs.
Only valid point you made is unity through tawheed
Stop bubbling nonsense


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
It seems that everyone has missed the Arabic, Ethiopia or Abyssinia is a mistranslation, rather the Arabic is "Habesha" which included Somalis.

The land of Habesha included the entire Horn of Africa, the bible calls the inhabitants as well as that entire region "cush" which is older name for us.

There was no such thing as "Somali" back then which came from Samaale who wasn't even born yet.

The other problem is this whole Greater Somalia fantasy, something that never existed, the disunity among Somalis is legendary, the only nation to have a 4.5 system and go to war for it.

As Muslims we will never unite under anything other than Islam, look at how Arab nationalism failed, during ICU era prior to the Shabaab Khawariij, you saw the greatest unity Somalis had post civil war, people were literally split between Believers and those that were hypocrites and disbelievers.

Don't expect Muslims to unite on anything other than Islam, they will only be humiliated like the Arabs have in the 2 wars against Israel, and Pakistan against India.

The only Muslims that have defeated Disbelievers in battle in our era are the Afghans, and there unity was based on Islam.
Isn't al shabaab doing that right now?
Only thing possible for Somalia is when the South strengthens bringing back SL under its rule thats about it.

By then brics will replace nato/america. China/india/dubai will green light ethopia expansion into somalia incorporating somalis into it. With our sellout signing for new position in greater ethiopia. This will strengthen brics as the red sea will be 100% controlled by them.
:mjkkk: we gonna lose our country within our lifetime. The animosty is to severe.


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