Help me understand this please

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An entire chapter in the Quran is named after God’s divine attribute Ar-Rahman or “The Most Gracious.” Also two of God’s attributes are derived from the word for mercy. They are Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim, which mean “The Most Gracious” and “The Most Merciful.” These two attributes are mentioned in the phrase recited at the beginning of 113 chapters of the Quran: “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.” This phrase is a continuous reminder for the reader of God’s endless mercy and great bounties.

God assures us that whoever commits a sin will be forgiven if he repents and ceases this act, where He says:

“Your Lord hath inscribed for Himself (the rule of) mercy: verily, if any of you did evil in ignorance, and thereafter repented, and amend (his conduct), lo! He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful” (Quran 6:54)

This verse is affirmed by the narration of Prophet Muhammad, in which he said that God said:

“My mercy prevails over My wrath.”

Reward for kindness and compassion was also assured by the Prophet Muhammad:

“The merciful are shown mercy by the All-Merciful. Show mercy to those on earth, and He Who is in heaven will show mercy unto you” (As-Suyuti).


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Salafism is simply following the ways of the Salaf. The Salaf were within 100-200 years of Prophet Muhammad's time when he lived and died.

They showed up and claimed they were reforming Islam and taking it back to its roots. It doesn't have a long tradition and has existed for ~ 200 years. Sufi Islam, on the other hand, has a very long history and many of the great scholars practiced tasawwuf including Imam Nawawi. Our ancestors belonged to Qadiriya order of Sufi Islam.


Those who did not receive the message, will not enter the hellfire.

Whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] his soul. And whoever errs only errs against it. And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And never would We punish until We sent a messenger. 17:15, Surah al Israa'

Salafi is the closest to the correct interpretation of Islam but some have minor issues, such as going to extremes in ikhtilaaf, rejecting taqliid for the laymen (for some of them), etc.
Salafism is less than 250 years old though.:chrisfreshhah:

Modern Salafis feel so conflicted when they realize Imam Nawawi was a Sufi. :chrisfreshhah:
Salafi is not less than 250 years old waxaan fiiriya. It did not start with Muhammad ibn Abd al-wahab, just a different version started. No one disregards Imam Nawawi (RH) for being a Sufi, there's actually nothing wrong with being a Sufi that's into tasawwuf according to the Sunnah. The problem Salafis have is with the Bid'ah of the modern Sufis, and it's not just Salafis who have a problem with them. The Sahaba (RA) themselves have had a problem with Bid'ah, but the problem is most modern Sufis are justifying bid'ah by inventing something called "bid'ah hasanah", it's based on weak evidence and fallacious deduction from a narration about Umar (RA).

The truth is you can see individuals who identify as Ahlul Sunnah, or Sufi or Salafi and they are all on the correct path. These are just titles, what matters is the person's aqeedah and views. There could be a Salafi for example, that rejects taqliid for the laymen, etc. and is thus in error.

My parents use to go to Sufi circles, I'm not a Sufi though.

They have nice food at them I heard.

Sufism started with Zoroastrians. Sufi is a Persian word. Sufis today are Muslims but Sufis existed thousands of years before Islam was even founded.

It did not start with Islam. Their origins are from a totally different religion
We don't have to see an artist to recognize a painting, correct? So, if we see paintings without seeing artists painting them, in the same way, we can believe that Allah created everything without having to see Him (or touch, or hear, etc.).
Answer is pretty straightforward. The Arabic word kufr is taken from the root word 'kafara' which means to 'cover up' or 'conceal'. Allah ta'alah tells us in the Quran he does not punish a people until a warning comes to them to give up their kufr and shirk lest the promised punishment befalls them. As a result a person can die committing acts of kufr and not be a kaffir. This is why takfir is also a very complicated process. A kaffir is therefore a person who has seen the truth but actively rejects it for whatever reason. We all have the fitrah instilled deep within our being and kufr is a perversion of that. A person who insists on persisting in that perversion is clearly deserving of the punishment that awaits them.

Even in so called many Muslim countries today you have people openly committing acts of kufr and shirk so that isnt exactly a safeguard or fool proof as you make it seem.


Your superior
Another thing I hate is that lie that every nation recieved a messenger, how am I going to know what someone said few thousand years ago. Nigga I need a messenger now
Can you prove that you exist? Yes, of course you can. You merely use your senses to determine that you can see, hear, feel, smell, taste and you have emotions as well. All of this is a part of your existence. But this is not how we perceive God in Islam. We can look to the things that He has created and the way that He cares for things and sustains us, to know that there is no doubt of His existence.

Think about this the next time that you are looking up at the moon or the stars on a clear night; could you drop a drinking glass on the sidewalk and expect that it would hit the ground and on impact it would not shatter, but it would divide up into little small drinking glasses, with iced tea in them? Of course not.

And then consider if a tornado came through a junkyard and tore through the old cars; would it leave behind a nice new Mercedes with the engine running and no parts left around? Naturally not.

Can a fast food restaurant operate itself without any people there? That's crazy for anyone to even think about.

After considering all of the above, how could we look to the universe above us through a telescope or observe the molecules in a microscope and then think that all of this came about as a result of a "big bang" or some "accident?"
They showed up and claimed they were reforming Islam and taking it back to its roots. It doesn't have a long tradition and has existed for ~ 200 years. Sufi Islam, on the other hand, has a very long history and many of the great scholars practiced tasawwuf including Imam Nawawi. Our ancestors belonged to Qadiriya order of Sufi Islam.

Sufis are originally Zoroastrians. This ancient religion that has no followers today were the original Sufis.


Answer is pretty straightforward. The Arabic word kufr is taken from the root word 'kafara' which means to 'cover up' or 'conceal'. Allah ta'alah tells us in the Quran he does not punish a people until a warning comes to them to give up their kufr and shirk lest the promised punishment befalls them. As a result a person can die committing acts of kufr and not be a kaffir. This is why takfir is also a very complicated process. A kaffir is therefore a person who has seen the truth but actively rejects it for whatever reason. We all have the fitrah instilled deep within our being and kufr is a perversion of that. A person who insists on persisting in that perversion is clearly deserving of the punishment that awaits them.

Even in so called many Muslim countries today you have people openly committing acts of kufr and shirk so that isnt exactly a safeguard or fool proof as you make it seem.
Exactly akhi, Allah (SWT) does not punish a people unless there's proof against them.


They're both extremists and believe God is oppressive and vengeful. I've also noticed that many them happen to be angry at the world.
There was no such thing as "Sufism" at the time of the Salaf, there were some ascetics that were known as ahlul Suffah because they wore wool but it was never a "sect" until later years. Islam = Qur'an, Sunnah and Ijmaah ul ulamaa (consensus of the scholars), khalaas.
@Adam and @Duchess thinks Sufism is Islam. How can it be Islam when it existed thousands of years before Islam in Iran when Sufis break dance? They are mystics

Sufis existed before the time of Abraham.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
There was no such thing as "Sufism" at the time of the Salaf, there were some ascetics that were known as ahlul Suffah because they wore wool but it was never a "sect" until later years. Islam = Qur'an, Sunnah and Ijmaah ul ulamaa (consensus of the scholars), khalaas.

I didn't say it was a sect. I'm talking about tasawwuf/spirituality here.

@AbdiJohnson that fact that you think Sufi Islam is about dancing shows how little you know.


Your superior

Are you trolling?

Why is that trolling, how do I know what a person said a thousand years ago, why do I get punished if I follow a misinterpreted version of what they said. How do I apply what they said to the contemporary world


@Adam and @Duchess thinks Sufism is Islam. How can it be Islam when it existed thousands of years before Islam in Iran when Sufis break dance? They are mystics
There was a correct form of "sufism" that was practiced by Abdul Qadir al Jilani, Sirri as Siqti, Daawud at Tai, Imam Nawawi, etc. but the problem is when they started to deviate and inject foreign practices into their daily rituals.
The Zoroastrians who number very little today are the original Sufis.

But Zoroastrians believe in hell, heaven and one God. This religion came THOUSANDS of years before even Judaism.
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