Hot damn

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@Duke of Harshaw always talking about Somali women, it's not just s. His whole schtick is about talking shit about Somali women!

I haven't seen him do that. If I did id defend Somali women. They our moms, sisters, wives, duaghters, aunts, they mean everything to us. But we have every right to shame the s, because their shaming our community.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
shaming is bad. At the end if the day they're adults.

Nothing good comes out if shaming.

Certain % of every ethnic group will have s. We have ours too. That's life
Sorry I don't have any sympathy for s.

If I see a I will call her out.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Which one applies to you marka?

I just find it slightly hypocritical that you guys indulge, share and enjoy these pictures, yet you are supposedly ashamed.

If I'm ashamed of something I cover it up and don't discuss it in explicit terms on a public forum, not to mention sharing it with ajanabis who you'll later cry about because they use it against you.

The latter of course.


@Reiko Then go to them if they know how to "please"
women. No one is stopping you. They will be waiting for you in Thecoli and
the numerous AA forums.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Niggaz excited like little kids who just got candy :mjlol:. If only you where around when Paltalk was lit.:ohhh:

Paltalk was full of single mothers. You could hear the kids in the background while the deranged mother is spouting the worst cay on her microphone.


At least these SC generation are 20 something childless girls.


Can someone inbox me their SC, so I can start my impromptu investigation? I'd love to add my two cents to this discussion but it would be unwise without the necessary data beforehand.:birdman:
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