How to bring Somaliland back home

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Masha'allah, hor mar waa sheey la tabay loona baahanyahay.
But its been nearly 3 decades and you're still parading around the same weapons who were given to you by Barre.
Ya'll driving around Toyotas instead of humvees like ISIS. Somaliland should purchase new weapons, these type of weapons are useless in combat.
They can't in 92 the un put arms embargo on somalia including all factions in somalia:sheed:
When the embargo is lifted only the world recognized somali government will be able to buy weapons not somaliland:sheed:
If Mogadishu gets stronger and gains political power, it's over for Somaliland. Theh only reason Somaliland is alive today is because there's no government.


Why do u want to bring Somaliland "back home"?. I dont understand. Why are you seeking unity with people who dont want unity with you ?
I could care less about the people in Hargeisa, I'm after the berbara port, i seek the red sea and its benefits, not their calaacal


They can't in 92 the un put arms embargo on somalia including all factions in somalia:sheed:
When the embargo is lifted only the world recognized somali government will be able to buy weapons not somaliland:sheed:
Sxb, take a look at the man in my picture. He was at my crib visiting the family. When i say i got connections, understand everyone beside me shares the same emotion. Abdiwali himself, my distant grandfather, my mothers abti...told me himself that Somalia seeks unity, i asked him about Khaatumo and he told me, "waa rag rag dhalay" Khaatumo is here to stay. We share the same interests, and were family of course.


SOMALICOON. I saw my uncles's pic on your Avator. lol
Sxb lol, thats my mothers abti. He was at crib visiting the fam, it was even for politics, just qaraabo salaan.
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Looooool OK note to self 'Don't be too sceptical' lol

Why did he only serve one year? What beef went on?


Looooool OK note to self 'Don't be too sceptical' lol

Why did he only serve one year? What beef went on?
Because he put HSM in his place, this man is Wadani, he denied him the qaraab and corruption, and in order to carry out his corruption he had to send a wadani home. Just as the reason Farmaajo served 6 months but was tossed out. Villa Muqdisho is governed, magaca ilaahi this man told me dowlada gacanteena kuma jirto. He told me umada Soomaliyeed needs another Sayid Cabdalle.
Everyone in villa Muqdisho is corrupt, the good leaders are pushed away, while those with flaws are accepted.
Hes running for president 2016 alongside Farmaajo. We need leaders, not puppets.


HSM is a carbon copy African kleptomaniac president.

I'm not a fan of this bald geezer, too much shactir iyo qosol. Let's hope Farmaajo wins just because he has the support of people outside of his clan which means he won't be allowed to get away with corruption that easily.
I believe in military option.
It is time for hunting guys!

Hunting Khatlanders kkkkkkkkkkk

The only option is to fight khatlanders.
Buuhoodle is the place to enter.
Khatumo and reer laascaanood are Somalia Sympathisants, they will never side with the despised sellouts qaldaans.
Reer awdal are also pro-Somalia.

Fucking qaldaans from both sides gangbang
I think there probably will be a war unfortunately. I don't see how the situation can resolve itself in any other way. Somalia won't let Somaliland go (there isn't a berbera port in mogadishu after all) and Somalilanders are not likely to be convinced back. It's a shame because it's entirely avoidable. We could co-operate, have trading ties, a defense treaty, really build up somalinimo and build up all Somali regions instead of this shit.

You can't enforce unity ffs. The Somalia state was created by men, it wasn't created by God, you don't have to act like it's that important. Our lives are more important. Our health and mental health is more important. Our education is more important. The more people try to enforce this faux unity, the less likely unity can exist in the future, because they'll be more bad blood.

When we are all making bank, however long into the future, we should revisit proper political unity. And incude the Ethiopian and Kenyan somali territories in that. Instead, we will continue to kill eachother, have no infrastructure and no development for another one hundred years. Yay Somalis!
@Shamis I thought this lanky guy was your typical somali leader. Farmaajo if I remember correctly was kicked out of mogadisho after disagreeing with uganda? I doubt he will be win. Honest politicians are weeded out somehow in Somali. Thats why prof Samatar had to go back on his political stance and today he is SL.
I think there probably will be a war unfortunately. I don't see how the situation can resolve itself in any other way. Somalia won't let Somaliland go (there isn't a berbera port in mogadishu after all) and Somalilanders are not likely to be convinced back. It's a shame because it's entirely avoidable. We could co-operate, have trading ties, a defense treaty, really build up somalinimo and build up all Somali regions instead of this shit.

You can't enforce unity ffs. The Somalia state was created by men, it wasn't created by God, you don't have to act like it's that important. Our lives are more important. Our health and mental health is more important. Our education is more important. The more people try to enforce this faux unity, the less likely unity can exist in the future, because they'll be more bad blood.

When we are all making bank, however long into the future, we should revisit proper political unity. And incude the Ethiopian and Kenyan somali territories in that. Instead, we will continue to kill eachother, have no infrastructure and no development for another one hundred years. Yay Somalis!

Gay comment.

War is better yo.

I want to see habargidir and isaaq fighting. Or marehan and isaaq.


@Shamis I thought this lanky guy was your typical somali leader. Farmaajo if I remember correctly was kicked out of mogadisho after disagreeing with uganda? I doubt he will be win. Honest politicians are weeded out somehow in Somali. Thats why prof Samatar had to go back on his political stance and today he is SL.

Uganda? What happened?
Gay comment.

War is better yo.

I want to see habargidir and isaaq fighting. Or marehan and isaaq.

I know partly you're just trolling, but really what is the end goal here? You want to force Somaliland into a union they've never really wanted (there have been anti-unionist attitudes in Somaliland from day one) - to what end? How many Somali's do you want to see die, what would be the upper limit in numbers in your blood drenched fantasy?


Het beste uitzicht
I could care less about the people in Hargeisa, I'm after the berbara port, i seek the red sea and its benefits, not their calaacal

Berbera belongs to Habar Awal / Habar Yonis i dont think they wana share their city with a bantu from koonfur obamadatazz
I know partly you're just trolling, but really what is the end goal here? You want to force Somaliland into a union they've never really wanted (there have been anti-unionist attitudes in Somaliland from day one) - to what end? How many Somali's do you want to see die, what would be the upper limit in numbers in your blood drenched fantasy?

I want end to all clan states and the false federal government, if necessary thousands or millions will be killed in the process.
Then i would proclaim the estabilishment of Islamic emirate in Somalia from Zeylac till Dhoobley.

Beheading with the sword every servant of Ethiopia and every person who calls for disunity. Iam very serious.

Btw this is serious, not troll.
I would do so if only i had loyal army above 80.000. To show that iam not clannist, i would start with my own clan, killing all dabadhilifs by the seef.

End goal after mass killings?

Islamic Emirate of Somalia united under one amiir, one law. The army is united. No more dirty 4.5 system, no more dirty traitors taking orders from adis ababa.

I would tell the outside world that my Emirate posses no danger to Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti. Just minding my own business.
Forging strong ties with Turkey, Morocco, Iran(not allowing shia missionary tho!) and Indonesia.

If the only way to get islamic emirate is by leveling Hargeisa and Garowe with the ground i would do it. Same goes for Mogadishu.

Caliphate under abu bakr, umar got strong after masskillings too.
Sometimes many people must die before estabilishment of beautiful system.
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