I despise Muslim Twitter.

You're right and at this point, the whole thing is overblown. She has decided to keep it up. To each their own.

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View attachment 317247
you go on her quote tweets and it’s mostly people condeming the trolling and the behaviour. i’m not gonna victim blame and say she had it coming but twitter is a messed up place and people have a f***** up sense of humour who will never say what they usually tweet in IRL and that it’s expected you’ll get some weirdo comments posting your whole body along with evil eye and other bs
I just went and looked at the post above that and she cannot be serious

View attachment 317241

It was worse AFTER hijab? Then what is the point of hijab? I'm starting to get suspicious. Also, the moment the islamophobes hoped on my tweet to insult my religion, I probably would have deleted it. I feel strongly about the deen, I don't care if other Muslims are squabbling under my post, but the moment an islamophobe shows up to insult my deen because they want to use me for a stab at my religion, party's over. I'm not accumulating those sins.

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You're right and at this point, the whole thing is overblown. She has decided to keep it up. To each their own.

View attachment 317246
View attachment 317247
I think the decision to keep it up is motivated by a sense of wanting to 'stay strong against the haters'. I'm not in the business of psychoanalysing strangers but if I was in her position, I think I might want to do the same to, not because of the reason both she and I mentioned, but because if she deletes it now, people's vile responses will still be there. Imagine this:

Two months from now, everyone will forget the original photo. Many will still remember the incident and the feelings surrounding the whole affair. An anti-Islam account with 1 million followers screenshots one of these vile, p0rnograh!c responses while the space where the picture would have still been says "This post is no longer available".

That blank space is misused by the anti-Islam user to spread propaganda. They falsely claim that this photo was actually of a niqabi in black whose eyes are covered. "Muslim men don't even like niqabis!". And it doesn't matter if people have screenshots because the story has already caught on like wildfire.

Some Muslims need to have their internet taken away, for they forget the words we type will be asked about on the Day of Judgement just as the words we speak in real life.
I think the decision to keep it up is motivated by a sense of wanting to 'stay strong against the haters'. I'm not in the business of psychoanalysing strangers but if I was in her position, I think I might want to do the same to, not because of the reason both she and I mentioned, but because if she deletes it now, people's vile responses will still be there. Imagine this:

Two months from now, everyone will forget the original photo. Many will still remember the incident and the feelings surrounding the whole affair. An anti-Islam account with 1 million followers screenshots one of these vile, p0rnograh!c responses while the space where the picture would have still been says "This post is no longer available".

That blank space is misused by the anti-Islam user to spread propaganda. They falsely claim that this photo was actually of a niqabi in black whose eyes are covered. "Muslim men don't even like niqabis!". And it doesn't matter if people have screenshots because the story has already caught on like wildfire.

Some Muslims need to have their internet taken away, for they forget the words we type will be asked about on the Day of Judgement just as the words we speak in real life.
One of the many important things is guarding of the tongue can drag you to hell . They’re not even advising her wallahi their just mocking what kind of Muslim does that
One of the many important things is guarding of the tongue can drag you to hell . They’re not even advising her wallahi their just mocking what kind of Muslim does that
It's the real reason women take issue with the style of "enjoining good and forbidding evil" they subscribe to.

But when I attempt to explain it, they respond to you with the specific hadeeth that speaks of women in Jahannam to tell you that that's your final destination and that your justified concerns as a woman are actually a manifestation of that hadeeth being proven correct.

I've given up. I fear more women will become gaal due to this, including myself.

May Allah (SWT) protect us.
you go on her quote tweets and it’s mostly people condeming the trolling and the behaviour. i’m not gonna victim blame and say she had it coming but twitter is a messed up place and people have a f***** up sense of humour who will never say what they usually tweet in IRL and that it’s expected you’ll get some weirdo comments posting your whole body along with evil eye and other bs

Yup, it's twitter, a cesspool with bored people ready to drag at any point. I still remember when they dragged a woman for saying she enjoyed spending time with her husband in the morning and drinking coffee in their garden lol. Very innocent tweet from a happy woman set them off!

That blank space is misused by the anti-Islam user to spread propaganda. They falsely claim that this photo was actually of a niqabi in black whose eyes are covered.

Very real chance of this happening.

One of the many important things is guarding of the tongue can drag you to hell . They’re not even advising her wallahi their just mocking what kind of Muslim does that

Tiktok especially has a lot of this mocking policing. I honestly never heard of the words tabarujj and dayooth and dayooth merchant and belly bumps are tabarujj till then. I'm actually worried about this gen of upcoming muslims. It's a 13 year old behind an account takfiring you.
Take a look at this crap. This Muslim sister who happily announced her pregnancy on Twitter is being dogpiled by self-styled Salafis who are claiming that she is causing massive fitna by indirectly informing users that she had s3x about 33 weeks ago.

Non-Muslims are roasting them in the comments and quote tweets, making the whole ummah look s3xually frustrated and inherently backwards because of a couple of depraved timo jileec from London.

Really contributing to the rise of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate crimes without a care in the world, these people...

Trolls are getting called out


I put Books to the Test of Life
UK Muslims are so crazy that even my Khaleeji friends are asking me what’s wrong with them. How can you get to a point when Gulf Arabs think you’re culturally backwards.
They just mad the UK Muslims take the Deen seriously, Khaleejis are known for coming to UK/western world to worship their desires and do all sorts of Fitna even the women think mimicking and acting like western women is advancement 😭 don’t ask me how I know central London is my Playground and the amount of stories I have on so called Gulf Arabs. The Men are even worse.

Anyways people need to stop Generalising twitter for UK Muslims we still have probably Best Muslim community in the western world especially for the Salafi Manhaj.

Also how can your Khaleeji friends even judge or know what’s going on in UK Muslim community unless they been and lived here ? You can’t just say oh over TikTok when they have different algorithms. It’s easier to talk when your in Muslim land and you have no choice hence they known for being Part time Muslims when they touch down the West :pachah1: :pachah1:
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the vast majority of muslim men and women under her replies (that I've seen) have been sincerely advising her. I'm not denying the portion of weirdos who were mocking her and saying vile stuff but I find it incredibly weird that people are hyperfixating on that small part.

Like it or not, She is not wearing correct hijab. and I get it, shes apparently a revert/convert but still. Not a single peep about the kuffar who are now slandering our beloved deen or the dirty kuffar who are saying sexual stuff about her in the replies.

Not to mention the 2400 bookmarks at the time of writing this.

I'd like to remind yall to study the deen and hold your tongue lest you claim something is horrible or whatever while it actually is from the deen. and dont hide behind "salafi/wahabi" whilst you know you havent spent a day in your life actually properly studying the deen.

Lastly, she and all of you should know that we will be held accountable on the day of judgement. Anyone who mocked her shall be asked why and she shall be asked why she posted it and kept it up after people gave her genuine advice, and ALL these peopole who are "hyping" her up or "defending" her post shall be of no help to her on that day when all of us shall come to Allah alone.
That's because I expect better from Muslims. Kaffirs gonna kaffir.
if you had so many retweets of kuffar saying stuff about your religion and all those bookmarks you wouldnt delete it?

again like the lady in the actual post you are ignoring crucial parts, in her case its the genuine advice and in yours its all my other text that you decided to leave out of ur response


teetering in-between realities
the vast majority of muslim men and women under her replies (that I've seen) have been sincerely advising her. I'm not denying the portion of weirdos who were mocking her and saying vile stuff but I find it incredibly weird that people are hyperfixating on that small part.

Like it or not, She is not wearing correct hijab. and I get it, shes apparently a revert/convert but still. Not a single peep about the kuffar who are now slandering our beloved deen or the dirty kuffar who are saying sexual stuff about her in the replies.

Not to mention the 2400 bookmarks at the time of writing this.

I'd like to remind yall to study the deen and hold your tongue lest you claim something is horrible or whatever while it actually is from the deen. and dont hide behind "salafi/wahabi" whilst you know you havent spent a day in your life actually properly studying the deen.

Lastly, she and all of you should know that we will be held accountable on the day of judgement. Anyone who mocked her shall be asked why and she shall be asked why she posted it and kept it up after people gave her genuine advice, and ALL these peopole who are "hyping" her up or "defending" her post shall be of no help to her on that day when all of us shall come to Allah alone.
How is it not correct hijab?


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Wow men hate women so much. How can you hate on her just because she got pregnant?
I don’t mean no disrespect that revert sister but I have seen the way she is reacting before. I once saw a muslim revert on tiktok similar attacked for not adjusting quick enough to the modesty requirement (she wasn’t really showing skin but wore a turban). Bullying got so bad that she left. I suggest she just leave twitter all together mainly bcs the scum if our society use it.
if you had so many retweets of kuffar saying stuff about your religion and all those bookmarks you wouldnt delete it?

again like the lady in the actual post you are ignoring crucial parts, in her case its the genuine advice and in yours its all my other text that you decided to leave out of ur response
Is she ignoring genuine advice out of sheer rebellion towards Allah (SWT) or are the majority of her retweets consisting of malicious bullying and mischaracterisation of her intentions as a seemingly well-meaning convert blinding her judgment? This is where discernment and empathy comes in before you begin to advise another Muslim, with proper adab.

Many online lack those two traits, leading to brash judgments being expressed in a cruel, unproductive way.

I didn't reply to the rest of your text, because frankly I don't argue with stupid.


Forza Somalia!
Take a look at this crap. This Muslim sister who happily announced her pregnancy on Twitter is being dogpiled by self-styled Salafis who are claiming that she is causing massive fitna by indirectly informing users that she had s3x about 33 weeks ago.

Non-Muslims are roasting them in the comments and quote tweets, making the whole ummah look s3xually frustrated and inherently backwards because of a couple of depraved timo jileec from London.

Really contributing to the rise of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate crimes without a care in the world, these people...
Twitter is a weird place. Nobody should take twitter users and the drama seriously, and certainly is not the right place to share joyful moments there. There will be always someone trying to say some fucked up thing, and twitter is the shithole of such behavior.


A Laandheere always pays his debts
God forbid my wife ever receives 2400 bookmark on anything she posts (that's assuming every social she has isn't private to begin with).
Is she ignoring genuine advice out of sheer rebellion towards Allah (SWT) or are the majority of her retweets consisting of malicious bullying and mischaracterisation of her intentions as a seemingly well-meaning convert blinding her judgment? This is where discernment and empathy comes in before you begin to advise another Muslim, with proper adab.

Many online lack those two traits, leading to brash judgments being expressed in a cruel, unproductive way.

I didn't reply to the rest of your text, because frankly I don't argue with stupid.
it is hilarious how you try and lecture about adab while completely lacking it yourself.

either way, enough ppl advised her in a manner that is gentle yet she claimed she will not delete it so "muslim men aren't reaffirmed that they can bully and harass muslim women online". again focusing on the minority that said vile things.

Again, we shall certainly be ressurected and asked about that which we did.

