Isaaq genocide narrative

I cannot believe people are arguing with you that any of these militias aren’t foreign proxies. They’re all English acronyms, literally every single militia is an English acronym. There was a whole wikileaks about three of the post ‘93 militias being paid by the USA.

Every single leader of the USC, SNM and SSDF has flat out admitted that they plotted and formed in ETHIOPIA.

It’s like Somalis refuse to admit facts even if they’re as clear as day.

No the Somali National Movement is not a grassroots rebellion lmfao.

It's all driven by foreign states and actors from the outside and they try to mislead people by calling it a civil war.

The best way to understand is to look at how the locals perceived them. That's why i emphasized this the most.


HA Activist.
Now i am doubting that you are even Muslim or Somali. Somali don't need to be humbled, they need be liberated
Says the hypernationalist, ethnocentric, inferiority-complexed kid behind your account ?
Go back to the kitchen naaya this forum has seen enough of your constant cope and ranting
Says the hypernationalist, ethnocentric, inferiority-complexed kid behind your account ?
Go back to the kitchen naaya this forum has seen enough of your constant cope and ranting
I definitely touched a nerve. You sound like a bitter cuqdaad ridden lunatic, i have every right to call you into question.

Anyone who wishes for the suffering of his people and talks down to them in degrading ways is not something a real Muslim and Somali would do.

I can also tell from the way you speak you are probably some unemployed incel in his hooyo house hunched over his dirty keyboard just like that picture in your AVI. Meesha ka kac and find employment.
At this point its clear they must be suffering from some form of cognitive dissonance. Telling the truth shatters the narrative they have built up and believed in for years so its understandable they will resort to insults and non-arguments. @Yazi also did much of the same and now he is nowhere to be seen now after getting exposed.

We can expect more knee-jerk reactions like this.
How are ''your people'' doing better if the Somali people are inherently failed people?
Somaliland is one of the poorest regions in the world for more than 30 years after and has not achieved anything meaningful.

Also i disagree if foreign proxies destroyed the country and foreign political actors lead the helm, its not Somali people that failed. The international community failed the Somali people.

Simple as that.
This is cap btw, southies always this but per-captia we're richer based off world bank data and sources on wikipedia (don't give me that its sourced its all that matters)
This is cap btw, southies always this but per-captia we're richer based off world bank data and sources on wikipedia (don't give me that its sourced its all that matters)

Based on World Bank from a few years, Somaliland , NW (North West) is actually on par with Mogadishu's poverty rate of 57% and they have bigger level of wealth gap. Only NE (North East) is actually doing better than most with lower rate of poverty of 26% which is lower than neighboring Kenya and Ethiopia.

Based on World Bank from a few years, Somaliland , NW (North West) is actually on par with Mogadishu's poverty rate of 57% and they have bigger level of wealth gap. Only NE (North East) is actually doing better than most with lower rate of poverty of 26% which is lower than neighboring Kenya and Ethiopia.

Saved for future fkd use.
Donald Trump GIF by Backhaus Verlag
Saved for future fkd use.
Donald Trump GIF by Backhaus Verlag
What is fkd? Honestly i am not mentioning poverty levels to belittle any region , only reveal that despite the false misrepresentations put out there, Somalis are not doing better than what we were doing during the revolutionary regime.

Somalia in general has made some good progress and developments in recent years, particularly in the private sector which has stepped so that is good.
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Based on World Bank from a few years, Somaliland , NW (North West) is actually on par with Mogadishu's poverty rate of 57% and they have bigger level of wealth gap. Only NE (North East) is actually doing better than most with lower rate of poverty of 26% which is lower than neighboring Kenya and Ethiopia.

Are you sure you're interpreting this graph correctly no offence but what it says is the poverty levels of Mogadishu and the IDP settlements is highest in the country relative to the other regions they're not as you say "comparable", as for the wealth gap argument yes Mogadishu has more money in its circulation and higher access to resources (but its the capital with most funding this makes sense) the only region which is better off than Somaliland as a whole here is the NE(Puntland region) which also has access to higher levels of funding than NW urban areas.
What is fkd? Honestly i am not mentioning poverty levels to belittle any region , only reveal that despite the false misrepresentations put out there, Somalis are not doing better than what we were doing during the revolutionary regime.

Somalia in general has made some good progress and developments in recent years, particularly in the private sector which has stepped so that is good.
The north east doing better than Kenya and Ethiopia in terms of poverty is pretty crazy
Season 6 Omg GIF by The Office
Are you sure you're interpreting this graph correctly no offence but what it says is the poverty levels of Mogadishu and the IDP settlements is highest in the country relative to the other regions they're not as you say "comparable", as for the wealth gap argument yes Mogadishu has more money in its circulation and higher access to resources (but its the capital with most funding this makes sense) the only region which is better off than Somaliland as a whole here is the NE(Puntland region) which also has access to higher levels of funding than NW urban areas.
How does NE have more access to higher levels of funding than NW? @DR OSMAN Look at this great find…
The north east doing better than Kenya and Ethiopia in terms of poverty is pretty crazy
Season 6 Omg GIF by The Office

Both of them have a way higher GDP and taxing base so it's just embarassing on Kenya and Ethiopia's part and it shows how Puntland manages and distributes its meager resources well.

I was making this point to him before in the other page
You know whats funny? Somalia/Somali people are doing better than most African countries currently who have never gone through outside destabilizing efforts. So that shows you Ethiopia and all other Afircan countries are the true failed people, they are all living poverty, with lack of development and whats their excuse? Ethiopian groups massacring each-other are fighting are not even proxies. No other country invaded them.

Meanwhile Somalis were doing great when they were in-charge and ran their own affairs.
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I would expect it to be normalized for population otherwise it’s kinda pointless
Malthusian trap also exists although isnt the case for them since they're economic growth overall contracted since the problems between different ethnic groups at one point it was the fastest growing economy in the world but lets hope they can destabilise during this time and we improve.