Isaaq genocide narrative

Ethiopia makes sense its a 100 million plus pop engulfed in ethnic war inshallah it continues

Ethiopia's GDP is 167 billion with a poverty rate of 44-68% , Kenyas GDP is 107 billion with a poverty rate of 36-63%

They were in similar situation before the war, before the civil war in Ethiopia they were experiencing economic growth but it continued to widen the wealth gap


Please don't tag him I don't want a yap session on my posts warya, as for the funding part it does since PL is a part of the FGS they're allocated a part of the budget whereas SL isnt.

Puntland hardly gets anything from FGS, it's revenue mostly comes from taxation.


This is a better break down. What i highlighted above was for the FGS , it looks like Puntland doesn't take any foreign grants or aid based on this graph. It also don't get much domestic grants which is portion of FGS revenue allocated to regional states. It's revenue mostly come from taxing trade and other services.

Now it's not so surprising to me why it's the better functioning state out of the bunch.


Article of it's improved development

It gives more evidence for the fact that foreign aid money makes a government corruption worse and empowers illegitimate political office holders. What it ultimately does is weaken domestic accountability and undermines sovereignty.

This makes Puntland all the more a perfect base candidate for a civic movement to launch out from

What i told you about before:


False, FGS does not provide budgetary support to PL lol

This already long time established, you can see it in the nation, its nothing new bro, I saw more ppl begging me for money and khat were hawiye and isaaq while in Addis. They don't have a strong middle class, it's 100 ppl who have wealth and then just drops to million peasant, their no middle range there.

Shacab dhisan ma aha we got our rich and far richer then anything hags or isaaq have. But we also got a strong middle base which is where they lack. Over all shacab dhisan ma aha definitely not in the areas that count the middle range.


Inaba Caadi Maaha
Are you sure you're interpreting this graph correctly no offence but what it says is the poverty levels of Mogadishu and the IDP settlements is highest in the country relative to the other regions they're not as you say "comparable", as for the wealth gap argument yes Mogadishu has more money in its circulation and higher access to resources (but its the capital with most funding this makes sense) the only region which is better off than Somaliland as a whole here is the NE(Puntland region) which also has access to higher levels of funding than NW urban areas.

That’s from a World Bank poverty report in 2017. The one from 2019 states that Kismayo has the lowest level of poverty. Kismayo has the highest reports of hunger, but lowest food poverty incidence.

I don’t know if that’s supposed to mean reer Kismayo are a fat greedy bunch? :ayaanswag:


That’s from a World Bank poverty report in 2017. The one from 2019 states that Kismayo has the lowest level of poverty. Kismayo has the highest reports of hunger, but lowest food poverty incidence.

I don’t know if that’s supposed to mean reer Kismayo are a fat greedy bunch? :ayaanswag:

View attachment 347396View attachment 347398
View attachment 347397

Interesting. This is also shows stats from 2017-2018 as it says at the bottom of the graphs . Can you find one from post 2020?

Wasn't Kismayo Alshabaab run territority until late? Baidao and Mogadishu i can kinda understand because of how parts of it's being besieged and cut off by Alshabaab with daily attacks.
Kismayo has the highest reports of hunger, but lowest food poverty incidence.

I don’t know if that’s supposed to mean reer Kismayo are a fat greedy bunch? :ayaanswag:

Could it be that Alshabaab was stealing a lot of the food production and rations from the local populous.

Is Kismaayo under Jubbaland admin or Alshabaab. I believe @Hilmaam would know more and how do you explain the low poverty rates and more food?


Inaba Caadi Maaha
Interesting. This is also shows stats from 2017-2018 as it says at the bottom of the graphs . Can you find one from post 2020?

Wasn't Kismayo Alshabaab run territority until late? Baidao and Mogadishu i can kinda understand because of how parts of it's being besieged and cut off by Alshabaab with daily attacks.

The 2019 report used stats from a survey started in Dec 2017 and end somewhere in 2018. The 2017 report used stats collected Feb and March of 2016. I haven’t been able to find a report later than 2019.

I wouldn’t be surprised if whoever had control at the time was stealing UN rations and/or the people’s produce.


Could it be that Alshabaab was stealing a lot of the food production and rations from the local populous.

Is Kismaayo under Jubbaland admin or Alshabaab. I believe @Hilmaam would know more and how do you explain the low poverty rates and more food?
Kismayo is under jubbaland but alot of jubbaland is still under al shabab. them and SWS probably states with least amount of land under their control. the bad thing is like you alluded to that area is breadbasket of somalia. All the farmers have to deal with many check points (isbaaro) by al shabab and govt soldiers and each time have to pay. They are suffering from all sides. Its very bad and shows why our food production is in such terrible form

Here is also agriculutre production post I did. Our population booming but look at food production before civil war to now

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Doesn't really matter anyways since there is no proof that Barre had genocidal intent. His campaign in Hargeisa/Somaliland was meant to defeat SNM.
Deepshit he did have genocidal attempt as his faqaash massacred and summerly executed innocents civilians both nomads who had nothing to do with politics just rearing their cattle and urban people.
Genocide is a lengthy process that needs a huge portion of the population’s permission which takes years of propaganda. But that wouldn’t work because a large number of the top kacaan officials were isaaq.
You ilmo qaxooti oo shalay dhashay are so stupid and ignorant about our history just talking out of your asses.

The kacaan had labelled us all as enemies and counter revolutionaries hence why the regime has implemented a martial law and curfew in our territories and that made the Isaaq diaspora to form SNM movement and fund its activities to combat the regime and bring it down.
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You ilmo qaxooti oo shalay dhashay are so stupid and ignorant about our history just talking out of your asses.

The kacaan had labelled us all as enemies and counter revolutionaries hence why the regime as implemented a martial law and curfew in our territories and that made the Isaaq diaspora to form SNM movement and fund its activities to combat the regime and bring it down.
Nothing wrong with being a qaxooti just know you are one too ✌🏽


Ummm this is not a response from a mentally well person
He’s said this before he’s weird
You are an actually weirdo tf wrong with you

You want me to sympathize with these idoors View attachment 327045

You are Muslim warya

Idoor claims to be Muslim and still bomb laascanood people. So why should I care about their fake genocide. Even if it’s real I still don’t give damn.

Thats not how it works walalo.Don’t blame all Isaaqs for what happened in SSC blame bixi and them lot. The genocide literally happened be a good Muslim and have sympathy for those who lost their lives
I gave you reported facts.

SNM wore plain civilian clothes and dispersed themselves into nomadic and urban settlements. Some of these were supposedly ''non-battle'' zones.
SNM was founded by the people and served that people from by liberating us from that authoritarian gaal regime.

You don't even know that the majority of the funding was coming from the diaspora which was a must thing for every member of Reer sheekh Isxaaq had to contribute for the struggle.

It doesn't take a genius to realize that it's government reacting to that and trying to snuff out insurgents/proxy agents like that reports that i just shown you say.
Nacas the conflict started when the regime allowed the WSLF clan militia to roam around in our lands to harass and kill innocent nomads and settle Ogadeen refugees forcefully into our land and persecute anyone who speaks against the kacaan policy and the reports coming from our people in the rural on how the regime treats them prompted the Somali community in the gulf states to form the SNM.
You ilmo qaxooti oo shalay dhashay are so stupid and ignorant about our history just talking out of your asses.

The kacaan had labelled us all as enemies and counter revolutionaries hence why the regime as implemented a martial law and curfew in our territories and that made the Isaaq diaspora to form SNM movement and fund its activities to combat the regime and bring it down.
You’re arguing with a qabilist lady just leave her alone bro. She has no rights 💀
It was between 50k-200k so lets assume hypothetically its 100k the Somali population back in 88 was 7.8 million, over 1 percent of the population got genocided, people in here deny what happened in Hargeisa and expect Landers to just shrug it off to the side and wonder why they want to secede, fear Allah please.

Throughout this period, the whole civilian population appears to have become a target, in their homes and anywhere they sought refuge. Even during their long and harrowing exodus – on foot, without water or food, carrying the young and weak, giving birth on the way – across the border to Ethiopia, planes strafed them from the air.

- Clan Cleansing in Somalia: The Ruinous Legacy of 1991 pg: 86​

In two months, from May to July 1988, between 50,000 and 100,000 people were massacred by the regime's forces. By then, any surviving urban Isaaks – that is to say, hundreds of thousands of members of the main northern clan community – had fled across the border into Ethiopia.
- Genocide, war crimes and the West: history and complicity pg: 246

90% of our people have fled our homes and went into Ethiopia in UN camps set up for us.

Rare footage of people in Hargeysa during the regime's siege on the city in 1988.

A lot of you dumb Somalis don't know what we have been through but saying stupid stuff out of your asses