It's time for Somalia to Balkanize

Siyaad Barre's government
His government was an authortorian dictatorship. Not a good example. A much better example would be the early Somali Republic (1960-1969) which was far stronger and richer than current Somalia. Yes, there was still some qabilyaad but it was much more managable and didn't cause mass oppression or massacres.
I'm not sure how much support they had
They had strong support from Rahanweyn and southern Daroods. You need to understand that the ICU literally controlled all of southern Somalia at their peak. No Hawiye organization is capable of doing that, only a multi-clan one could.
that's never happening
Kagame goes the Hutus may start killing people again.
Somehow you are even more pessemistic than @hopelessMan lol
what FMS leaders in gedo publicly announced they want to be part of ethiopia? :gucciwhat:
It was a district leader from a district in Gedo called Doolow. He said Doolow is part of Ethiopia
No I am not Ethiopia. Itoobiya ha dhacdo. Abiy Axmed ha dhaco. I hate Ethiopia. Ethiopia is actually taking advantage of our current situation. Balkanization is for the best. You may tolerate clan wars but I don't. You have fun with that but I don't want that in my region.


You are far too optimistic about everything. I always see you saying stuff like that. Time to get real man. Somalia is never getting rid of qabyaalad. People are huge haters now. The only solution is to separate for those reasons. We can't share a country with people we hate. It's the logical solution.

people don't hate each other brother, every person in Somalia has the same hope and dreams, to see the country move away from all it's ailment. I know for a fact we will achieve it, always be optimistic :)
people don't hate each other brother, every person in Somalia has the same hope and dreams, to see the country move away from all it's ailment. I know for a fact we will achieve it, always be optimistic :)
I'd like to be optimistic but I have no reason to be optimistic. I am a realist. And realistically Somalia will never be a stable nation. That's why balkanizing is better for us. I used to be like you and super optimistic but I got real not too long ago. You are always saying stuff like this when bad things happen too because bad things always happen due to the fact that we've been forced to be part of the same nation.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Do you really think the international community are sitting around and thinking “Man, you know what we really need, another several failed impoverished African nations all having the same ethnic, linguistic and religious makeup”

Go back to the Ethiopian forum, even if you’re Somali, at least on those forums, that advice is actually useful. Because if there is one country that needs to Balkanise it’s them.

Answer my question. The only one dodging is you. What is 'proof' to you? That last part sounds like projection from you. You must be reer Lafti Nagaa.
How am I dodging, I confronted you first now go on? it feels like im speaking to a chatbot you can't be real youve taken everything I said and repeated it. Im telling you guys their training off the forum data now. You're the one projecting, and the entire forum thinks so. Even GeeljireGenius figured you out thats how low youve gone.
Do you really think the international community are sitting around and thinking “Man, you know what we really need, another several failed impoverished African nations all having the same ethnic, linguistic and religious makeup”

Go back to the Ethiopian forum, even if you’re Somali, at least on those forums, that advice is actually useful. Because if there is one country that needs to Balkanise it’s them.

I don't care about what the international community has to say and clan fiefdoms will be 500x more stable than a 'united' Somalia filled with people that can't stand each other. I already said that Ethiopia should balkanize. That wouldn't be important for me to say on this forum because almost everyone agrees. I only care about my land, not Ethiopia as I am not an Ethiopian..
How am I dodging, I confronted you first now go on? it feels like im speaking to a chatbot you can't be real youve taken everything I said and repeated it. Im telling you guys their training off the forum data now. You're the one projecting, and the entire forum thinks so. Even GeeljireGenius figured you out thats how low youve gone.
You dodged it by not telling me what you consider to be 'proof'. Regardless, I know people irl that agree with me, our region will leave the shithole that is Somalia very soon. We don't wanna share a country with you and there's nothing you can do about it. You will hear about this movement soon Insha Allah.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I don't care about what the international community has to say and clan fiefdoms will be 500x more stable than a 'united' Somalia filled with people that can't stand each other. I already said that Ethiopia should balkanize. That wouldn't be important for me to say on this forum because almost everyone agrees. I only care about my land, not Ethiopia as I am not an Ethiopian..

Quick question: Who is gonna financially support these “new countries”?

It’s not like the Somali government is basically bankrolled by the international community.

What makes you think that these states aren’t gonna need a crap ton of aid money to stay afloat?

Quick question: Who is gonna financially support these “new countries”?

It’s not like the Somali government is basically bankrolled by the international community.

What makes you think that these states aren’t gonna need a crap ton of aid money to stay afloat?

Stop thinking about aid and learn how to build things yourself. No one needs aid, this is all a product of us being forced to be part of the same nation. Many clan fiefdoms could be self-sufficient like any clan fiefdom in Jubbooyinka, Sh/Dhexe, Sh/Hoose and Hiiraan. Those areas are filled with rich farmland. They could feed themselves quite easily.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Stop thinking about aid and learn how to build things yourself. No one needs aid, this is all a product of us being forced to be part of the same nation. Many clan fiefdoms could be self-sufficient like any clan fiefdom in Jubbooyinka, Sh/Dhexe, Sh/Hoose and Hiiraan. Those areas are filled with rich farmland. They could feed themselves quite easily.

You do know setting a country requires a lot of money before you can even build the economy, right?

Forget the difficulty of getting international recognition.

Just let me know when you wake from your dream.
