KGS citizens protest against Masar


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)

KG Federal MPs say that they will never accept Masar and say Itoobiya stood by them during their toughest years against AS

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi

KG Federal MPs say that they will never accept Masar and say Itoobiya stood by them during their toughest years against AS
Same Ethiopia that killed 13 civilians in Baidoa in a coup agreed by your uncle Farmaajo?

Matter of fact, those civilians are probably only somalis xabashis have killed in KGS.
Arabs and particularly Egypt are averse to casualties. When AS overrun an Egyptian camp and records in 4k wallahi they'll get shooked and bail out. Arabs military is corrupt and ineffective in large formations. Loyalty trumps merits and they really don't have much military experience since South Yemen war which bankrupted their state.
Arabs and particularly Egypt are averse to casualties. When AS overrun an Egyptian camp and records in 4k wallahi they'll get shooked and bail out. Arabs military is corrupt and ineffective in large formations. Loyalty trumps merits and they really don't have much military experience since South Yemen war which bankrupted their state.
Egypt's military is not the same as Uganda's. They know how to actually fortify their bases unlike Uganda, Burundi, Kenya etc. I doubt AS will overrun a single Egyptian base.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
when Mukhtaar Roobow was denied the win of 2018 KGS elections. Instituted by Farmaajo and gaalada while Hsm freed the guy from house arrest and gave him a good position.
The terrorists that killed medical graduate? Wtf HAG is actual terrorists sympathisers this guy was high ranking AS member faarmajo was too lenient he should've been shot on the spot


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Same Ethiopia that killed 13 civilians in Baidoa in a coup agreed by your uncle Farmaajo?

Matter of fact, those civilians are probably only somalis xabashis have killed in KGS.
Go away, KGS Mps have spoken


El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
The terrorists that killed medical graduate? Wtf HAG is actual terrorists sympathisers this guy was high ranking AS member faarmajo was too lenient he should've been shot on the spot

No difference between him and any other war criminal in Somalia, many who hold or have held high positions.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Horgaals, all of them. Xabashis have not liberated a single piece of land in Koonfur Galbeed. This nation is full of treacherous idiots who don’t even benefit their people from their treachery.
Who liberated Xudur, Tiyeeglow and Burhakaba? I am dealing with an FKD novice ileen. Go ask your Aabe what HAG did in Diinsoor.
Horgaals, all of them. Xabashis have not liberated a single piece of land in Koonfur Galbeed. This nation is full of treacherous idiots who don’t even benefit their people from their treachery.
I don’t blame KG. HSM wants to take over KG to reassure re-election in 2026. Everyone is looking after their own interests. :manny:
Horgaals, all of them. Xabashis have not liberated a single piece of land in Koonfur Galbeed. This nation is full of treacherous idiots who don’t even benefit their people from their treachery.
Your blaming them when Hassan sheikh Mohamed was sending all the weapons and soldiers to gobolada dhexe.

Tell me one time Hassan sheikh has helped or supported Reer SWS in fighting Shabaab. Not once.


What has Ethiopia done to illicit this loyalty? I have not once read them liberating so much as a well in the last couple of years. Somalis fight and somalis die for their land. Yet folks want foreigners to fix the problem their fathers caused. All politicians, I don't care if they're from you clan or region are fucking dog shit.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Your blaming them when Hassan sheikh Mohamed was sending all the weapons and soldiers to gobolada dhexe.

Tell me one time Hassan sheikh has helped or supported Reer SWS in fighting Shabaab. Not once.

True, those in power should think about everyone and be inclusive.

However, thats unfortunately not the case back home. But not receiving support from FGS doesn’t mean to give up. Xawaadles freeed most of their land with little of help from FGS.

Its in the best interest of RX to stand againts AS. That organisation has only caused harm and misery to your people and you guys are not in the leadership. In an extremely tribalist place like Somalia, I have failed to understand why your people have not been up in arms against them

FGS is a hawiye/darood duopoly. Your people have not united and demanded their fair share from FGS. Thats why Hsm and any president to come will not help you. If you let yourself to get sidelined, you will be sidelined. Having the most mps should mean huge benefits to your people.
I don’t blame KG. HSM wants to take over KG to reassure re-election in 2026. Everyone is looking after their own interests. :manny:
Many HSM supporters turn a blind eye to that. The same HSM who did dhaanto in Jigjiga with gabre & told Somalis from Ogadenia their Ethiopian.
First Somali elected official to recognize their is Ethiopian Somalis.


Your blaming them when Hassan sheikh Mohamed was sending all the weapons and soldiers to gobolada dhexe.

Tell me one time Hassan sheikh has helped or supported Reer SWS in fighting Shabaab. Not once.
True, those in power should think about everyone and be inclusive.

However, thats unfortunately not the case back home. But not receiving support from FGS doesn’t mean to give up. Xawaadles freeed most of their land with little of help from FGS.

Its in the best interest of RX to stand againts AS. That organisation has only caused harm and misery to your people and you guys are not in the leadership. In an extremely tribalist place like Somalia, I have failed to understand why your people have not been up in arms against them

FGS is a hawiye/darood duopoly. Your people have not united and demanded their fair share from FGS. Thats why Hsm and any president to come will not help you. If you let yourself to get sidelined, you will be sidelined. Having the most mps should mean huge benefits to your people.
Blame lafta gareen who blocked a new sna base in baydhabo and 2 brigades of soldiers to be transferred there cabsi darteed


Is the Ethiopian border only on gedo/bakool ?

What does those borders which are 1000 km away from somaliland have anything to do with the so called sea dispute?

Gedo won't become a battle ground for ethiopia vs Egypt.

Take that shit somewhere else.
Egypt is here to replace ethiopia, which they will.
True, those in power should think about everyone and be inclusive.

However, thats unfortunately not the case back home. But not receiving support from FGS doesn’t mean to give up. Xawaadles freeed most of their land with little of help from FGS.

Its in the best interest of RX to stand againts AS. That organisation has only caused harm and misery to your people and you guys are not in the leadership. In an extremely tribalist place like Somalia, I have failed to understand why your people have not been up in arms against them

FGS is a hawiye/darood duopoly. Your people have not united and demanded their fair share from FGS. Thats why Hsm and any president to come will not help you. If you let yourself to get sidelined, you will be sidelined. Having the most mps should mean huge benefits to your people.
Right now our best interest is in supporting Ethiopia. We won't let Hawiye use masar to capture and dominate KGS.

