KGS citizens protest against Masar

Egypt is here to replace ethiopia, which they will.

Then take them to your lands.

Plus you haven't even answered why lands 1000 km away from berbera is important to the defence of berbera.

Sxb take that bullshit somewhere else. My land won't become a battleground between ethiopia and Egypt.

You host the Egyptians


Then take them to your lands.

Plus you haven't even answered why lands 1000 km away from berbera is important to the defence of berbera.

Sxb take that bullshit somewhere else. My land won't become a battleground between ethiopia and Egypt.

You host the Egyptians
We don’t have al shabab or ethiopians in our lands but if we did then yes i would host egyptians as well
We don’t have al shabab or ethiopians in our lands but if we did then yes i would host egyptians as well

We don't have berbera anywhere near us. If you want to defend berbera from ethiopia you are closer to it then me.

Sxb beenta meel kali la tag. Shabaab was in somalia for 18 years and will be here for another 18 years.

Kindly take the Egyptians mercenaries and you host them. Let your towns and cities become warzone between Egypt and ethiopia.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
We don't have berbera anywhere near us. If you want to defend berbera from ethiopia you are closer to it then me.

Sxb beenta meel kali la tag. Shabaab was in somalia for 18 years and will be here for another 18 years.

Kindly take the Egyptians mercenaries and you host them. Let your towns and cities become warzone between Egypt and ethiopia.
Yup, they want us to become cannon fodder for HAG politica. Egypt cant even open Rafah border for Palestinians what makes you think they can do anything in Somalia. Atleast Ethiopians have a track record of defeating AS.


Yup, they want us to become cannon fodder for HAG politica. Egypt cant even open Rafah border for Palestinians what makes you think they can do anything in Somalia. Atleast Ethiopians have a track record of defeating AS.
Ah yes because Egypt cant fight against Israel and USA and Britain and France and Germany and every other western country so that means they can’t fight rag tag Al shabab terrorists


We don't have berbera anywhere near us. If you want to defend berbera from ethiopia you are closer to it then me.

Sxb beenta meel kali la tag. Shabaab was in somalia for 18 years and will be here for another 18 years.

Kindly take the Egyptians mercenaries and you host them. Let your towns and cities become warzone between Egypt and ethiopia.
I don’t care either ethiopia leaves and u fight al shabab yourself or egypt replaces them

But if you are crying for ethiopian occupation then u have been eating too much khat



lol maybe some exagerations but funny take that rings somewhat true.



ethiopia doesnt not have power to grant state hood they are 3rd world shit hole just like rest of sub saharan africa. Imagine if nations in africa with all its rebels and terrorist groups could just grant a given country state hood in return for port rights, minerals or something of those lines. Abiye is big fool and somaliland is as well



the last bit about HSM bringing egyptian trooops, i dont think its becuase of MOU he knows it has no weight. FMS power comes from Ethiopia and FGS/HSM have been wanting to centralize and be ultimate power as can be seen with changes of consitution. egypt can easily become final nail in the coffin for a lot of FMSs. these states are right to be nervous. I would not trust fgs. Nor egypt who probably want al shabab in ethiopia and turn dds into another region on fire. If ethiopia leaves, gedo and sws will be gobbled up and in short enough time jubbaland as whole. Maybe this is for best who knows fgs and the fms in south been in stalemate to long 🤷‍♂️ I just don’t see vission currently

Interestingly enough here is thread from 2022 about egyptian troops in somalia

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Atleast Ethiopians have a track record of defeating AS.
How? Al-Shabab is as powerful as ever. The last great victory AMISOM ever did was liberating Mogadishu. They have pretty much been sitting in their bases hardly doing anything since the mid 2010s.
I don’t care either ethiopia leaves and u fight al shabab yourself or egypt replaces them

But if you are crying for ethiopian occupation then u have been eating too much khat

Fight shabab? Why should I when ulusow rewards biggest shabaab leaders like madoobe/ roobow and mahad salaad?

I am against ulusow trying to make my lands a warzone. You are closer to berbera I suggest you turn your villages into a warzone to "defend somalia from ethiopia"

You are more then welcome.


Fight shabab? Why should I when ulusow rewards biggest shabaab leaders like madoobe/ roobow and mahad salaad?
Instead let me be a prostitute for shabab with their made up courts and harsh taxation as well as the amxaaro who consider Gedo their own territory. Reer gedo allaha u gargaaro canshuur xaad dhaaf ah iyo gumeysi yaa u adkeysan karo
One question still remains unanswered, why did this @Kamaaludeen Al Reewin character only pop out when Ethiopia is about to kicked out of Somalia? All true Somalis despite our political and qabiil differences don't want to see Ethiopia on Somali soil, unless of course your a brain rotten seccesionist or a sick qabiliste low iq who can't see beyond his little tuulo.
Fight shabab? Why should I when ulusow rewards biggest shabaab leaders like madoobe/ roobow and mahad salaad?

I am against ulusow trying to make my lands a warzone. You are closer to berbera I suggest you turn your villages into a warzone to "defend somalia from ethiopia"

You are more then welcome.
But Gedo is already a poverty ridden warzone, do you want Ethiopians chilling in your backyard? Atleast Egypt doesn't have a direct border with Somalia, and they'll probably exit once the SNA is fully capable of taking over the security.. It's 2024 and you peasants are arguing to keep Ethiopia on Somali soil.. Langaabs.


But Gedo is already a poverty ridden warzone, do you want Ethiopians chilling in your backyard? Atleast Egypt doesn't have a direct border with Somalia, and they'll probably exit once the SNA is fully capable of taking over the security.. It's 2024 and you peasants are arguing to keep Ethiopia on Somali soil.. Langaabs.

Hawiye or Darood central government + Foreign weapons/armies = Someone getting wiped out.

Simple formula. No one trusts that shit. Why would they? Are your insults going to change reality?
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One question still remains unanswered, why did this @Kamaaludeen Al Reewin character only pop out when Ethiopia is about to kicked out of Somalia? All true Somalis despite our political and qabiil differences don't want to see Ethiopia on Somali soil, unless of course your a brain rotten seccesionist or a sick qabiliste low iq who can't see beyond his little tuulo.
Already got exposed for being a xabash. Tried to copy n paste af somali and made a mess out of it.