Laascaanood needs intervention!

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When idiots try to qabliilatise the situation only few see it as what it is, an administration who started shooting protesters
It’s just politics. Cirro knows the SL gov bears little to no responsibility for killing violent rioting terrorists. Cirro is criticising Bihi, like Mr Diana was criticising Deni for not taking action against SL. Yet we both know that Cirro would’ve had the reaction to the rioting terorists if he was in power. And Mr Diana wouldn’t have been taking any action against SL if he was the PL leader. You people have zero shame 💀.Everything’s mostly already back to normal.
If Cabdullahi Yusuf (AUN) was alive he wouldn't allow this dulmi to happen 😥

I thought that nigga was HG.
Confused Joe Biden GIF by CBS News


Forza Somalia!
It’s just politics. Cirro knows the SL gov bears little to no responsibility for killing violent rioting terrorists. Cirro is criticising Bihi, like Mr Diana was criticising Deni for not taking action against SL. Yet we both know that Cirro would’ve had the reaction to the rioting terorists if he was in power. And Mr Diana wouldn’t have been taking any action against SL if he was the PL leader. You people have zero shame 💀.Everything’s mostly already back to normal.
Hold on, are you saying the armed men who shot protesters are not security forces of Somaliland admin in las anood?
RRU making many arrests :banderas:
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Most of the RRU forces left the city two hours ago, and they are on the outskirts of the city gathering their forces because of the popular resistance. There are many dead and wounded among your forces.
And most of your forces also began to leave their positions in Tukaraq , because of the news of the intervention of the puntland forces.
If the situation is under control, why do your forces leave their positions?


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Breaking News Former President Sheikh Shariif, Former PM Xassan Cali Khayre, Former PM Cabdiweli Gaas Former PM Cumar Cabdirashiid all speakout against #SSC Genocide

I always knew Sheikh Shariif was a hero :rejoice:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Keep my Adeers name out of this afaaro. He is no hero of yours
Sheikh Shariif stood up for the people of SSC unlike Gurgurrte he is also the first one to recognize Khatuumo State. Sheikh Shariif waa geesi unlike Garguurte



LA people will not be used by nefarious Somalia tied terrorists. Those who are part of or side with the terrorist groups ran by, funded by and supported by Somalian government and tribal organisation will be dealt with. These are the so-called ‘protestors’. They’re the tribal equivalent of Al-Shabbab. Keep crying.
You use the word hutu too much in a sentence so it doesn’t give off the effect you think it is :russ: I’m hearing south galkacyo is the popping side of the city where all the best hotels are at? HG really run the city damnnn

MJ needed to bring in their darood kin to fight sacad walalhi o billahi. Unlike you I don’t swear on Allahs name meaninglessly

Why are Uganda and Burundis keeping your women and children safe if Hutus are that strong? I would not do FKD if Amisom were doing this in my towns.


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