So long as Puntland claims SSC, it has a duty to intervene. It's very hypocritical to claim it and not do anything. That's why there's such a focus on Puntland even though it's not involved in this incident.Dhuulos support ilko-yar and siyaads orphans all the time. They should ask farmaajo to send them troops from Ghetto instead of begging the puntland they hate all the time
Puntland controls the loyal parts, not the parts that are caasi.So long as Puntland claims SSC, it has a duty to intervene. It's very hypocritical to claim it and not do anything. That's why there's such a focus on Puntland even though it's not involved in this incident.
Is this @Haragwafi?
If dani say something faroole will say cisse mohamud don’t go to war
Yeey didn’t librate nothing he used Ethiopian and dhulbahante to fight jama ali jama… Jamac was the bigger man he say he don’t want to involve inter civil war… learn the history before u talkSo, if we go by that simple logic, then when Abdillahi Yusuf was liberating PL from the Arta gangs lead by Jama Cali Jamac, SSC soldiers perishing in Dhuudo & Qayaadsame should have said: MJ should unite first, and take care of their traitors before they could join the liberation. See, they did not, for they knew the right side of the equation, and died for the PL cause.
The children and families of soldiers who died for PL then only deserve the same today. But for their fathers to die for you to live in life of luxury in Garowe, and for you to say any less is a traversty.
I do not know whether most of you are too young, too brainwashed, or not too informed, but the issue is much bigger than ina Cambaashe. he is just a small gambit in the bigger scheme of things, and least of our worries. Laascaanood is no different from Galkacyo or Bosaso. Why is that not clear to you? Duf ku baxa.
Get ur mouth out of jama ali jama this thread has nothing to do with jama ali jama we all know who was the really traitor who used foreigners to attack the government at night time in garowe 2002If I delve into adeer Jamac's affair too intimately, it might anger Boqortooyada, like Xoriyo, and I do not want to do that, but suffice to say the two cases are dissimilar. Like other SSDF warriors, PL dearly owes Sr Diyaano, and his sons by extension. Yes, they were Farmajo friendly, but I do not think their intent was to dismantle PL. Besides, PL of today is more mature than that of yester years, and could withstand such pressure. Deni was tactless to say the least in his dealing with the lads, and was outmaneuvered, and outflanked in a game of chess. Not only shown his naivete, but his Dam al Jadid tactics borrowed from Xamar backfired to reveal his amateur politicking. See, Koonfur politics is rather immature, if cultureless, and it beats me why he would borrow a page from it abandoning an age old tradition, which benefited PL time and again. The role of Issims in PL is by far the most influential, yet to this date, he undermines it to his peril.
Coversely, Jamac, Cali Khalif, Yusuf X, Islam Maxamed, Garaad C/Ghani and others were handed a plan to dismantle PL only to bring it under ina Salad Boy. Imagine that. Perhaps we could debate that another day when there is less tension, and walaasheen Xoriyo had her evening cuppa.
Does that clarify the point I was trying to make?
I must add I do not agree with the idea of a private army operating outside of the system, but serious circumstances dictate strange conditions at difficult times, as these are. Dichotomy you might say, but there you have it.
Where is afyaheenka dhulbahante he should reply to faisal ali warabewarabe talked about it, and yet to hear a voice of that rules Puntland.
look at this liar osman diyano and caade muse took over puntland after peace agreement… how the f*ck did abdullahi yusuf entrusted osman diyano when he was part of jabhada (GBB) golaha badda buntland yeey was forced out of puntland and used puntland resources to build hutu government… yeey was big time failure in my opinionIt was ina Bidaar, a civilan Engineer from London, who was put in charge at first, but Sr Diyaano was the real architect to whom Abdillahi Yusuf entrusted its leadership.
Decisive KO victory for JSL. Can we now move on guys, Laascaanood waa Somaliland forever and alwaysTalk about humiliation.Rioters forced to clear the road of rocks at gunpoint by SL army![]()