Man hangs himself in Somalia

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You're speaking to a Muslim you gaal swine, I don't expect you to understand, this man is a kaafir if he killed himself for material riches, Allah is the bestower of All things, I've worked very hard & put my trust in Allah.
Sometimes the homie Allah let's you down and sends a famine to wipe you and your entire family out. Tbh I'd rather die on my own accord too than have it his way. If he really disliked suicide then he wouldn't have created the suffering and destitution that leads to many people not being able to maintain.

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
Sometimes the homie Allah let's you down and sends a famine to wipe you and your entire family out. Tbh I'd rather die on my own accord too than have it his way. If he really disliked suicide then he wouldn't have created the suffering and destitution that leads to many people not being able to maintain.
He owns you and created you.
He can do whatever he want whenever he wants.

You filthy INFIDEL.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Waryaa the poor guy who killed himself is not a kaafir but he definitely commited a major sin. He didn't committ kufr. there are a lot of hadiths that say that a person who commits suicide will be brought on the day of judgement repeatedly killing himself the way he did in the dunya. The prophet normally didn't pray on a suicide victim but some of the sahabas did. The poor old man commited a major sin but not kufr so he might or might not be forgiven by Allah all we can do is pray for forgiveness.
Shirk means associating partners with Allah, he lost a few belongings & took his life, I don't know about you but that right there is shirk, let's just agree to disagree.

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
Sounds more like an abusive slave owner than a God. That's why I don't believe in him
Good. that's why you out here on sspot pouring out your frustrations coz you know you and your fellow Somali etheists can't come out to your families.
You unloved bastards. Cowards, why don't you come out to your hooyo?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Sometimes the homie Allah let's you down and sends a famine to wipe you and your entire family out. Tbh I'd rather die on my own accord too than have it his way. If he really disliked suicide then he wouldn't have created the suffering and destitution that leads to many people not being able to maintain.
Allah tests those he loves best :it0tdo8::2tjlv3e::dzmxmmb:

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
You're speaking to a Muslim you gaal swine, I don't expect you to understand, this man is a kaafir if he killed himself for material riches, Allah is the bestower of All things, I've worked very hard & put my trust in Allah.
How does killing yourself (a major sin) out of depression make you a kaafir? Plz stop with the khawarij non sense.
Shirk means associating partners with Allah, he lost a few belongings & took his life, I don't know about you but that right there is shirk, let's just agree to disagree.

"Few belongings", Do you know nothing about animal husbandry waryaa? It takes an excruciatingly long time to get your flock up to a decent level where you can make a living trading. To lose it all overnight is not a "few belongings, It's everything they fucking have dimwit. There is no welfare to bale you out in somalia like you have you filthy rat


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

"Few belongings", Do you know nothing about animal husbandry waryaa? It takes an excruciatingly
long time to get a decent number of livestock where you can make a living trading. To lose it all overnight is not a "few belongings, It's everything they fucking have dimwit. There is no welfare to bale you out in somalia like you have you filthy rat
Then I'm sure he did the right thing by slitting his wrist & ending this bullshit, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
How does killing yourself (a major sin) out of depression make you a kaafir? Plz stop with the khawarij non sense.
Do you believe Allah is the sole provider? Do you believe that no one other than him can provide? If so then why kill yourself surely Allah will provide right? Unless of-coarse you don't believe in Allah, clearly in this case, I'll never sympathise with a coward.
Then I'm sure he did the right thing by slitting his wrist & ending this bullshit, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Wether it is right or wrong is debatable. But to declare hell on this poor guy while gobbling down the 5th chicken and chips you paid for with government allowance just shows how detached from reality your ideals are and what a low sense of empathy you have. Please save us next time and bestow your judgments up your own ass


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Seems like every1 is a pagan / kaafir to you, including me (a muslim).

Don't even know why I bothered.
Do you think you could have your own beliefs as a Muslim? Don't you know that in order to be a Muslim you must give up your will & follow only Allah's will? In other words your personally opinion doesn't mean nothing, when Allah dictates a matter & he ordained it you & I as slaves of the most omnipresent should respond by saying we hear & we obey, please take your emotions elsewhere cause wallahi you'll be hard pressed to get any empathy from me.
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