Man hangs himself in Somalia

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You can still believe that Allah is the sole provider and take away your life due to the trauma you were in, and the fact that you may not have been in the right state of mind.

If someone took away their life after their mother, father, sisters and brothers were all killed in an plane crash, then it's the same thing to the geeljire whose livestock is his life.
Taking ones life is forbidden in Islam.

Can you bring proof from the Quran or sunna that says otherwise?
Tell me exactly what's ignorant about the statements I made..
I made two statements and I didn't call anyone a kaafir..nor did I say he was going to hell..
I don't see why you are calling me out
For things I haven't said...
Or did you do it for the sake of calling me out I don't get..
Anyways, your accusing me for nothing...
I said two statements and here they are..
Next time don't come at me like that again without proper evidence from the Quran and sunnah..

He just went from the frying pan to the fire.

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
He just went from the frying pan to the fire.
Don't you get it...
That is a phrase..... don't you know English.
He thought by killing himself he would escape his misery and hardship only to face Allah..and face an eternal punishment...
Tell me @ebimomo which is worse..the punishment of Allah or loosing your livestock..?

Abaayo admit you're wrong and drop the pride...
I provided evidence from the Quran and not talking aimlessly out of emotions like you..
You can't follow what you want in Islam and dismiss others...

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
Backbiting are you serious....?

Did you even read the link I gave you...

You ain't slick abaayo...don't call people ignorant...and all because you can come with evidence @ebimomo
Don't you get it...
That is a phrase..... don't you know English.
He thought by killing himself he would escape his misery and hardship only to face Allah..and face an eternal punishment...
Tell me @ebimomo which is worse..the punishment of Allah or loosing your livestock..?

Abaayo admit you're wrong and drop the pride...
I provided evidence from the Quran and not talking aimlessly our of emotions like you..
You can't follow what you want in Islam and dismiss others...

Eternal punishment but are you Allah though?


How do you know that he's going to heaven or hell? Like did you just ignore the comment I wrote saying exactly what I said in this comment or...Don't you know English?

proud about what? If I'm wrong fine but are you telling me that you know for a fact that xyz person is going to hell?
Evidence from the Quran? You mean you did the poor job of linking me to that website with a bad rep, how difficult.

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
Eternal punishment but are you Allah though?


How do you know that he's going to heaven or hell? Like did you just ignore the comment I wrote saying exactly what I said in this comment or...Don't you know English?

proud about what? If I'm wrong fine but are you telling me that you know for a fact that xyz person is going to hell?
Evidence from the Quran? You mean you did the poor job of linking me to that website with a bad rep, how difficult.
I mean isn't that what you call speaking ill of Muslims? Backbiting?
Didn't you read the ahadith I provided....
The evidence....
Give me evidence from the Quran and sunnah that a suicide victim will not be punished eternally...


ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
@ebimomo what bad rep... I checked the hadiths numbers and they all check out.. all of them are sahih...
Why are you arguing for nothing...?:mindblown:
Didn't you read the ahadith I provided....
The evidence....
Give me evidence from the Quran and sunnah that a suicide victim will not be punished eternally...


Hopeless indeed, third and final time I'm telling you.

Irrespective of the sin, no matter how big or small, no Muslim will go to hell forever.
And I'm telling you for the last time that only Allah knows who goes to hell and who goes to heaven, that is the evidence right there if you disagree with it...Well you can't be a Muslim and disagree with it, lets leave it at that.
@ebimomo what bad rep... I checked the hadiths numbers and they all check out.. all of them are sahih...
Why are you arguing for nothing...?:mindblown:

Yeah stay using some extreme website that condemns women for every little thing when the Quran itself says that

“True piety does not consist in turning your faces towards the east or the west — but truly pious is he who believes in God, and the Last Day, and the angels, and revelations, and the prophets; and spends his substance — however much he himself may cherish it — upon his near of kin, and the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and the beggars, and for the freeing of human beings from bondage;and is constant in prayer, and renders the purifying dues; and [truly pious are] they who keep their promises whenever they promise, and are patient in misfortune and hardship and in time of peril: it is they that have proved themselves true, and it is they, they who are conscious of God"...

How can you say that another Muslim is going to hell like fam.

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
Hopeless indeed, third and final time I'm telling you.

Irrespective of the sin, no matter how big or small, no Muslim will go to hell forever.
And I'm telling you for the last time that only Allah knows who goes to hell and who goes to heaven, that is the evidence right there if you disagree with it...Well you can't be a Muslim and disagree with it, lets leave it at that.
Show me where I said "he will go to hell"
And don't quote that English phrase...coz it's also right...
And don't quote "eternal punishment"
Cause that is exactly what ahadith say...

I know that only Allah admits people to hell and jannah but all you're doing is dodge that I provided evidence from the Quran and sunnah and you didn't next time go do your research before you make a fool out of yourself.

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
Yeah stay using some extreme website that condemns women for every little thing when the Quran itself says that

“True piety does not consist in turning your faces towards the east or the west — but truly pious is he who believes in God, and the Last Day, and the angels, and revelations, and the prophets; and spends his substance — however much he himself may cherish it — upon his near of kin, and the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and the beggars, and for the freeing of human beings from bondage;and is constant in prayer, and renders the purifying dues; and [truly pious are] they who keep their promises whenever they promise, and are patient in misfortune and hardship and in time of peril: it is they that have proved themselves true, and it is they, they who are conscious of God"...

How can you say that another Muslim is going to hell like fam.
So that's why you hate the website...
I don't need to argue with you...

We we're talking about suicide and you bring up "women" are you ducking serious...

Move man..
Show me where I said "he will go to hell"
And don't quote that English phrase...coz it's also right...
And don't quote "eternal punishment"
Cause that is exactly what ahadith say...

I know that only Allah admits people to hell and jannah but all you're doing is dodge that I provided evidence from the Quran and sunnah and you didn't next time go do your research before you make a fool out of yourself.

Eternal means forever
punishments suggests hell
dO so we can infer that you meant going to hell forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!

You are aware that some hadiths are unreliable??
this is something associated with indians and hindus a LOT. Sad to see a Somali fall into it. I could never imagine that situation and may Allah grant me blessings to never be in it, but suicide is a no-no. Better to make die starving as a believer.
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