Loool, I know this half Jamaican and Somali guy called Abdi Lewis 
What kind of name is that?

You guys really must hate yourself . We don't have a culture of ditching our wives/kids.
Go run off marry Abu Tyrone or ex convicted Bob, be pumped & dumped , then come running back begging for acceptance from the Somali men.
Come on now, lets b real. How many married somalis do you know? I'm talking married and living together under one roof who have grown old together. Most of the somalis are divorced. it's somali mostly moms that raise the kids not the dads.
I know many, my parents included
Divorce happens from both sides you stupid dent.
There is high divorce rates in many ethnic communities. It has very often nothing to do with ditching your kids and wives.
You do realize the mother is usually awarded costody of the kids except for Odd cases in the west.
calm down
Most of the people in my community are divorced or just making babies and aren't even living together. Thats the truth whether you like it or not. And i know divorce happens in every community hence why i brought up this example.
I'm aware that the man in question wasn't a muslim, which is why i said be careful who you marry. I'm against marrying someone who's not a Muslim. My second reply was to the other person, i was making the point that things can go wrong whether you marry a Somali or not. Stop twisting what I said.Calm down my Ass!!
A minute ago you were saying somali men ditch their kids and wives. Which is total utter nonsense.
How is that example of divorce that happened from both sides. From Both genders. That usually happens for complicated reasons. In the west where the kids are awarded custody to the mother.
That is not even relevant enough to be brought up in a topic about Madow ganja smoker who said he didn't want to be muslim no more or a husband and pumped & dumped a Xalimo.
Apologize to the faraxs right now!
I'm aware that the man in question wasn't a muslim, which is why i said be careful who you marry. I'm against marrying someone who's not a Muslim. My second reply was to the other person, i was making the point that things can go wrong whether you marry a Somali or not. Stop twisting what I said.
And I'm not apologizing to anyone.
There's a reason jamacians are the world's fastest, they're forever running away from responsibility.
Somali men ditch their wives/kids too, so whats your point
If that happens the adeers of the kids step up and fill the void. Somali culture puts a heavy burden on the adeer in case the aabo can't fulfill his responsibilities such as poverty, death or 'running away'. In case of death, some go to extreme lenghts and marry the widow to take care of his brothers wife and kids. This practice is called dumaal in Somali.
Now imagine going to your Jamaican adeer. That 40 year old nigga would still be using slang and say to you 'A you think mi crazy? Mi no your dad bumbaclot'