Married to a Jamaican brother

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You guys really must hate yourself . We don't have a culture of ditching our wives/kids.

Go run off marry Abu Tyrone or ex convicted Bob, be pumped & dumped , then come running back begging for acceptance from the Somali men.

Come on now, lets b real. How many married somalis do you know? I'm talking married and living together under one roof who have grown old together. Most of the somalis are divorced. it's somali mostly moms that raise the kids not the dads.
Come on now, lets b real. How many married somalis do you know? I'm talking married and living together under one roof who have grown old together. Most of the somalis are divorced. it's somali mostly moms that raise the kids not the dads.

I know many, my parents included
Divorce happens from both sides you dent.

There is high divorce rates in many ethnic communities. It has very often nothing to do with ditching your kids and wives or running away from responsibility.

You do realize the mother is usually awarded custody of the kids except for Odd cases in the west. So no you are not making a point.
I know many, my parents included

Divorce happens from both sides you stupid dent.

There is high divorce rates in many ethnic communities. It has very often nothing to do with ditching your kids and wives.

You do realize the mother is usually awarded costody of the kids except for Odd cases in the west.

calm down

Most of the people in my community are divorced or just making babies and aren't even living together. Thats the truth whether you like it or not. And i know divorce happens in every community hence why i brought up this example.
calm down

Most of the people in my community are divorced or just making babies and aren't even living together. Thats the truth whether you like it or not. And i know divorce happens in every community hence why i brought up this example.

Calm down my Ass!!

A minute ago you were saying somali men ditch their kids and wives. Which is total utter nonsense.

How is that example of divorce that happened from both sides. From Both genders. That usually happens for complicated reasons. In the west where the kids are awarded custody to the mother.

That is not even relevant enough to be brought up in a topic about Madow ganja smoker who said he didn't want to be muslim no more or a husband pumped & dumped a Xalimo.

Apologize to the faraxs right now!
Calm down my Ass!!

A minute ago you were saying somali men ditch their kids and wives. Which is total utter nonsense.

How is that example of divorce that happened from both sides. From Both genders. That usually happens for complicated reasons. In the west where the kids are awarded custody to the mother.

That is not even relevant enough to be brought up in a topic about Madow ganja smoker who said he didn't want to be muslim no more or a husband and pumped & dumped a Xalimo.

Apologize to the faraxs right now!
I'm aware that the man in question wasn't a muslim, which is why i said be careful who you marry. I'm against marrying someone who's not a Muslim. My second reply was to the other person, i was making the point that things can go wrong whether you marry a Somali or not. Stop twisting what I said.

And I'm not apologizing to anyone.
I'm aware that the man in question wasn't a muslim, which is why i said be careful who you marry. I'm against marrying someone who's not a Muslim. My second reply was to the other person, i was making the point that things can go wrong whether you marry a Somali or not. Stop twisting what I said.

And I'm not apologizing to anyone.

Be careful, this is not a simple mistake, these women hate themselves and somali men. This is not an isolated occurence this Shit has happened to many xalimos in the UK & Canada.

Do you really think somali men are converts who join islam to f*ck xalimos? This is not even comparable situation.

If shit comes to worse its better to marry the devil you know , than the devil you don't know.

Now apologize!
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There's a reason jamacians are the world's fastest, they're forever running away from responsibility.

About the topic

Ilahay gabadha ha ugar gaaro. Waxaa fiican dad aad taqanid inaad guursato. Waayo hadey ku fara xumeeyaan odayaashooda baa loo tagi kara oo waxa dhib jira waa laga wada hadli kara lkn Dadkaan ajnabiga hadey ku fara xumeeyaan meel loo raaco malaha. Marka waxa fiican inaad dadkaaga inada iskaga dhix jirto intaad madax xanuun iyo ajnabi meel uu kasoo jeedo la garanayn faraha laga li lahayd.

My two cents.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Somali men ditch their wives/kids too, so whats your point

If that happens the adeers of the kids step up and fill the void. Somali culture puts a heavy burden on the adeer in case the aabo can't fulfill his responsibilities such as poverty, death or 'running away'. In case of death, some go to extreme lenghts and marry the widow to take care of his brothers wife and kids. This practice is called dumaal in Somali.

Now imagine going to your Jamaican adeer. That 40 year old nigga would still be using slang and say to you 'A you think mi crazy? Mi no your dad bumbaclot'
It was her choice and now she's living the abhorring consequences of that decision. Whether Somali men ditch their wives and kids or not is irrelevant. One thing is for certain and that is a woman who is divorced by a Somali guy with Somali kids will be remarried by another Somali guy without questions asked. That part does not change and if xalimos want to marry out that is fine..just make sure to stay out and don't expect a faarax to take ajnabi left overs on and call her a wive. You guys have your preference and we have our each his own.


If that happens the adeers of the kids step up and fill the void. Somali culture puts a heavy burden on the adeer in case the aabo can't fulfill his responsibilities such as poverty, death or 'running away'. In case of death, some go to extreme lenghts and marry the widow to take care of his brothers wife and kids. This practice is called dumaal in Somali.

Now imagine going to your Jamaican adeer. That 40 year old nigga would still be using slang and say to you 'A you think mi crazy? Mi no your dad bumbaclot'


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Somalis are by far the most liberal when it comes to letting their daughters go. I think it should be the duty of the family to have set her up with a suitable Somali partner to prevent her from playing house with a rasta, bob, walid. I will admit some Somali females are so far gone off of kacsi that they can't see reason or the long term consequences of ajnabi marriage. (1) The children are tribeless meaning not Somali and they don't look Somali if they aren't horner (2) They will never marry back because halfies ain't loyal to the Somali side especially when their aabo is not Somali (3) They are more likely to become irreligious depending on the parent or they are even more predisposed to salafism so its one or the other (4) They will likely not contribute anything to the Somali peninsula be it Region 5, NFD, Djibouti, Somaliland, Puntland, Greater Somalia. Name one notable half Somali that has. Exactly, there are none we know of. (6) If you thought being Somali was confusing people being mixed adds more layers of confusion to the identity politics of race. (7) There aren't enough ethnic Somalis in existence to justify out-marriage en masse. Hence, I see the increased trend of out-marriage to be troubling especially if it skyrockets with each generation of the diaspora being more primed for it, because that is the agenda of the west - to soften ties to the motherland and weaken those with the economic power/capacity to invest in their home country by diluting them with foreign blood and a different set of priorities. Bare in mind the bulk of these out-marriages are not to Jamaicans but cadaans, which will only serve to create exotic looking whites and not Somalis. Simply put, waa genocide.
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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
She thought a Somali nigga gonna wife somethin touched by Abu Trinidadi


Wallahi she mustve copped fire from dat yardie
Somali girls in the UK are easy prey for converts, She can keep her half children no one wants a girl like that in the community.

There are idiots on this forum who promote race mixing, smh.


I got boomer connections
:pachah1: Good luck finding Someone in the community with two dagax ciyaal. She can always turn back to reverts though:chrisfreshhah::russ::hahaidiot::whew:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Yo bumping threads should be a rule for real but I guess because of that related thread shit people just bounce from spot to spot not realizing they're bringing back half year old shit
Came across this and I must say the level of delusion on this forum is worrying. The self righteousness and superiority complex on here is in stark contrast with the reality of the Somali community. As someone mentioned earlier; the majority of Somalis do not stay married, hence generation upon generation of fatherless children, who then repeat the cycle of broken families. In many studies on the Somali community in the UK, they repeatedly found that apart from Somali children underachieving, they also come from fractured households with no positive father figures. I personally only know of one couple who are still together after 19 years mashAllah but the sad situation is that instead of focusing on mending our attitudes towards marriage many focus on false narratives and cautionary tales about marrying out.

Rather than bashing people who marry out and policing general attitudes, I think some self reflection is in order. It is also amusing that the characteristics which you are condemning the Jamaican guy for is also rampant in our own community e.g.
deadbeat fathers, infidelity etc., That is of course not to say that all Somali men are like this, but we as a community do not have well defined roles nor a moral value towards the family unit or child rearing.

The irony is that whilst we set ourselves above certain ethnicities we deem 'unworthy' we also share if not have the exact same issues....
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