Musa gives Ethiopia a port and a military base on the Gulf of Aden. It's over


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Oh right, then we will just take awdal and ssc and a teensy bit more coast and then give you guys the recognition you have been seeking and do what you want with it but you aren't going to bring the others that want to stay somali with you guys.
I am for an Isaaqiya state so I don’t mind. These old heads do let Awdal go :mjlol:

Was it Ethiopia that did this or Somalia? Real Somalilander know who the true enemy is!
Every major city in somalia experienced a brutal civil war. Mogadishu, baidabo, Kismayo, gaalkacyo etc, Just because hargeisa got turned into rubble 40 yrs ago doesn't mean you can sell ciise/samaroon land to Ethiopians.




Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
Nigga aren’t you Eritrean and Tigray the same people? Then why helping Ethiopia government to kill your own people
Well Eritrea is multi-ethnic. If you are wondering if there is a difference between the Biher-Tigrinya (Kebessa) and the Tigrayans, it's like the difference between Serbs and Montenegrins or Dutch and Flemish. Very similar but not quite the same


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
I'll say this with near certainty. If this deal is not hammered out within the next month, it will for sure collapse.

HSM needs to just throw as many hurdles at this as he can and delay, delay, delay


This whole thing has been a huge mess. If by the end of this month there's been no significant progress, I can't see anything happening. Bixi's regime is literally silencing people and that can not end well. Soon or later something will break out and when it does it'll get bloody.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi

America, EU, China, UK, Arab League, Turkey and UN.

This debacle has sealed any utter hope for SL independence once and for all. All countries and organisation who could make a difference have supported the FGS. We can also add other african countries, even if AU gave a weak statement none of the countries have acknowledged SL.

What Bixi has done is a blatant move to enrich himself and his inner circle. Man could have demanded a much more favourable deal with Abiy but he choose to not do that.

For how long will the ordinary people of isaaq and all somali clans turn a blind eye to these treacherous politicians.