Muslim girl refuses to shake hand of German president

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I am sure she's in the right as far as Islam goes and no one should be offended by this. Forget religion, cadaanta waa uskag wallahi. I noticed more of then than not do not even wash their hands after using the bathroom. When I got there to pee at work, I usually have an empty gallon plastic in my locker and these niggas come in while I am already there, take a dump and exit in less time than I am there and I am only there to pee. Then they get out, and walk out.:draketf:

Wallahi I don't shake their hands now. I even use my sleeves to open all the doors at work or my leg sometimes.


Your superior
Heard stuff? Are you gossiping about folks?:chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah:

I've also heard stuff about you but you don't see me calling your homophobic slurs, live your truth.
Stop crying. If they aren't true then you have nothing to worry about


Cultural revolution
She's not giving in and actually holding her values to high regard. I can respect that :obama::rejoice:

Shaking hands is a European tradition spread through colonialism anyway. It is not a universal concept and most people greet each other some other way so I don't know where some of you got that refusing to shake hands is savagery or immoral.
Twist of the month : @Cognitivedissonance is arguing for being a virgin and losing


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Stop crying. If they aren't true then you have nothing to worry about
You've got a lot of nerves to tell someone to stop crying, when you cry and complain about everything. You made this thread to bash, insult a Muslimah in favor of a cadaan who is even more tolerable than you. I actually feel sorry for you. Society failed you.


Your superior
You've got a lot of nerves to tell someone to stop crying, when you cry and complain about everything. You made this thread to bash, insult a Muslimah in favor of a cadaan who is even more tolerable than you. I actually feel sorry for you. Society failed you.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You know it pains him inside :chrisfreshhah:
The only one who is in excruciating pain is you mr Sri Lanka resorting to character assassination talking about look look you admitted living a haram life style when I said it to you :mjcry:that that means you had sex :kendrickcry:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Nah that's strictly reserved for u internet jihadist :drakekidding:
I see calling you a munafiq did a number on u lol you're all over this post backpedaling
The only person doing a number on anyone is yours truly look at what you're calling yourself Grand mufti of Las Vegas :chrisfreshhah:

By all means continue issuing them fatwas your holiness while wearing your dominatrix outfit with the whip in your hand in the Luxor :lolbron::banderas:
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