My cousin divorced her husband, "This is not your house."


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
He told her it's not her house. If it's not her house, it's not her marriage either.
Granted he shouldn’t have said that, beside we don’t know the whole situation for “us” to lay judgement. People say stupid things in a heated situation, but to seek divorce without any reconciliation is absurd. What they should’ve done is seek marriage counselling from a professional, then make a sound decision. People who jump straight to divorce, without putting in any effort to salvage their marriage, shouldn’t be getting married in the first place. Bit disappointed so many sisters on here agree with it.
Granted he shouldn’t have said that, beside we don’t know the whole situation for “us” to lay judgement. People say stupid things in a heated situation, but to seek divorce without any reconciliation is absurd. What they should’ve done is seek marriage counselling from a professional, then make a sound decision. People who jump straight to divorce, without putting in any effort to salvage their marriage, shouldn’t be getting married in the first place. Bit disappointed so many sisters on here agree with it.

People don't just say wild things without thinking it. I would not trust a man who wants to lord it over me with his house, after I spent time making it a HOME.

Reconcile with who? Not a man who says such things and on top of that lets me leave the house at NIGHT. LOL

Why disappointed in us? You should instead make notes on what to never say to a woman.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
To all those who are getting married, or who plan to marry. The best thing you can do to make sure you have a long and healthy marriage, is to make a dome around your relationship. Keep everyone out, do not seek advice from friends or family, nor should you ever air out your problems. If you have issues, talk it out or go and see a professional. There are those who wish to see your happiness crumble, people who enjoy seeing you in pain. Mark my words, you will come across these people so be warned. And for the love of God, talk to each other, adults communicate, they are not mind readers. Put your trust in Allah (swt), do your duty and your marriage shall be prosperous IA.
To all those who are getting married, or who plan to marry. The best thing you can do to make sure you have a long and healthy marriage, is to make a dome around your relationship. Keep everyone out, do not seek advice from friends or family, nor should you ever air out your problems. If you have issues, talk it out or go and see a professional. There are those who wish to see your happiness crumble, people who enjoy seeing you in pain. Mark my words, you will come across these people so be warned. And for the love of God, talk to each other, adults communicate, they are not mind readers. Put your trust in Allah (swt), do your duty and your marriage shall be prosperous IA.

It doesn't matter if a woman doesn't consult anyone but her own brain. No woman sticks around for financial abuse and a lack of physical protection.
I don't know why you guys are so shocked by this.


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
Wallahi wa aaqirul zamaan women used to be ashamed of divorce and would hide their face for days, now it is being celebrated and glamourized just like Iblees. I wish I wasnt born in this era :meleshame:
Wallahi wa aaqirul zamaan women used to be ashamed of divorce and would hide their face for days, now it is being celebrated and glamourized just like Iblees. I wish I wasnt born in this era :meleshame:
The day Somali men learn to not utter Talaq Willy nilly and marrying and divorcing like they’re changing shirts is the day I’ll take you seriously.

Also, where is your second wife? You don’t talk about her recently. Let me guess, you divorced her?

If so, hide your face in shame.
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And as for @Inquisitive_ , the grass is always greener at the other side. While there is no problem free in a marriage, there is also no need to tolerate disrespect in a marriage :hillarybiz:
He shouldn't have said that, as I said she should make him pay a heavy price but not divorce and especially not when a child is involved.

There are blossoming marriages that have had to go through much worse than this, and those people are reaping the rewards today.

The grass is not greener for a divorced single parent, she choose him and dated him for years before marrying him, and that's the best she will get.

If you think you will gain contentment and happiness destroying your household and the future of your kids over flimsy crap like this which the devil loves more than murder and other heinous crimes according to the hadith, you have no idea about life, because your life's trajectory is downhill from her, but no one has the guts to be honest with her.

In no way is this a ground for divorce, yes it's a major error, but that happens in all marriages, this is why I staunchly advice against marrying diaspora females so much, marriage is a joke to them.
If there are no children involved, I don’t know how wise it would be to go back. A man that can kick a woman out in the middle of the night in a Western gaal country in which all sorts of rifraffs roam the street is not a man anyone sane an expect to protect his wife and children.

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Such a behavior is dangerous and as a woman, the ultimate thing a man must do is be protective of his wife, even when tensions are high, even if you’re at your witts end.

What that man did is the ultimate ceeb. I don’t know how he can face any good father and acknowledge to his face he has kicked out his daughter whom he is now meant to be in charge of.

If a woman doesn’t go back, I won’t put it down to ego. This is a safety issue. You can’t ever feel safe around a man who has no protectiveness who’ll kick you to the wolves at night.
Based on the first post I read he didn't kick her out, he uttered those shameless words during an argument, and it wasn't a threat for her to leave, just said "its my house"

My advice is based on this, as that's not a legit ground for divorce, not even close.

If the story has since changed to the way you described that he physical kicked her out in the middle of the night with his daughter, that is a legit ground for divorce, no excuses for this.
He said that and she said, "You're right!."
Packed her sh!t, and knocked at our house in the middle of the night.
He was shocked from such fright,
Kept calling with all of his might.
Not a single peep or sight,
Shall he ever be blessed with again at night.

His visage turned pale, a sight most rare,
A blustering fool, devoid of flair.
He bellowed and hollered, “Pray, don’t depart!”
But silence ensued; he broke his heart.

Toodle-loo~ Toodle-loo ~
She has flew, she has flew.
Away from you, away from you.
From your rage that you blew,
To embrace the vast and azure blue.

A toast to my cousin's new found freedom.
A poem to my cousin's queendom.
She’s returned to her kingdom!
She has returned to her fiefdom!

As for you, dear husband—just shame and disdain!
A master of folly, the king of the mundane,
With your pompous airs and a brain full of grain,
You thought you could tether her, yet caused her such gain.

In your castle of nonsense, you’re left to remain,
While she dances in freedom, unchained from your chain.
Now you’re just a footnote, a sad little stain,
A jest for the ages, a tale to entertain!

How do you guys like my poem to my cousin's divorce? :mjlaugh::mjlaugh:
this is rlly beatifull


Honestly the more i think about this, the more unbelievable it sounds. @Yaraye, are you trolling us? I mean this sounds even crazier than a reddit post. Normally when you hear about something like this. It's the final straw after years of emotional abuse or something.
I really don't know the history between them, whether or not emotional abuse has been involved. They occasionally argued like any normal couple but seemed stable to the outside view. Then this happened

But I can't belive somebody would divorce over hurtful words that wasn't even a personal attack on her character or something. Like is she gonna tell her kids years later I divorced him because he said" this is my house ".
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He shouldn't have said that, as I said she should make him pay a heavy price but not divorce and especially not when a child is involved.

There are blossoming marriages that have had to go through much worse than this, and those people are reaping the rewards today.

The grass is not greener for a divorced single parent, she choose him and dated him for years before marrying him, and that's the best she will get.

If you think you will gain contentment and happiness destroying your household and the future of your kids over flimsy crap like this which the devil loves more than murder and other heinous crimes according to the hadith, you have no idea about life, because your life's trajectory is downhill from her, but no one has the guts to be honest with her.

In no way is this a ground for divorce, yes it's a major error, but that happens in all marriages, this is why I staunchly advice against marrying diaspora females so much, marriage is a joke to them.
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Of course you will disagree, victim complex, overinflated ego, delusions of grandeur laced with ridiculous self importance.

That's why I advice any sane intelligent male not to marry these thin skinned diaspora females, walking homewreckers, destroyers of society.

In the old days, females had thicker skin than males, also more patience as it related to household matters and family, but now even the lowest of the lowest male has more than the average diaspora female.

Rendering a poor girl fatherless from such a young age because the mothers feelings got hurt in a heated argument, pathetic, really pathetic beyond belief.

Those women of old had arranged marriages and you could excuse them unlike these that get to pick, choose and date the guy for years before marrying him regardless family opposition, taking no responsibility or any personal accountability, typical diaspora xaalimo.

No surprise they suffer the most in comparison to other races, that's the price homewreckers pay
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