National emblem of Somaliland


They aren't white. This is a high quality version of it:

Still very light skinned. Those look like arab hands.
Somalis have the same skin tone as other africans, we would laugh if Nigeria or Botswana had such representation of their skin tone in their coat of arms


Im saying somalia never designed its flag or coat of arms, they just took the colonial one and rearranged. They should be more creative and make something of their own instead of using a white mans design
The flag was designed by awaale libaan in the 1950s, his design was inspired by the UN flag and not by the colonial emblems. The modern Somalia flag has a pan somali meaning
The coat of aram still has the leopards but only because it's an animal that represents the country.


thats an italian design somalis just rearranged it. It was designed by a white man

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Hagi Mohammed Awale Liban (Somali: Maxamed Cawaale Liibaan, Arabic: محمد عوالي ليبان‎) was a Somali scholar. He is noted for having designed the flag of Somalia in 1954.[1][2] Liban also later served as the Chief of Cabinet of the Presidency in the nascent Somali Republic.[3]
Awale was a nationalist who served in all Somali governments up until 1964. He maintained good relationships with the administration of Abdirashid Ali Shermarke, both hailing from the Majeerteen clan, as well as the Military Government of Siad Barre.[4

The design has nothing to do with the italian coat of arms.
The blue is different and is similar to the UN flag, the star is different and represents pan somalism.


If it was rearranged then it isn't the same flag, genius. There's a difference between drawing inspiration and copying.
It wast even inspired by italians. Awale design was original.
There are interviews were he explained how he came up with the flag , he never said he got inspired from Italy.
Keep in mind italy and somalia were close allies before the 1990s so Awale would have had no problem admitting he draw inspiration from the colonial emblem if it was true. The point is that his flag was original and had a completely different meaning.
It would be like saying the Somaliland flag is inspired by Saudi arabia or that the tunisian flag is inspired by turkey just because they look similar.


the sea
you guys can hate on the Somali flag all you want but the Somali flag has meaning. it is a pan somali flag not an arab bootylicker flag. the star represents a United Somalia


The coat of arms of SL is good not gonna lie, I'm just bothered by the light skinned hands. If the hands were black it would be one of the coolest coat of arms in Africa.


you guys can hate on the Somali flag all you want but the Somali flag has meaning. it is a pan somali flag not an arab bootylicker flag. the star represents a United Somalia
It's actually so sad that this bullshit meme came from here. Not even italian fascists who like to claim somalis and eritreans loved being colonized by them ever claimed that Italy inspired the Somali flag.
Somalispot is the biggest anti somali propaganda outlet


i do it anyway i like
you guys can hate on the Somali flag all you want but the Somali flag has meaning. it is a pan somali flag not an arab bootylicker flag. the star represents a United Somalia
don't waste u time they're jusy bunch of cuqdad kids who obsessed with somalia, everthing they do and say is about somalia they have no personality apart from faanin their so-called country 24/7 sl, don't bother, haters gonna hate man :manny:


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You ever see that picture of that fat guy and a thin woman looking at a mirror and they see themselves as a muscular guy and a fat woman? Well, Somalis have a false image of themselves too; they think they are lighter than they actually are.


Forza Somalia!
No offense to Somalilanders, I'm being serious.
Your coat of arms is really cool, beautiful arabic script, cool eagle, olive branches and the scale representing justice is a great symbol but why on earth are there to white / light skinned hands?
The skin tone is not representative of the general skin tone of somalis which is way darker than that.

Some versions have white cadaan hands wtf. The hands are pinkish. No somali has that skin tone


This is an average crowd in Somaliland
Not a single guy in the picture has the same skin tone of the hands in the Somaliland emblem

My Somalilander friends, you need to change the hands to dark brown to match the skin color of most somalis
Cheap editor with poor skills
Wa wareey, Been baad sheegaysaa. Maybe your family is an exception. I talk to my family backhome whether they're in Somaliland or Somalia and all of them don't know arabic. There's a difference between memorizing proverbs, or phrases here and there, and properly speaking the language.
I'm not lying doqoniyo also thats the name of Allah in our coat of arms xishood illaahay ka boqo intaan nooshahay
you got a follower.
if Islam really worked in Somalia it would be a majority Arabic speaking country lol.

the reason why Somalia is the way it is I honestly believe there’s a severe identity crises amongst all Somalis.

25 year civil war?That is insanity for a so called people who claim to love Islam so much. Mind boggling
25 civil war is in your failed state not mine
you guys can hate on the Somali flag all you want but the Somali flag has meaning. it is a pan somali flag not an arab bootylicker flag. the star represents a United Somalia
It's italian inspired flag as it clearly looks like the italian colonial coat of arms pls don't think very hard about this it's clear as sky where your flag came from