people that go to reddit pigskin land... explain this

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But I agree with @VixR when you observe some of these booky s one wonders if they mate with camels, and Yeh niggas acting like they above incest when it is culturally and religiously allowed and even preferred to be a cousin fucker beenta nagaa dhaafa be real
Any sources to back up your claim that it is religiously prefered to marry your cousin? :birdman:


Raah :mjlol: the ricochets and strays flying of this post :russ::dead1:
Ruunta I'm not trying to be funny or offensive, just don't understand this weird moral high ground these niggas are feigning. They're putting on more airs than a Victorian era spinster :pachah1:
I've heard stories of goat shaggers in somalia too. But the point Tramo and Bielsa are trying to make is that it's....condemned more strongly in our culture?

What good is stronger condemnation if it still happens anyway. And what makes you think cadaan don't condemn this either when they have laws against and perpetrators can serve jailtime.


Any sources to back up your claim that it is religiously prefered to marry your cousin? :birdman:
He said religious allowed and preffered. It's preferred for too many of us, that's not a lie. Somalis practice cousin marriage to keep it in the family for some misguided fierce loyalty to ancestral line that is in fact detrimental, and to keep wealth in the family even I know that :browtf:


He said religious allowed and preffered. It's preferred, that's not a lie. Somalis practice cousin marriage to keep it in the family for some misguided fierce loyalty to ancestral line that is in fact detrimental, and to keep wealth in the family even I know that

Says he is right that its religiously prefered, goes on to back her claims up with somali daqan knowing damn well deen and daqan are 2 different things :bell:

You see if he kept it at "culturally prefered" i wouldnt have any issues, but when he goes on to add extra spices and says "its religiously too" he needs to back that up with sources like {Quran&hadiths} etc. if he cant then he needs to retract that part of his statement and apologise for balant fabrication.:ufdup:


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
kkkkkkkkk idk why u guys are going ham jumping thru all these hoops for these ppl. kulaha i heard stories :chrisfreshhah:

if u really think somalis are out here getting off to being cucked by their own pets then that's on yall :chrisfreshhah:
Says he is right that its religiously prefered, goes on to back her claims up with somali daqan knowing damn well deen and daqan are 2 different things :bell:

You see if he kept it at "culturally prefered" i wouldnt have any issues, but when he goes on to add extra spices and says "its religiously too" he needs to back that up with sources like {Quran&hadiths} etc. if he cant then he needs to retract that part of his statement and apologise for balant fabrication.:ufdup:

There is no objection whatsoever in the Islamic religion for a man to marry any of his relatives except al-maharim (those forbidden for marriage) whom Allah mentioned in surat al-nisaa', 4:23 (interpretation of the meaning):

Prohibited to you (for marriage) are: your mothers, daughters, sisters; father's sisters, mother's sisters; brother's daughters, sister's daughters; foster-mothers (who breast-fed you), foster-sisters (who breast-fed from the same woman as you); your wives' mothers; your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives with whom you have consummated marriage, no prohibition if ye have not consummated; (those who have been) wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time, except for what is past; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Thus, when Allah mentioned for us the relatives to whom marriage is forbidden, we then come to know that there is no objection for the remainder of the family relations. Furthermore, there is no condition that it be the last resort as indicated in the question. Among the most prominent evidence of this fact is that the Prophet (peace be upon him) married his daughter Fatima to Ali (may Allah be pleased with them) and he is the son of her father's uncle, as well as the marriage of the Prophet himself to Zainab bint Jahsh (may Allah be please with her) and she is his aunt's daughter (i.e. his cousin); and there are many other such examples.

Fabrication huh :bell: and Somalis marry their cousins because it is allowed by Islam to do so but it is a fabrication huh :bell:


The trouble is, you think you have time
:chrisfreshhah: This thread is too much. Why are some people on here doing there utter best to protect white people and have no problem degrading your own? Go along and protect your white sheep shagger lover.


There is no objection whatsoever in the Islamic religion for a man to marry any of his relatives except al-maharim (those forbidden for marriage) whom Allah mentioned in surat al-nisaa', 4:23 (interpretation of the meaning):

Prohibited to you (for marriage) are: your mothers, daughters, sisters; father's sisters, mother's sisters; brother's daughters, sister's daughters; foster-mothers (who breast-fed you), foster-sisters (who breast-fed from the same woman as you); your wives' mothers; your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives with whom you have consummated marriage, no prohibition if ye have not consummated; (those who have been) wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time, except for what is past; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Thus, when Allah mentioned for us the relatives to whom marriage is forbidden, we then come to know that there is no objection for the remainder of the family relations. Furthermore, there is no condition that it be the last resort as indicated in the question. Among the most prominent evidence of this fact is that the Prophet (peace be upon him) married his daughter Fatima to Ali (may Allah be pleased with them) and he is the son of her father's uncle, as well as the marriage of the Prophet himself to Zainab bint Jahsh (may Allah be please with her) and she is his aunt's daughter (i.e. his cousin); and there are many other such examples.

Fabrication huh :bell: and Somalis marry their cousins because it is allowed by Islam to do so but it is a fabrication huh :bell:
My nigga
Yeh niggas acting like they above incest when it is culturally and religiously allowed and even preferred to be a cousin fucker
Allowed yess but religiously prefered?
Bring me an ayah or hadith that supports your claims or retract that part of your statement :ummhmm:

Nigga posting the ayah about who you're allowed to marry and not and examples of where the prophet {SAW} marries his cousin RA as if the discussion was about wether it was allowed or the opposite :heh:
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My nigga

Allowed yess but religiously prefered?
Bring me an ayah or hadith that supports your claims or retract that part of your statement :ummhmm:

Nigga trying to open up alternative routes to change the subject:heh:

Are you autistic or what ? that's why I added the word culturally as well, religion allows it and culturally it is prefered which part of that don't you get :draketf::umwhat:

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
As I always say gaalo are one fucked up group of people..

I subscribe to the daily mail..
And I saw this..

Listen to this pathetic excuse of a human being..

Made my fucking stomach turn...
I literally threw up..



No one's batting for white ppl, its about being objective. The idea that taboo fettishes are exclusive or more wacky relative to one race from humankind is an absurdity and a lie.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
As I always say gaalo are one fucked up group of people..

I subscribe to the daily mail..
And I saw this..

Listen to this pathetic excuse of a human being..

Made my fucking stomach turn...
I literally threw up..


I call BS. Mexicans are mostly conservative Christians and the moment she said her mum and dad started accepting it I knew it was bullshit. Her mum and dad wouldn't accept if she became an Atheist so they're gonna accept fucking incest? :mjlol:

She then says her life is ruined because everyone in her state/city know about it - then why the f*ck is she broadcasting it to the wider world?


The dog is man's best friend in white culture in the same way horses, camels, goats and other crucial animals were important creatures in other cultures. The same way the white man fetishizes his dog, the arab does so his goats and so forth based on cultural context. Not everyone will engage in it, or has the mind for that type of fettish, but it'll have its presence for those who do within the culture. So u best believe I wont feign shock if nomads were letting off steam onto their camels and goats, in fact I've heard stories to that effect. Humans have been screwing their domesticated animals since the beginning of time, it really isn't a jaw dropper.

:childplease:You can't just change dog to goat or whatever other animal and say it's an Arab or Somali thing. Did it happen? Sure. Nowhere near as prominent as it is in the west though. I'm not even saying it's a White thing but it probably is a Western thing. I'm sure if you pulled the stats on it, it's disproportionately high in the west. It's a modern phenomenon.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Some next level :superman: for pigskins ITT

They gotta protect there massa of course



:childplease:You can't just change dog to goat or whatever other animal and say it's an Arab or Somali thing. Did it happen? Sure. Nowhere near as prominent as it is in the west though. I'm not even saying it's a White thing but it probably is a Western thing. I'm sure if you pulled the stats on it, it's disproportionately high in the west. It's a modern phenomenon.
You're not making any sense. Beastiality is the screwing of any animal; dogs, goats, chickens, horses, whatever. It's not a modern phenomenon at all. It's as old as humans are, and it's not a "Western thing" either it's worldwide:bell:

I love how ppl think I'm stanning for cadan ppl by addressing this:mjlol:

Lil Resse

You're not making any sense. Beastiality is the screwing of any animal; dogs, goats, chickens, horses, whatever. It's not a modern phenomenon at all. It's as old as humans are, and it's not a "Western thing" either it's worldwide:bell:

I love how ppl think I'm stanning for cadan ppl by addressing this:mjlol:
Yes its as old as neanderthals started roaming the earth.... lmaoo honky's in germany started protesting when germany banned beastilty :pachah1::dead:
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