Post Modernism Leads To Kufr

Internet Nomad

New kufr unlocked. I use to see these types of talking points in university

post modernism is a disease
Whenever an ex-muslim says something like I discovered the deen to be untrue at a ridiculously young age as 12 i just roll my eyes because your about to hear the most dumbest take ever. Like a 12 year old was able to see what in 1400 years of theology scholars weren’t.
ye bro telling men they gotta provide for women is sooooo oppressive 😂😖
Do you really want to start this? 🙄😂😂😂😂 'Providing for women' when the same husband can marry three more + sex slaves on the side, manipulating them to cover up because of the lie that their bodies are inherently sexual. And the cherry on top is women getting cursed for not giving it up to their husbands. I could go on and on about how Islam is oppressive to women

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Do you really want to start this? 🙄😂😂😂😂 'Providing for women' when the same husband can marry three more + sex slaves on the side, manipulating them to cover up because of the lie that their bodies are inherently sexual. And the cherry on top is women getting cursed for not giving it up to their husbands. I could go on and on about how Islam is oppressive to women

on yawm ul Qiyamah, we're all going to judged by Allah. you anti Islam people can come with all these nonsense arguments against Islam but they are not going to save you on yawm ul qiyamah.
on yawm ul Qiyamah, we're all going to judged by Allah. you anti Islam people can come with all these nonsense arguments against Islam but they are not going to save you on yawm ul qiyamah.
Sorry to burst your bubble but there is no such thing as yawm ul qiyamah :russ:

