Potential peace talk between fgs and shabaab in Doha hosted by Turkey & Norway

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
If this is true and it ends up these khawarij giving up, it should be welcomed. My first option would be to completely destroy them and hang the likes of Shaydan dheere, Mahad karate, Fuad shongole and the other terrorist leaders.
If AS upper and middle management are dealt <as well as non somali fighters> the rest of them can be pardoned but should have something that denotes them as a former terrorist wherever they go to apply for work or look for a potential marriage. These People need to be isolated from society until maybe their grandchildren generation.


My DM privileges have been blocked unfortunately. I am unable to send them.

I am so sorry sis. You know what? Anytime he attacks my people I will tag you.
Where do I attack your people? Lol dameer adiga la soo booday. There isn't a single lie in anything I posted in this thread sxb
Shabab stongholds where they plan their raids on SNA are all Murusade land such as Wabxo, Derri, Gal Hareeri and Ceel Buur.
With the most concerning being the above. Khawaarij literally plan all their raids on Ceel Dheer & Xarardheere from your land killing sna and macawiisleey like we saw recently. And you want people to just disregard that? Gtfoh
With the most concerning being the above. Khawaarij literally plan all their raids on Ceel Dheer & Xarardheere from your land killing sna and macawiisleey like we saw recently. And you want people to just disregard that? Gtfoh
You have no evidence that shabaab is attacking you from Murusade dhul. I have evidence lakin of you insulting my people. This was your 1st post on this thread. Furthermore I have seen you brand my people as shabaab several times on different threads but I ignored it. If a brother from Borama Awdal called me a terroirst I would understand but you as an Abgaal have no right to speak on this. Your people are in bed with shabaab. Somaliweyne knows this so no need to reply to me.

Anyone who thinks this will happen is deluded

OP is a shabab sympathiser and so is anyone else who would be open to talks with khawaarij. You will find most of the time its people from the clans overran and their oday dhaqan under total khawaarij control who welcome talks


If this is true, farmaajo could never have done this, it was beyond his capability to do anything beyond building the military to a point where no one could stand up to it. Mx don’t have much sway with AS

this less bloody outcome is better.
What would Al Shabab gain?

Losing $100 million annual income
Losing their power, strength and rule of majority of South-Central Somalia.

For what exactly? Nobody will ever negotiate their surrender from a place a strength.
What would Al Shabab gain?

Losing $100 million annual income
Losing their power, strength and rule of majority of South-Central Somalia.

For what exactly? Nobody will ever negotiate their surrender from a place a strength.
They don’t have strength. Somalia (excluding the north) is flat land. USA can easily bomb them to oblivion. They are planted there and will soon be disposed off.
Imagine thinking the west (primarily the US and the UK) don’t fund terror groups? Like can you justify your thinking for me because I’m a bit baffled with how we went from 0 “Islamic“ terrorists (no different than the Latin America death squads) to having them implanted in multiple nations that were targeted by America in 2001.

Personally I don’t think it changes much because the US needs a reason to dig its claws deeper. A sovereign Somalia escaping after carrying out their multi-decade long scheme isn’t going to happen
Hilary Clinton talking about how they funded the mujaahedeen in Afghanistan to stop soviet control
They don’t have strength. Somalia (excluding the north) is flat land. USA can easily bomb them to oblivion. They are planted there and will soon be disposed off.
The Americans have been droning and air striking them since the Obama years. So no, USA cannot easily bomb them to oblivion.
What would be the condition after the negotiations and what will we do about isis in outlander area are they a threat to us as Al shabaab
The negotiations will go on for many months with many deals being made. The end goal is shabaab leaving Somalia completely and FGS taking control over the rest of Somalia. Isis in Somalia is light work.

The Americans have been droning and air striking them since the Obama years. So no, USA cannot easily bomb them to oblivion.
USA was never serious about it.


They don’t have strength. Somalia (excluding the north) is flat land. USA can easily bomb them to oblivion. They are planted there and will soon be disposed off.
Have I missed something, or has Jilib been destroyed by the US?

Empty threats like they can easily be bombed wont be taken seriously without any proof. So far, the US only is doing occasional strikes on their leadership, but that's about it.

Anyone can destroy al shabab, its just somalis are incompetent. Put 20k hezbollah fighters in somalia and they would finish them off within 6-10 months.
Have I missed something, or has Jilib been destroyed by the US?

Empty threats like they can easily be bombed wont be taken seriously without any proof. So far, the US only is doing occasional strikes on their leadership, but that's about it.

Anyone can destroy al shabab, it’s just somalis are incompetent. Put 20k hezbollah fighters in somalia and they would finish them off within 6-10 months.
I agree with you. Our friend @Ozark above is saying the US is serious about the war on terror in Somalia which they are absolutely not. US is a super power. Flat land like southern Somalia will take them onky few weeks to get rid of shabaab.
I agree with you. Our friend @Ozark above is saying the US is serious about the war on terror in Somalia which they are absolutely not. US is a super power. Flat land like southern Somalia will take them onky few weeks to get rid of shabaab.
I just said US was as serious about the air strikes as they can be. Trump dropped a lot of bombs, Air strikes alone won't defeat them. You need mechanized brigades and forces, not Uncle Sam dropping GBU bombs for you that will take more civilian villagers than fighters. Your serious about fighting Shabab, then the residents of the south should bring out their guns and go fight them, America won't sacrifice boots on the ground for that sort of endeavour.
I just said US was as serious about the air strikes as they can be. Trump dropped a lot of bombs, Air strikes alone won't defeat them. You need mechanized brigades and forces, not Uncle Sam dropping GBU bombs for you that will take more civilian villagers than fighters. Your serious about fighting Shabab, then the residents of the south should bring out their guns and go fight them, America won't sacrifice boots on the ground for that sort of endeavour.
I just follow the money. Next time this year they want to start drilling for oil therefore Shabaab has to go hence the talk in Qatar being hosted by Norway and Turkey.


Trump alone did over 219+ strikes on Somalia alone. I would not say they weren't serious about it. And what would America getting "serious" look like? How many GBU bomb would they have to drop?
I believe the US made around 35,000 airstrikes against ISIS.
I believe the US made around 35,000 airstrikes against ISIS.
ISIS held a third of Syria and little less than half of Iraq. The air strikes from US and the Russians in Syria reflected that. At their peak, they were over running cities with 2 million people in it. Just their foreign fighters alone is more than Shabab combatants. The scope and size of that organization makes Shabab look like Rhode Island compared to California.

ISIS is a danger to multiple countries in ME while Shabab at best is a nuisance to Kenya.