Potential peace talk between fgs and shabaab in Doha hosted by Turkey & Norway

Where did I state that? :mjlol:
You don't have to state it to be against it that's obviously bait but your reactions to my comments and this strategy you are pushing makes me and others think you are 100% sympathise with AS just because they are from your clan.

If you are against bombing the hell out of Ceelbuur and Galhareeri then you are a Al-Shabaab sympathiser.
You don't have to state it to be against it that's obviously bait but your reactions to my comments and this strategy you are pushing makes me and others think you are 100% sympathise with AS just because they are from your clan.

If you are against bombing the hell out of Ceelbuur and Galhareeri then you are a Al-Shabaab sympathiser.

Blah blah blah:dead:


Those guys are the moderates of AS who willing to negotiate while the biggest extremist is Ali Dheere who is from your Murusade clan and doesn't want negotiations compromise.

The biggest hub of Al-Shabaab is in Ceelbuur which poses the biggest threat to the government in the capital city. Ceelbuur needs to be bombed to oblivion. And you are against bombing Ceelbuur because you are a Al-Shabaab sympathising qabiilist.
Those guys are the moderates of AS who willing to negotiate while the biggest extremist is Ali Dheere who is from your Murusade clan and doesn't want negotiations compromise.

The biggest hub of Al-Shabaab is in Ceelbuur which poses the biggest threat to the government in the capital city. Ceelbuur needs to be bombed to oblivion. And you are against bombing Ceelbuur because you are a Al-Shabaab sympathising qabiilist.
Man just labelled the “leaders” of shabaab as “moderate of Al Shabaab” :dead:

I advise you not to derail this thread. I have warned you. Don’t want to tag Admin so behave yourself.
Man just labelled the “leaders” of shabaab as “moderate of Al Shabaab” :dead:

I advise you not to derail this thread. I have warned you. Don’t want to tag Admin so behave yourself.
There are moderate leaders and hardcore extremist leaders.

Weak typically cowardly cop out from you hada maxaad rabta ina'ad dacweeysid coz you're getting your feelings hurt by facts!
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The govt knows where the alshaab camps are they just refuse to bomb tha camps. They only use surgical strikes to take out leader which is stupid. There will be civilian casualties of course but you just need to keep bombing them with no mercy. They need to bomb them so hard that it makes what happens in hargeisa look like a joke.
Bingo! Thanks Hilmaam. Prediction came true. I have another 2 predictions but I won’t reveal them yet. All I’m gonna say to my Somali brothers and sisters is that our future is bright :westbrookswag:
Bingo! Thanks Hilmaam. Prediction came true. I have another 2 predictions but I won’t reveal them yet. All I’m gonna say to my Somali brothers and sisters is that our future is bright :westbrookswag:
Damn sxb my day has been made with this. Thanks for posting this, and great job @Hilmaam for posting source. It’s reiterating what we already know, but now it’s not just Twitter buuq,
We’re in a damn limbo with these scum. We’re marginally winning against them, not overwhelmingly, it’s tit for tat. They’re the only thing holding the country back for 18 damn years. refuse peace so more Somalis can die? thousands have died since 2022 and they still hold 70% of south Somalia. 100x more Somalis would have to die to make the country AS free. and that’s just troops, not even including the millions of civilians they’re holding hostage in their controlled areas. African troops commit crimes against our people and our passport means nothing because we have terrorists. Peace would be a start to solving all of this.

I would agree with negotiating with them if they we're nationalist, but they aren't. They believe in "international jihad", many of their members are foreign psychos getting their first taste of blood in Somalia. How will a peace deal work with such freaks?

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
Sometimes you need to swallow a bitter pill, America accepted nazis into it's institution for advancements in all fields of science and tech, in our case it's peace.

A trapped rat is an even more dangerous opponent, the government has given them a way out, they could still be serving jail time and it's a chance for the government to cleanse this problem, I've lost friends and family to these cockroaches, but if peace can be achieved so future children don't have to suffer, I'm all for it.
There has to be some sort of trial for this people at minimum prison time, you can't negotiate with terrorists you have to put them down.

The somali government is more than capable but their heads are so far up their own asses that they can't see their political merryground politics is what allows AS to exploit a security vacuum and murder innocents.
There has to be some sort of trial for this people at minimum prison time, you can't negotiate with terrorists you have to put them down.

The somali government is more than capable but their heads are so far up their own asses that they can't see their political merryground politics is what allows AS to exploit a security vacuum and murder innocents.
You are out of touch with reality. Al shabab at the moment are stronger than FSG. There is a reason why everyone agree shabab will take over if foreign forces leave somalia

