Somali woman fears racist backlash from Lebanese society for marrying a leb man

Don’t worry after coming to her senses she’ll settle for a miskeen farah where she’ll never show him true love like how she shows to these Lebanese guy
Any faraax who marry a girl who moved to another country with no mahrams deserve what he gets.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
My Family and every Somali I have been around are all light skinned ,I keep forgetting there are actual proper dark skinned Somalis out there who are black passing and face lots of racism

@Kisame ik for a fact you are one of them


Plotting world domination
Don’t worry after coming to her senses she’ll settle for a miskeen farah where she’ll never show him true love like how she shows to these Lebanese guy

Any faraax who marry a girl who moved to another country with no mahrams deserve what he gets.
Y'all always bring up "miskeen" Farahs but your avg miskeen nigga either marries a local religious chick with no kids or a girl from back home.

These fantasies y'all make up aren't realistic. In fact if she had a mixed kid she would automatically be disqualified by most Somali men
Y'all always bring up "miskeen" Farahs but your avg miskeen nigga either marries a local religious chick with no kids or a girl from back home.
Nah, i lit kno a somali hijabi fob women who use to have a cadaan bf and today marrying a somali guy who is one of the saywallahi who moved back then came back recently. But tbh if he enjoys it lol idc
These fantasies y'all make up aren't realistic. In fact if she had a mixed kid she would automatically be disqualified by most Somali men
Na fob nkhas dont care they would and actually do marry ajnabi leftovers, youre confusing 2nd gen somalis who wouldn’t.

FOB nkhas see value in every somali women no matter their past they’ll wife it they share alot in common with white men. meanwhile us saywallahi grew up with middle eastern/asians n adopted their gheerah.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I agree with @Angelina

A lot of Somalis really don’t understand the Middle East and hyperventilate over every little thing. This reddit post is an example of a Somali that has heard way too much inaccurate info about the Middle East and is spiralling with some fictional dillemma.

Racism is a problem there but your passport or employment takes precedence. An Arab cares more about a Somali engineer than their unemployed cousin, that’s the harsh reality.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Shami Arabs in general are extremely racist. Only real exception I’ve seen to this is my niece family they’ve always been chill 🤷🏿‍♂️
Nothin to do with ”naive”. The guy want passport , the girls want lightskin kids. Match made in heaven.

IR only makes sense if ur a white women or a black liberal person marrying a western people who tend to be quite accepting if you are like them in terms of beliefs and behaviour.

100% the guys who move back home tend to be losers in most case, never seen a succesful immigrant kid move back home just the bums.

That contradict itself tho? How can u belief system that promotrs bein exclusive but then practise inclusivety bc of your culture??? I just think Somalis just like all black people are very welcoming to lighter shaded people, this is a thing in all cultures tbh.
Maybe you're right. What I meant is that our community has an open door policy. Just about anyone is welcome. If you frequent a Somali mosque, on occassions, you'll see non Somali imams/shaikh giving lecture. You'll never see a Somali or anyone else being allowed to do that in an Asian or Arab mosque, with the except of white imams because arabs and asians put cadaans on pedestal. Secondly, you'll see Somalis shopping at Arab/Asian stores/restaurants, but you won't see the reverse. You might be right about the claim of Africans in general being more welcoming. I wager it's because Africans suffer from a disease I call "having no pride".
Y'all always bring up "miskeen" Farahs but your avg miskeen nigga either marries a local religious chick with no kids or a girl from back home.

These fantasies y'all make up aren't realistic. In fact if she had a mixed kid she would automatically be disqualified by most Somali men
I’m speaking from experience I’ve seen this in real life
Western Xalimos 😂
Martin Lawrence Lol GIF by Martin
They are cooked


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Ceeebta that sub is mostly Christian’s btw 💀😭 Islam doesn’t equal Arab why do desi and some black Muslims beg Arabs so much?? You don’t see this with Turks & central Asian Muslims
Worse thing is Lebs aren’t even real Arabs this is like glazzing indigenous Mexican tribes for the colonization of Latin America 😅
This is so embarrassing to me. Not her considering marrying an ajanabi but her coming online to ask whether the Lebanese society will be racist and unaccepting of her and any future children.

I hate it when some Somalis adopt this victim mentality and give power to others especially when in this situation, she’s better off than many in Lebanon. Most whom are doing all they can to get out. It annoys my Somali sensibilities. If you have to worry about your children potentially not being accepted, why risk it?

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he’s also an American citizen she said it in one of the comments

